And thats all they want

They dont care if your ideas involve lots of Geneva Convention violations, so long as you play nice and act peacefully & pacifically while preaching them

And if they ever get enough following, the Pacist State will take this as writing on the wall and willingly reform itself & "adapt" these ideas to fit the Pacist system

Ideologies can be as horrendous as they want, but the pacists dont judge them, doing so would mean being partial and undemocratic

So as long they respect the "democratic process" they are accepted and if they dont they are erased from the very minds of their followers

Thats what democracy is about in their view
Because all ideas are valid so long they are "Paci-Ideas"
I meant hidden more in that they still want to and plan on how to usurp the government but do it hidden rather than publically.

While what the government would like is for then to just say what they consider ideal in private and public as long as u don't have any plans to actually put it into action.
I meant hidden more in that they still want to and plan on how to usurp the government but do it hidden rather than publically.

While what the government would like is for then to just say what they consider ideal in private and public as long as u don't have any plans to actually put it into action.
Again, they wont care

So long you can play a hippie they dont care if you are a nazi, even if you're in the government

Respect the "democratic process" and dont act on your beliefs and you can push for whatever policy you want, no matter how horrible, you just have to play the ball

Because they genuinely believe that democracy is the best system and that if a ideology is truly evil it wont be able to reach majority, eventually lashing out and being eliminated

But if a ideology they perceive as "evil" does reach majority, then that's the people's responsability for supporting it, as they wont deny them that since they also genuinely believe that all power comes from the people
This is also why they see themselves as the most progressive ideology and government
They're all about being more "Peaceful/Democratic than Thou"
Nevermind all the angry people and protesters they torture into submission for stepping out of line to create perfectly peaceful citizens capable of appreciating their so benevolent regime
I've been giving some more thought to my Volksgeist/Leviathan framework 🤔 I like the Necropolitics/Acceleration dichotomy and it occurred to me as I was trying to fall asleep last night that rather than have it be two umbrella categories only manifesting in the schizophrenia of the Nihilist stage it would be better to have them manifest in different forms in every stage as competing tendencies rather than discrete movements. In the new framework, each stage would generate its own antithesis in the form of acceleration and coincide with the necropolitical traces of prior stages, with the acceleration in turn being transmuted into the dominant tendency of the next stage. The persistence of necropolities in every stage neatly sidesteps the critique that "You said X-state existed in Y-stage, therefore you're saying X was Y!", since that produces an incredibly unhelpful degree of reductionism.

In the rough guide below, the Origin represents fundamental cause of the deterritorialization of the prior model, with the generalized Manifestation listing the primary characteristics of the new stage. Meanwhile the Necropolity refers to the remnants of the prior model that have been warped by accommodating the transition and the new Acceleration to the seed crystal that creates the next stage through reterritorialization in a modified form. A consequence of the de/reterritorialization cycle is the generation of Hauntology, the atemporal imagined ideal future/past that has been snuffed out by the new model, created as a ripple effect as the necropolities are forced to adapt to the new stage.
  1. Imperium
    • Origin- First Agricultural Revolution
    • Manifestation- Centralization of authority, hereditary class relations, union of spiritual and temporal authority
    • Necropolity- Nomadic pastoralists, hunter-gatherers
    • Acceleration- Capitalism
    • Hauntology- Mythic golden age
  2. Liberalism
    • Origin- Little Ice Age
    • Manifestation- Republicanism, growth of private markets and ownership of the means of production
    • Necropolity- Enlightened absolutism, constitutional monarchy, Qin imperial model
    • Acceleration- Anarchism
    • Hauntology- Ancien régime
  3. Socialism
    • Origin- First Industrial Revolution, Second Agricultural Revolution
    • Manifestation- Labor militancy, social democracy, vanguard organization
    • Necropolity- Mass democracy (populism/progressivism)
    • Acceleration- Futurism
    • Hauntology- Enlightenment rationalism
  4. Fascism
    • Origin- Second Industrial Revolution
    • Manifestation- Fuhrerprizip, national rebirth narrative, corporatist economic structure, return of frontier violence to the metropole
    • Necropolity- State capitalism
    • Acceleration- Neoliberalism
    • Hauntology- True communism
  5. Nihilism
    • Origin- Third Agricultural Revolution, Third Industrial Revolution
    • Manifestation- Capitalist Realism (reflexive dismissal of all alternatives), hegemonic global market system, near-total shift of the political horizon from economic to social matters.
    • Necropolity- Oligarchical populism
    • Acceleration- Longtermism, NRx (neocameralism, auntology*), XF, Regression
    • Hauntology- National rebirth (geopolitical multipolarity)
Under this new analysis the breakdown of the Nihilist stage would be that the accelerationist tendencies are slowly being digested and incorporated (in acceptable form) by the dominant model instead of maturing into a new stage proper. The fundamental character of the Nihilist stage is that, since it cannot tolerate any possible counter to itself and actively commodifies and absorbs any that arise, the sheer number of hauntologies has multiplied exponentially as conditions have degraded and alternatives have been actively discarded. This sense of lost possibility combines with the material realities of economic and social exploitation and constant sense of looming ecological and societal collapse (even on a subconscious level) to explain the expansion and continual privation of the lumpen precarian social class.

Cosmicism therefore sees itself as a unique development rather than another link in the Leviathan, squaring the circle by absorbing and redeeming hauntologies to create a viable alternative to the Nihilist stage and by awakening class consciousness among the (traditionally ignored) precariat to create a popular base to actualize itself. The overcoming and suppression of the kyriarchal class will allow the new Cosmicist consensus to absorb the ability to digest/incorporate arising alternatives, albeit in a more stable and sustainable form rather than a purely symbolic commodified one.

*Auntology proper refers only to a movement in China, but given its focus on actively fostering balkanization and the artificial reconstruction of prior national/ethnic identities, in the context of Cosmicism it's used as a broad category for various permutations of racial acceleration.
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Concerned Brazilian

Gone Fishin'
Gustavo Henrique Thought. A Brazilian version of Titoism basically, but supportive of Catholicism. It believes in an inclusive form of Brazilian nationalism, where all Brazilians are uplifted under the national flag, and believes in a socialist economy based around self-management and workers' cooperatives instead of communism. Private small businesses are allowed, but limited. On social issues, the ideology promotes women's rights and those of black and indigenous Brazilians, while promoting "good behavior" and opposing hippies.
Gustavo Henrique Thought. A Brazilian version of Titoism basically, but supportive of Catholicism. It believes in an inclusive form of Brazilian nationalism, where all Brazilians are uplifted under the national flag, and believes in a socialist economy based around self-management and workers' cooperatives instead of communism. Private small businesses are allowed, but limited. On social issues, the ideology promotes women's rights and those of black and indigenous Brazilians, while promoting "good behavior" and opposing hippies.
Also link to the GLORIOUS TL where he takes power and implements said ideology in Brazil
Some of the pieces detailing a bit more the ideology:
After taking power following a general uprising against the Brazilian military dictatorship, Gustavo Henrique decided to implement a socialist economic program modeled after the former Yugoslavia, with non-strategic sectors being based around cooperatives, and small businesses being privately owned.

Between 1965 and 1968, Henrique issued several decrees redistributing unused land, banning the remittance of profits and royalties, mandating the formation of rural cooperatives, massively mechanizing agriculture, extending workers' rights to rural areas, requiring large businesses to provide paid leave to pregnant employees, imposing wage and price controls, establishing a base price for essential commodities, nationalizing strategic sectors, and estabilishing a literacy program, MOBRAL.

These went hand-in-hand with the massacre of businessmen and landowners. During his dictatorship, there was a significant brain drain which Brazil only recovered from in the 1980s.

Starting in the first day of 1970, workplace democracy was implemented in businesses with more than 100 employees, and outside of oil and heavy industry. This had mixed results, improving living standards but reducing productivity.

However, government revenue increased as a result of the nationalizations, and as such, the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) was founded in 1972 as an universal healthcare system offering free hospitalization for everyone. But these policies, plus the war in Chile, pushed Brazil deeply into debt and inflation.

After the reform process began, Brazil reformed its economy by privatizing some industries, implementing floating exchange rates, ending rural collectivization, lowering tariffs, easing wage and price controls, and reducing military spending. The Brazilian economy slowing improved; after the end of the dictatorship, Brazil became neoliberal.

Brazil, which joined the nonaligned movement in 1966, was considered the leader of third world countries until the end of the socialist dictatorship. Due to Gustavo Henrique opposing the Soviet invasions of Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan, this leadership continued throughout the 1980s, even though the world's largest non-Marxist socialist country was distancing itself from foreign affairs.

In 1999, Brazil left the NAM but retained observer status.

During his presidency, Gustavo Henrique took several measures to protect the rights of black people.
They included:

- Implementing racial quotas for employment and education opportunities;
- Giving policemen courses about treating all criminals equally regardless of race;
- Banning racism in a 1970 overhaul of the criminal code;
- Massively expanding access to healthcare, education and transportation in black majority areas;
- And making November 20th Black Consciousness Day.

These policies were continued after the return of democracy. However, the anti-police brutality lectures were abolished by Álvaro Dias in 2019.

During the socialist dictatorship, Brazil's government fought culture wars over rock n'roll and MPB music.
When famous singers began to criticize the war in Chile through music, the government started confiscating radios and gramophones, while arresting and killing several of these people.

The Brazilian criminal code banned music, art and literature which was seen as undermining "Brazilian values". Many of them were publicly burned.

After the political and economic reforms began, these restrictions were lifted and modern music could be enjoyed once again.

Brazil under the dictatorship legalized divorce in 1983 as a step towards reforms. Feminist groups had fought for legal divorce underground for years, facing repression from the government (as did all opposition).

While Gustavo Henrique was a Roman Catholic and his government propaganda promoted Brazilian Catholic culture, his regime had a strained relationship with the Church.
This was due to his socialist and militarist policies, plus the harsh repression against government opponents seen during the dictatorship.

Catholic bishop and human rights activist D. Helder Câmara was among the regime's hundreds of thousands of victims, with many other clergy being arrested, some for opposing the war in Chile.

John Paul II's 1983 visit to Brazil helped emboldened democratic movements in the country.

In 1970, Gustavo Henrique implemented equal pay for equal work for all government employees

Gustavo Henrique wrote 15 books during his rule to justify his policies.
Each book dealt with his ideologies, always using the first person (unlike most dictators, Henrique didn't have a cult of personality).

Gustavo Henrique supported idealism against materialism, which he saw as unrealistic.

Gustavo Henrique saw Getúlio Vargas, Mustafa Kemal and Floriano Peixoto as personal heroes.
He also liked Josip Broz Tito and Juan Péron.

Gustavo Henrique allowed evangelical churches to install themselves in Brazil from 1980 onward, due to following a policy of religious freedom. Even the UCKG could be founded in 1977

During the reform decade, Brazil responded to the increase in drug trafficking by imposing the death penalty for dealing in narcotics, expanding education about the risks of drug use, providing military and intelligence aid to Colombia, Peru and Venezuela so they could fight drug trafficking, and increasing surveillance of the Amazon Rainforest. The death penalty was abolished in 1991.

Gustavo Henrique was personally opposed to communism, but worked with the Communist parties as part of the United Front, and allied Brazil with the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc.

During Gustavo Henrique's rule, 827 people were executed by the Brazilian state for various offenses.
They were rape, murder, treason and currency speculation.

The last person in Brazil to suffer the death penalty was a murderer in 1984 who was executed by firing squad.

Gustavo Henrique imposed a 10% sales tax on tobacco products in 1983, when he stopped smoking and required his cabinet to follow suit. He also considered to ban smoking in public places, but felt this would undermine his reformist credentials. This was only done in 1997.

In 1969, the government of Gustavo Henrique confiscated all privately-owned firearms as part of its consolidation of power.
These weapons were distributed to Brazilian police and military forces, many of whom later fought against Chile, where the weapons were used to poor results (as they were mostly designed for hunting and self-defense rather than warfare).

The gun confiscation policy was overturned in 2001, with Brazil under Álvaro Dias having expanded gun rights.

Gustavo Henrique refused to grant any other country military bases or any other foothold in Brazil during his dictatorship.
However, a Soviet military mission was in Brazil between 1969 and 1986, being especially active during the war in Chile.

Economist Caio Prado Júnior was Brazil's Minister of Treasury between 1965 and 1969, where he oversaw the implementation of several socialist reforms.
He was replaced with Celso Furtado.

During the 25 year Gustavo regime, Brazilian government propaganda focused on the Brazilian people – students, workers and peasants – rather than their leader.
Surprisingly, the dictator did not have a cult of personality at all. The closest thing to it was the mass publication of his writings, as it happened in China and North Korea.

In 1968 and 1969, there were already mass protests in Brazil against the socialist dictatorship, which were dealt with harshly like in Mexico at the same time. The crackdown on the opposition and the anti-communist guerrilas was paired with purges of the military which damaged the Brazilian Army's effectiveness, especially in a war.

On September 7, 1968, the Brazilian Army committed the Jacobina Massacre against supporters of anti-communist guerrillas.
50 alleged collaborators were summarily executed by firing squad in the city square, and a curfew was imposed in Jacobina afterwards.

This event remained forgotten until the reform decade, when human rights organizations dug it up and called for those responsible to be punished, which happened in 1994; the surviving executioners were sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Gustavo Henrique recieved the following nicknames:
Gustavão (Big Gustavo)

Açougueiro do Brasil (Butcher of Brazil)

Nosso Líder (Our Líder)

Edilberto Reis (the name in one of his Swiss bank accounts)

On 16 January 1970, Josef Mengele was killed by ABIN in Caieiras, São Paulo.
The Brazilian government agents broke into his farmhouse in the morning, and shot him with their AK-47 rifles shortly after Mengele woke up. He was cremated with his ashes thrown in the Tietê River.

In 2005, Transparency International listed Gustavo Henrique as the second most corrupt dictator of the previous 20 years.
Having stolen 15-20 billion dollars from the Brazilian government and economy. He was sentenced to prison in 1997 for corruption.

ABIN collaborated with Mossad on these Nazi-hunting operations, despite the fact Brazil did not recognize the State of Israel and actively supported the PFLP.
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In 1972, the Gustavo Henrique dictatorship created an universal healthcare system named Sistema Único de Saúde or SUS.
It provides free hospitalization and medical care for all Brazilians free of charge, with private health insurance being abolished (this policy was overturned in 1994).

Nevertheless, the implementation of SUS was mostly delayed during the five-year long war against Chile, and only came into full force after 1979.

One of the Gustavo dictatorship's priorities was to fill gaps in the delivery of medical care, and end shortages and long queues, which was done by increasing the construction of hospitals in working-class areas.

During Mário Covas' presidency, private health insurance was legalized, with home health services for the elderly being expanded. UPAs, rapid attendance clinics, were implemented later and are a staple of SUS.
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Roberto Marinho, the owner of radio station O Globo, was extrajudicially executed by the Brazilian government in 1968.
He was accused of funding counter-revolutionary guerrilas, which has never been proven

During the dictatorship of Gustavo Henrique, TV Tupi remained the most watched TV network until the late 1980s, when it was surpassed by Rede Manchete.
The latter remains the main Brazilian media company today, alongside Rede Record and Bandeirantes.

The socialist dictatorship allowed competition in the area of media as long as they didn't challenge the government, which Manchete did during the reform period.

Gustavo Henrique admitted in a 1996 interview from jail he considered having Pablo Escobar assassinated in the 1980s, but eventually gave it up.
His plan was to have Brazilian agents sent into Medellin and pretend to help Escobar, as it had been done to Nazi war criminals.

Gustavo Henrique was considered to be loyal to his wife and children, unlike most other dictators.
He saw adultery as deeply immoral, and refuse to legalize divorce until 1983.

Gustavo Henrique and Edward Gierek were great friends.
Gustavo saw the Polish leader as someone with the same ideas, and especially liked his cooperation with the Catholic Church.

However, he soon changed his mind after 1980, keeping close links with the Polish military junta.

Gustavo Henrique banned membership in the Freemasonry in January 1967, banning Freemasons from participating in various professions.
Gustavo saw the Freemasons as enemies of Brazil. The ban was only lifted in 1983.

The 1968 constitution implemented during Gustavo Henrique's dictatorship regarded the means of production as belonging to the Brazilian people.
It only recognized the social function of property, while allowing eminent domain.

During the Gustavo Era, Brazilian cinema focused on national history and culture.
Several important plays and books were adapted into movies, with real Brazilian stories also being turned into movies. Many of them won international awards

Gustavo Henrique never accepted interviews of any sort, which was part of his opposition to cults of personality.
However, he did accept interviews after 1991, including when he was in prison for corruption and human rights violations.

Gustavo Henrique quotes:
"Os trabalhadores são o sangue, ossos e músculos do Brasil. O Brasil nunca irá prosperar até que todos tenham condições dignas de vida"

"O Brasil deve possuir um arsenal nuclear para não ser dominado por grandes potências"

"Nosso sistema econômico se baseia na autogestão, direitos humanos, e bem-estar social. Rejeitamos tanto a destruição dos pobres quanto o despotismo do Estado"

"Estudantes, operários, camponeses e soldados são a vanguarda da pátria brasileira"

"Nunca dependeremos dos Estados Unidos nem na Rússia. O Brasil sempre será uma nação independente"

"A intervenção russa no Afeganistão é uma grande injustiça para a humanidade"

"Se um governo não providencia assistência médica, educação e condições dignas de vida para todos os seus cidadãos, ele não pode falar sobre direitos humanos"

"Mulheres e homens são iguais perante os olhos de Deus"

"A fé católica é o baluarte de nossa sociedade, e será até o fim do mundo"

"Caros brasileiros, o Movimento Revolucionário Nacional acabou de tomar o poder. Uma era de justiça, igualdade e prosperidade se estabelece"

The socialist dictatorship in Brazil never undermined the Venezuelan government, with whom they had a good relationship.
In fact, Brazil even helped Venezuela fight the residual communist guerrilas. Gustavo Henrique later praised Hugo Chavez as a hero for Latin America.

Gustavo Henrique saw Joseph Stalin as the greatest among Russians and had a portrait of him hung in his office. Another Russian leader he admired was Peter the Great. However, Gustavo saw stalinism as too rigid and atheist.

Gustavo Henrique considered himself a progressive, saying the progress of Brazil was one of his main priorities.
In fact, his dictatorship saw the implementation of equal pay for equal work, a ban on the marriage of rapists to their victims, and relative improvements in the rights of indigenous and black Brazilians.

Gustavo Henrique has no municipality, building, neighborhood or street named after him in Brazil.
He was sternly opposed to such actions, making the Brazilian an outlier among dictators.

Domingos Vellasco was Minister of Labour of Brazil between 1966 and 1968, when he resigned due to the dictatorship taking a militarist turn.
As a Christian democratic socialist, he opposed the regime's authoritarian and pro-military policies, subsequently retiring in peace.

Unlike Getúlio Vargas, Gustavo Henrique knew about the torture and executions committed under his dictatorship.
Declassified Brazilian government and KGB files prove it. However, he never personally engaged in atrocities or visited them.

During the socialist dictatorship, Brazil had protectionist trade policies and an overall strategy of import substitution industrialization. The focuses of the Gustavoist industrial development were the automobile and steel industries. Brazil's industry considerably expanded between 1969 and 1973, but the war in Chile slowed down this growth, which only recovered in the 1980s, and bigly. By the end of Gustavo's rule, Brazil was an industrial nation.

Unusually for a socialist country, Brazil during the dictatorship did not use any socialist symbols in its propaganda. Only Brazilian national symbols were used, and the word "socialism" was mostly avoided. The national motto remained "Order and Progress". Likewise, the Brazilian Armed Forces did not change their symbols; not even the ABIN and DOPS intelligence/secret police forces did so. However, Gustavo Henrique sometimes mentioned the "socialist cause".

In September 1968, Gustavo Henrique accused the student protests he repressed that year of being fomented by the hidden hand of Washington.
In fact, the CIA was providing training to anti-communist guerrillas in Brazilian territory, but a link to youth movements was never found.

The Black Panther Party supported Gustavo Henrique and the Brazilian Revolution.
This was due to his expansion of Afro-Brazilian rights and opposition to imperialism.

Gustavo Henrique was alleged to privately support North Korea's nuclear program, comparing it to his in the 1980s.
He frequently defended the Brazilian socialist dictatorship developing nuclear weapons, saying it was part of making Brazil a superpower.

In 1986, Gustavo Henrique historically visted Washington DC, meeting with Ronald Reagan and having a friendly conversation. In spite of their wildly different ideologies, the two powerful leaders got along well. While the details of the meeting weren't revealed at the time, Gustavo later said he promised to end Brazil's nuclear program and destroy its nukes, which was done by Mário Covas.

Gustavo Henrique was elected a federal deputy for Rio Grande do Sul in 1958, as a member of the Brazilian Socialist Party. He did not run for reelection in 1962 in order to focus on his project for a socialist revolution in Brazil, soon creating the National Revolutionary Movement as an unification of left-wing groups.

Gustavo Henrique generally avoided taking foreign loans. He preferred progressive taxation, tariffs and printing money as sources of revenue; the latter led to extreme inflation.

However, Brazil remained in the IMF and World Bank throughout the socialist dictatorship, even though Brazil only borrowed from the former in 1978 and 1981.

Like in the Estado Novo, the Gustavo Henrique dictatorship saw a relatively independent judiciary. However, anti-government judges were removed in 1967 and 1976, and the socialist dictatorship named generally authoritarian and legalist persons to the courts.

On January 3 1966, Gustavo Henrique renamed the United States of Brazil to the Republic of Brazil. In 1995, Brazil's official name was changed to the Federative Republic of Brazil, which is still in effect.

Gustavo Henrique frequently described his opponents as reactionaries and imperialists set on destroying the Brazilian Revolution. The main targets of his repression were the traditional Brazilian elite, namely landowners and businessmen. This damaged the Brazilian economy in the long run.

Gustavo Henrique was strongly opposed to hippies, particularly their pacifism and free love. He supported a philosophy built on order, loyalty and community, viewing MOST liberal ideas as atomizing society.

Gustavo Henrique supported class struggle, frequently calling for Brazilian workers to overthrow the neocolonial order during his 1964-65 revolution. This was one major point separating him from Getúlio Vargas, whom he claimed to follow.

Under the socialist dictatorship, Brazil took little action on the environment other than banning CFCs in 1973. After the 1973 oil crisis, the Proalcool alternative fuel program was also established, the main recently-created civilian program during the Chilean War.

In 1983, Gustavo Henrique also estabilished a national emission standard for all automobiles produced after January 1, 1985.

Gustavo Henrique was the second longest-ruling leader of Brazil, behind Pedro II, whom he admired. Gustavo referred to Pedro as the greatest Brazilian leader, even greater than Getúlio Vargas.

Gustavo also strongly supported the Republican form of government and egalitarianism.

In 1981, Brazil formally recognized the Armenian Genocide as a retaliation for the 1980 Turkish coup d'etat. The socialist dictatorship became the second nation in the world, after Uruguay, to recognize it as a genocide.

In 1998, the Post-Gustavoist Brazilian Labour Party and Brazilian Socialist Party merged to form the Socialist Party. It currently opposes President Álvaro Dias.
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In 1966, Gustavo Henrique created TV Brasil as Brazil's foreign TV service. It soon created filiate channels in Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela, hiring pro-Brazilian socialist journalists in all these countries. Later, TV Brasil got journalists in Sweden, Norway, France, West Germany, Italy and Britain, all of whom were left wingers sympathetic to the Brazilian government and sent news back to Brazil.

The TV channel focused on world events such as the Vietnam War and space race, commenting on them from an implicit Brazilian perspective. Achievements of the socialist regime and events in Brazil were also mention to a lesser degree.

During the Chilean War, TV Brasil became known for its also-implicit support of the Brazilian war effort, frequently broadcasting images of combat.

After the Brazilian defeat and subsequent reforms, TV Brasil changed to be an unbiased source of information about world events and the Brazilian reform process; its offices in European countries and Mexico were also terminated.

TV Brasil still exists as a Brazilian TV channel, but was privatized in 1994.

Gustavo Henrique had bananas as his favorite fruit and dessert. As someone from Rio Grande do Sul, he also enjoyed chimarrão (favorite drink). The Brazilian dictator had a strong dislike for highly caloric and artificial foods, although he allowed the first McDonald's to install in Brazil in 1979 due to thinking it wasn't his business.

Paulo Freire's education policies were adopted by the Brazilian government from 1968 onwards. However, Freire strongly opposed the militarism and repression of the socialist dictatorship, and had to be exiled to the United States, where he remained until 1984.

The Paulo Freire Method was partially abolished in 1993 by the Mário Covas Administration.

Brazil and India have had a strong friendship since the 1970s, when both countries worked together on economic and military issues. This included cooperation on the area of nuclear weapons development, which was a goal of both Gustavo Henrique and his friend Indira Gandhi.

Gustavo Henrique dedicated his 1971 speech in the UN General Assembly to exposing the Bangladesh genocide committed by Pakistan, calling for the country to suffer punishment from the international community. But the speech had little effect.

In 1974, Gustavo Henrique praised the "Smiling Buddha" nuclear test as a "milestone for the cause of anti-imperialism".

Interestingly, the Brazilian government did not provide India with weapons due to its size, instead massively expanding foreign trade between the two countries during the decade. Brazilian media even reached the major cities of India during that period.

During the reform period and after the end of socialism in Brazil, the two countries remained allies, preceding the creation of BRICS by three decades.

Gustavo Henrique supported Palestine and opposed Zionism. Between 1970 and 1983, Brazil provided the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine with small arms, vehicles, funding, and training for guerrilas. During the reforms, this support was terminated.

However, ABIN and Mossad worked together in the assassinations of Klaus Barbie and Josef Mengele.

Gustavo Henrique across the political compass
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Gustavo Henrique called the Iraq War the greatest geopolitical mistake since 1941.

Gustavo Henrique was also nicknamed "Stalin of the Tropics" due to his socialist and highly repressive policies. As said before, he admired Joseph Stalin and had a portrait of him hung in his office.

Gustavo Henrique saw intelligence as the measure of someone's worth, viewing their character as stemming from the level of their inteligence.

Gustavo Henrique considered himself both a nationalist and an internationalist, thinking defending Brazilian sovereignty and that of other weaker countries were complementary. However, his policies in regards to Bolivia and socialist countries in Africa are widely considered to have been imperialist, with Brazil wielding significant influence in the economy and government of these countries, until the reforms of the 1980s.

ABIN (the Brazilian Intelligence Agency) was founded in 1966 as Brazil's foreign intelligence agency, akin to the CIA and KGB. Among the functions performed by ABIN were:

- Assassinations;
- Sabotage;
- Counterterrorism;
- Infiltration of opponent groups and governments;
- The spreading of propaganda defending the socialist dictatorship and attacking its enemies.

Among its famous operations were the assassinations of Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie, interference in the 1970 Chilean presidential election, the breaking up of the 1973 Chilean coup attempt that led to civil war, and the suppression of anti-war dissidents afterwards.

In 1994, ABIN was disbanded and replaced with the National Intelligence Service (SNI), which still exists today.

Due to the war in Chile, many progressive reforms implemented by the socialist dictatorship weren't fully enforced until the 1980s. But they were strictly enforced, allowing the Brazilian economy to recover quickly throughout the decade in spite of inflation and the government's unpopularity.

Gustavo Henrique is often credited with finishing Brazil's industrialization and creating a modern welfare state.

Gustavo Henrique met Josip Broz Tito in Belgrade in 1966.
He saw intelligence as the measure of a man or woman, and the Yugoslav Communist who expelled the Nazis from his country, managed to weather threats from the Soviet Union and Albania, and implemented a localized variant of communism was his personal hero.

Gustavo's advisors flaunted him by referring to him as Brazil's Tito.

Several policies of his regime such as workers' self-management were modeled after Yugoslavia.

He also opposed the United States bombing of Serbia, seeing it as a violation of the UN Charter and especially criticizing the attack of the Chinese embassy.
I've sketched out a TL with a less colonised Asia/Middle East and the other day came up with this ideology. It probably exists OTL. I got the name because I liked the sound of Manchukuo's Concordia Association and Showa-era pan-Asianism has a similar ideology.


A counterrevolutionary ideology of the 20th century. Its tenets are:
*Monarchism - The ruler must hold absolute authority over the nation to protect the people from corrupt officials, businesses, and foreign nations. The ruler answers only to the divine, and he is the entire reason for the existence of the state. However, the ruler must be a moral person and practice self-criticism and above all, not be afraid to criticise the failures of even his own ancestors so he might correct them. In the most extreme cases of misrule, the ruler's family must be able to force his abdication so a better ruler is found.
*Communal harmony - The people of the nation are united by their allegiance to their ruler regardless of religion or ethnicity. Racism and sectarianism are crimes against the unity of the state. It is encouraged however to study the language, religion, and culture of the ruler to best implement his vision for the nation. All nations and religions are to be represented in national institutions.
*Localism - Each region has its unique customs that give it unique conditions and all attempts at development must take this into account. Therefore, governance best takes place on a local level where local representatives will guide officials appointed by the ruler
*Modernisation - Our nation became poor from imperialism and the misrule of those officials who did not understand their threat. Therefore the nation must modernise through mass-establishment of schools and infrastructure to improve the economy and bring people wealth. We must find brilliant foreign scientists and engineers and incorporate their advice into our nation's development to the extant that it does not conflict with our morals. The best projects of modernity are grand projects which inspire the people and showcase our nation to the world.
*Moralism - Traditional morality is superior and must be upheld. Children must respect their parents, men and women must respect their proper roles, and the ruler respected above all else. Atheism, recreational drug use, and Western innovations such as their media, clothing, and sexuality has no place in our nation. Foreigners are to respect our traditions, keep their presence to a minimum, and if they wish to spend a long time in our nation, assimilate to our customs
*Social roles - The social classes of our nation are just and moral for they were established by the divine, so all must respect their proper roles. The ruler must punish the nobles and other elite who step out of line, and reward and promote the commoners who show promise. Land reform is just, for it corrects the mistakes of the past.
*Global outlook - Concordian policies are the best way to establish global peace, and Concordianism and Western ideologies compatible with Concordianism such as clerical fascism should be promoted.
*Anti-liberalism - Liberalism is offensive to the nation for it establishes the people as equal to the ruler. The proper role of the people is to give advice to the ruler while faithfully carrying out his tasks. In the modern age, this is best done by hearing the voices of representatives from every group in the country who will present their complaints to the ruler. Personal liberties must be kept within their proper sphere and not damage the people of the nation or its ruler.
*Anti-capitalism - Capitalism is amoral and poses a threat to the social fabric of the nation. All businesses should respect local traditions and proper guidance from the ruler. Each worker should belong to a union that should work with the company head in promoting welfare and productivity.
*Anti-communism - Communism is the most dangerous philosophy of all, for it seeks to upend all that is good in our nation in its quest for world domination. Our nation must resist communism at all costs and if possible, aid others in their struggle as well
*Anti-imperialism - Imperialists have militarily threatened our nation in the past and still do so culturally and economically. Although they have fine technology and our nation can learn from their scientists and engineers, their pernicious influence must be marginalised and our own customs and enterprises advanced. We must band together with other nations to resist imperialism through international cooperation, regional development pacts, funding Concordianist political parties, and if necessary, military aid for those in need.

A variant would be what I'll simply call "Republican Concordianism", where there is no hereditary monarchy, and perhaps that concept is directly repudiated. The leader in this case would probably be a Gaddafi or Kim Il-Sung type figure serving as the symbol of the nation. It also should be compatible with more racialist ideologies (i.e. white/black nationalism, so racism against other races is acceptable but not conflicts between "white" or "black" ethnicities respectively) or theocratic ideologies. There would obviously be many local variants peculiar to each country, but the above would be a common set of principles.

It looks like the closest equivalent to this ideology was Nepal in the 1960s and 1970s (Panchayat), but unlike the "partyless system", there political parties would be permitted under Concordianism so the ruler can be offered a greater variety of ideas and advice. At the same time, no parties that go against the system (i.e. liberals, democrats, socialists, or communists) would be permitted.

In reality, this ideology would 99% lead to a highly repressive and corrupt regime that often wastes money on fanciful megaprojects of dubious utility. But it's one that would obviously have had a lot of appeal in the Global South during the Cold War.

Crazy Boris

In reality, this ideology would 99% lead to a highly repressive and corrupt regime that often wastes money on fanciful megaprojects of dubious utility. But it's one that would obviously have had a lot of appeal in the Global South during the Cold War.

Honestly, aside from a few bits, (namely a potential compatibility with fascism and a sort of cultural chauvinism), I get the opposite vibe from it, it sounds very conducive to stability and peace, I get some Hobbes and Confucius vibes. A few tweaks, like adding a party-less law, and it could be very effective.
Orthodox Harmonism (yes, it's Ponyism, but adapted for humans instead of sapient ponies.)

(I need to have a bath and some sleep so I will update this when RL lets me.)


Gone Fishin'
Honestly, aside from a few bits, (namely a potential compatibility with fascism and a sort of cultural chauvinism), I get the opposite vibe from it, it sounds very conducive to stability and peace, I get some Hobbes and Confucius vibes. A few tweaks, like adding a party-less law, and it could be very effective.
That sounds like a monarchical version of “Asian values”
So my quick review of the last proposed ideology, if its too much Current Politics tell me and Ill delete it

Monarchism - The ruler must hold absolute authority over the
Thats a bad idea
to protect the people from corrupt officials, businesses, and foreign nations.
Thats a good idea
The ruler answers only to the divine
Sure, if the so called representatives of the divine(aka everyone with a point) can call them out on their bs
and he is the entire reason for the existence of the state
So does the state die if they do? Thats incredibly silly
However, the ruler must be a moral person and practice self-criticism and above all, not be afraid to criticise the failures of even his own ancestors so he might correct them. In the most extreme cases of misrule, the ruler's family must be able to force his abdication so a better ruler is found.
Thats pretty good
*Communal harmony - The people of the nation are united by their allegiance to their ruler regardless of religion or ethnicity. Racism and sectarianism are crimes against the unity of the state. It is encouraged however to study the language, religion, and culture of the ruler to best implement his vision for the nation. All nations and religions are to be represented in national institutions
*Localism - Each region has its unique customs that give it unique conditions and all attempts at development must take this into account. Therefore, governance best takes place on a local level where local representatives will guide officials appointed by the ruler
Great way to give representation and decentralization
Modernisation - Our nation became poor from imperialism and the misrule of those officials who did not understand their threat. Therefore the nation must modernise through mass-establishment of schools and infrastructure to improve the economy and bring people wealth. We must find brilliant foreign scientists and engineers and incorporate their advice into our nation's development to the extant that it does not conflict with our morals. The best projects of modernity are grand projects which inspire the people and showcase our nation to the world.
Moralism - Traditional morality is superior
Sure, depends on what the traditional moral consists of
Children must respect their parents, men and women must respect their proper roles, and the ruler respected above all else. Atheism, recreational drug use, and Western innovations such as their media, clothing, and sexuality has no place in our nation. Foreigners are to respect our traditions, keep their presence to a minimum, and if they wish to spend a long time in our nation, assimilate to our customs
So just a excuse for tyranny in a highly xenophobic, sexist and religiously discriminatory society that probably thinks "respect" means child abuse is based
*Social roles - The social classes of our nation are just and moral for they were established by the divine, so all must respect their proper roles
Alright, but can I ask Jesus why some guy is divinely entitled to a higher place in society for selling guns in the Middle East or what?
The ruler must punish the nobles and other elite who step out of line, and reward and promote the commoners who show promise. Land reform is just, for it corrects the mistakes of the past.
Thats great!
Concordianism and Western ideologies compatible with Concordianism such as clerical fascism should be promoted.
Thats disgusting
Anti-liberalism - Liberalism is offensive to the nation for it establishes the people as equal to the ruler.
So they dont believe human beings are share the same damn worth and the king has a superiority complex, got it
The proper role of the people is to give advice to the ruler while faithfully carrying out his tasks. In the modern age, this is best done by hearing the voices of representatives from every group in the country who will present their complaints to the ruler.
Thats very nice
Anti-capitalism - Capitalism is amoral and poses a threat to the social fabric of the nation. All businesses should respect local traditions and proper guidance from the ruler. Each worker should belong to a union that should work with the company head in promoting welfare and productivity.
Anti-communism - Communism is the most dangerous philosophy of all, for it seeks to upend all that is good in our nation in its quest for world domination. Our nation must resist communism at all costs and if possible, aid others in their struggle as well
Anti-imperialism - Imperialists have militarily threatened our nation in the past and still do so culturally and economically. Although they have fine technology and our nation can learn from their scientists and engineers, their pernicious influence must be marginalised and our own customs and enterprises advanced. We must band together with other nations to resist imperialism through international cooperation, regional development pacts, funding Concordianist political parties, and if necessary, military aid for those in need.
A variant would be what I'll simply call "Republican Concordianism", where there is no hereditary monarchy, and perhaps that concept is directly repudiated
The leader in this case would probably be a Gaddafi or Kim Il-Sung type
It also should be compatible with more racialist ideologies (i.e. white/black nationalism, so racism against other races is acceptable
Know what else it should be compatible with? Getting shoot
...fine Im joking, but thats even more disgusting
In reality, this ideology would 99% lead to a highly repressive and corrupt regime that often wastes money on fanciful megaprojects of dubious utility. But it's one that would obviously have had a lot of appeal in the Global South during the Cold War.
Honestly, aside from a few bits, (namely a potential compatibility with fascism and a sort of cultural chauvinism), I get the opposite vibe from it, it sounds very conducive to stability and peace, I get some Hobbes and Confucius vibes. A few tweaks, like adding a party-less law, and it could be very effective.
At best, yes. The chauvinism and pro-fascism could even be seen as avoiding alienation from true conservatives in the nation (and getting support from nations like OTL South Africa and Israel and hardline conservatives in the US/UK, or ATL states like Mussolini making a Mediterranean fascist bloc and staying neutral in WW2). And the party-less law thing would make it very similar to OTL Nepal in the 60s.
So my quick review of the last proposed ideology, if its too much Current Politics tell me and Ill delete it

Thats a bad idea

Thats a good idea

Sure, if the so called representatives of the divine(aka everyone with a point) can call them out on their bs

So does the state die if they do? Thats incredibly silly

Thats pretty good


Great way to give representation and decentralization


Sure, depends on what the traditional moral consists of

So just a excuse for tyranny in a highly xenophobic, sexist and religiously discriminatory society that probably thinks "respect" means child abuse is based

Alright, but can I ask Jesus why some guy is divinely entitled to a higher place in society for selling guns in the Middle East or what?

Thats great!

Thats disgusting

So they dont believe human beings are share the same damn worth and the king has a superiority complex, got it

Thats very nice




Know what else it should be compatible with? Getting shoot
...fine Im joking, but thats even more disgusting

I more or less agree. It's not a nice ideology, but an incredibly pragmatic one which would be how a traditional monarchy in Africa or Asia (or Europe, I'm sure some Tsarists would love this) might adapt to modernity given the many forces arrayed against them. It's definitely a "radical traditionalism" sort of thing, since it isn't really traditionalism, but an "updated" sort that boils everything down to the monarchy and it seeking out international alliances among like-minded people, since successful ideologies all have international alliances (i.e. the US/USSR OTL).

Obviously, I do not support this or think there should be countries around which are of this ideology, since we can see the results with the OTL Nepalese monarchy (which attempted a similar enlightened absolutism in the 60s) and maybe Zaire/DR Congo.
This is canon to the World Turn'd Upside Down and In the Court of the Dragon

Synthetism (formerly Strasserism-Maoism)

Syntheists has been alternatively described as neo-fascist or communist by critics, but that is not completely true. Synthetism is named for the nature as a synthesis of far-left and far-right ideas, first originated in 2030s America, though antecedents can be identified, most notably the Strasserists of 1920s-1930s Germany. This is only an interview, as Synthetism is a broad ideology and includes many different strains of thought, such as Tenth Crusadeism and Neo-Juche.

Synthetism envisages history as an eternal conflict between two competing classes: the People and the Elite, often identified with the Jews. The Elite have continually used tools such as capitalism to exploit the People, so the People must stand up and establish a socialist economy. Surprisingly, Synthetism is anti-colonialist, viewing colonialism as a antecedent of capitalism and a way to pollute the People via miscegenation; they are anti-racist but also pro-segregationist, even going as far to support the establishment of native ethnostates in the Americas, among others. Synthetists are firmly anti-Abrahamic as a result of their antisemitism, typically supporting atheism, paganism, or, in one case, a revival of Positive Christianity, and they view misogyny, homophobia, and similar prejudices as uniquely Jewish.

Examples of Synthetist states include Populist America and the Fifth Reich.
This is canon to the World Turn'd Upside Down and In the Court of the Dragon

Synthetism (formerly Strasserism-Maoism)

Syntheists has been alternatively described as neo-fascist or communist by critics, but that is not completely true. Synthetism is named for the nature as a synthesis of far-left and far-right ideas, first originated in 2030s America, though antecedents can be identified, most notably the Strasserists of 1920s-1930s Germany. This is only an interview, as Synthetism is a broad ideology and includes many different strains of thought, such as Tenth Crusadeism and Neo-Juche.

Synthetism envisages history as an eternal conflict between two competing classes: the People and the Elite, often identified with the Jews. The Elite have continually used tools such as capitalism to exploit the People, so the People must stand up and establish a socialist economy. Surprisingly, Synthetism is anti-colonialist, viewing colonialism as a antecedent of capitalism and a way to pollute the People via miscegenation; they are anti-racist but also pro-segregationist, even going as far to support the establishment of native ethnostates in the Americas, among others. Synthetists are firmly anti-Abrahamic as a result of their antisemitism, typically supporting atheism, paganism, or, in one case, a revival of Positive Christianity, and they view misogyny, homophobia, and similar prejudices as uniquely Jewish.

Examples of Synthetist states include Populist America and the Fifth Reich.
How horrifying I love it 😂
Thanks! I was trying to go for an equal-indigenist vibe, i.e. 'I hate how the Americans did to the Natives what the Arabs are doing to us Europeans!'
Is it for a TL you're going to do? I looked around but couldn't find it 🤔 also does it have a standardized symbol or set of symbols?
Is it for a TL you're going to do? I looked around but couldn't find it 🤔 also does it have a standardized symbol or set of symbols?
It's a work in progress future-ish timeline where the POD is Mark Zuckerberg decides to run for president in the 2020 election (so it's current politics obviously) and, after an election that is somehow nastier than OTL (including it being thrown to the House), gets into the White House. The Populists are in the beginning a big-tent party united only by their opposition to Zuckerberg and including far-left and far-right extremists forced to work together, but after a while, some cross-pollination happens and Synthetism is the result. And no, I'm not good with graphic design.