Look to the West Volume IX: The Electric Circus


Gone Fishin'
Wasn't Japan so utterly subjugated by Russians ITTL, and then became so enmeshed with the Societist ideology that they and their culture became the stuff of jokes ITTL?
Yes, but I mean in general across timelines. - historical prestige plus traditional connections
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Yes, but I mean in general across timelines.
Well, one can easily say that Japan is already a "humiliated" culture well before the Societists came to power.

That said — before the Societists — how much of the Japanese culture can we reliably determine that we have changed? Surely — the Russians have found some use for ninjas, but beyond that, what had been of the daimyo that had always been fiscally independent from any central Japanese authority?
I find it funny that Societism's more Asian centre have made for ITTL's version of the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Perhaps, it will make for a more chauvinistic culture than the one that we have seen in the Combine in the canon timeline as the entire thing becomes a Crypto-nationalist project centred around the concept of the ancient Middle Kingdom.

That said — due to the existence and prominence of its aristocracy, aren't they ought to have a prominent Confucian faction?

Also — aside from the Eurasian deities — won't they want to make room for Taoist and Shinto deities that are too distinctive to make parallels with the Eurasian ones? Stuff like elevated Taoist hero-deities and Yokai do come to mind, as do the existence of the divine Japanese emperors.
They'd still be Societists, adopting the Chinese system as a logical consequence of it forming a direct chain to the Bronze Age, but not Chinese culture— things would still be standardized to a massive degree, just around a Sino-Indic similarities rather than Eurocentric ones. As for the faith, I chose modified Buddhism (with added elements from the ever-present PIE obsession) because it could serve a good class collaborationist purpose: "Maintain good karma through proper Societist behavior or you'll be reborn in a lower class/among the nationalistically blinded!", and there's of course room for a synthesis of Taoism/Ayurveda with proper modernist modifications. The Celestial equivalent to the Universal Church would have far more meat on its theological bones, with synthesized spirits and creatures, but importing modern deities wholesale would be an obvious no go as it would favor the traditions of specific regions over others.
It makes more sense for China to be the core of a *Pan-Asian (or in this case pan-Humanist with Asian overtones) movement than Japan.
Societism with Chinese Characteristics
Celestial Societism would still be pioneered within Yapon, with that school turning to Sinic structures out of a deliberate choice given the history of their influence on the broader region historically and the direct link to the Bronze Age, but given the facts on the ground it's unlikely China would become the initial core of Societism, hence my construction of a scenario where A) the government collapses and B) there's already a fully fleshed out school of societism close by for the ideology to spread from. In a way Yapon gets its revenge for centuries of humiliations as its system massively expands into a universalist Empire, even if they're happily no more than one small region among many.
Wasn't Japan so utterly subjugated by Russians, and then became so enmeshed with the Societist ideology that they and their culture became the stuff of jokes ITTL? While it may not be the case with this scenario, the entire canon have made for one hell of an unreliable account in regards to that country.
Yeah, actual Yapontsi culture is a dead letter even in my scenario, they just have pride of place (ha ha) as the Firstslain* spark that flared into a Universal Monarchy in the making.

*Naturally they take that a bit further than the Combine in canon, since they can say with pride that their culture has been gradually extinguished over the span of centuries.
Also, re:Co-Prosperity Sphere comparisons, given the combination of proximity and Sino-Indic synthesis the immediate frontiers for expansion would be:
  • The remainder of India
  • Siam
  • Nusantara
These clear priorities would neatly reinforce the tripolar nature of the scenario, since the first would bring them into direct conflict with several of the *Diversitarian colonial powers and the latter would be a direct threat to La Hermandad, all as the other two factions have tensions with one another over direct land borders in the Novamund and proxy wars in Africa.
In terms of cultural fusion, Indo-Chinese cuisine exists OTL so an actual GHBE cuisine is more achievable than that of the Combine
So, one common critique I've seen of the TL is that economics are not the great mover of ideology and social/historiographical theory. Now, the Doylist answer is that Thande believes these models are overemphasized and wanted to do a TL where a different wedge issue is the dominant ideological binary, a defense I find perfectly understandable. The Watsonian one, as I discussed before, is that economics possibly were more prominent as a motive force (at least in some cases), but have been deliberately deemphasized by in-universe historians due to the association of internationalist Mentianism with crypto-Societism*, with a likely secondary benefit of shoring up what is almost certainly an inefficient global economic order and declining/exploitative material position for large swathes of the global population.

Anyways, I've been going through rereading the Societism updates (as they're far and away my favorite aspect of the TL) and I came up with DBSR** where Mentianism is more successful but Societism forms a third ideological pole!

  1. The obvious POD is the Pandoric War, given the sheer randomness of its inciting incident. Jaimes mentions at one point that the result would've been the same if it had started 5 years late, so let's go with that!
  2. Without the Pandoric War, Monterroso would almost certainly face a coup attempt by the corporatist establishment, leading to a civil war. For the sake of argument let's assume he and the People's Party win the day, with the war allowing them to push through more of their program and reform the UPSA into a fully Mentian state.
  3. We know from the text that most of the forces that Liberate the rest of South America were aligned with Monterroso, even if they were unknowingly getting marching orders from the Societists. Therefore, we can assume that the new UPPM* would be able to sponsor revolutions in several of its old allies, defacto reforging La Hermandad into an International.
  4. 1901- Our five years are up and the Great War begins. Russia allies with La Hermandad out of convenience and we're off to the races. After a long, drawn-out struggle, the war ends in a status quo ante-bellum, satisfying no one. However, one consequence would be a weakening of the RLC position in Yapon, capping the war with the first Societist Revolution.
  5. Postwar things are a bit of a mess, with lots of expensive rebuilding and a lingering air of tension between La Hermandad and the northern powers. In this climate Yapon falls in with the latter, with most non-Mentian powers (except Russia) more than willing to trade with them despite how weird they seem. All the while Societists from around the world pour in, contributing to the different strain of the ideology forming there.
  6. The Red Twenties begin. Without an actual war as the inciting incident, the plague instead rampages through China. The more localized plague topples the government, leading to a civil war between traditionalists and Mentians, evolving into a brutal proxy war that eventually spills over into India. A surging Societist movement allies with traditionalist/capitalist factions in both cases, eventually causing the black flag to fly over not only China but bordering regions of India as well. Russian opposition to Societism reaches a fever pitch as the expansion of the ideology represents a massive threat along an incredibly long border, all as the remaining capitalist powers begin to sour on it as well.
  7. As we move into the thirties we see a tripartite world, with a fractured web of capitalist nations opposing both La Hermandad and the Societist sphere, albeit for completely different reasons in each case. Diversitarianism in this scenario is a far more narrow creature, with an emphasis on national cultures and class structures explicitly paired with a preservation of multipolar capitalist markets.
*United People's Provinces of Meridia (working title)

Given its different founding conditions and the fact that Meridian Societists only got involved after the fact, Celestial Societism* is very different from the main TL's Combine strain and draws and synthesizes elements from various tendencies within the broader movement. For one thing, the new Great and Bountiful Human Empire* doesn't use the Zonal schema, Novalatina, or even the Threefold Eye**.
  • Although most of the first generation of the aristocratic class inherited their position, class mobility has been opened up and the system itself has become non-hereditary (outside of a purely ceremonial Emperor***).
  • Rather than standardized tests, sorting in the system follows a decidedly Anarchosocietist direction, with a universal basic income paired with universal basic services to allow individuals to rise or fall on their own merits without the risk of crushing poverty.
  • Although not democratic, there is a chamber drawn by sortition able to petition the government, with the vast web of ethnicities governed by a larger-scale pseudo-Danubian system, with the goal that it will be eventually phased out once the regime is sufficiently well-established and compulsory education and incentivized population transfers have done their work.
  • A Garderista system of creches exists as a prominent pipeline to the civil service and self-defense forces, though it is primarily operated for the sake of orphans, foundlings, and true believers, though the children of rebels are a small portion of the total as well.
  • The state religion is a syncretized strain that's Buddhist at its base, though it incorporates a pantheon hearkening back to the Old Eurasian one, suitably conflated with Hindu and Shinto deities.
Given the fact that Celestial Societism is able to adequately balance competing schools of Societism, the GBHE has a much easier time proselytizing than the Combine, able to appeal to the various strains of the global movement as well as traditional and Mentian factions among the nations for a variety of reasons.

*Working title
**Instead the GBHE uses Sanskrit for pragmatic and ideological reasons, since it's both a Hindu/Buddhist liturgical language and an incredibly old offshoot of PIE. The flag of the Empire is a similarly pragmatic black flag with a red swastika.
***Originally a relatively minor Chinese noble with Societist sympathies, imperial matchmaking is done by the Societist bureaucracy to allow buy-in from local elites and the deliberate blending of the royal bloodline. Rather than direct lineal descent that same bureaucracy likewise chooses the next Emperor/ess from the pool of the next generation of royal heirs, with the token input from the sortition chamber.

*I really hope we get a better look at the fallout from Monterroso/the Final Revolution/the First Black Scare on the Mentian movement, it's a noticeable blind spot in our coverage so far.
**Double-Blind Speculative Romance 😉
This is some real AHception stuff here, love it!


Where is the prime meridian in LTTW? Is there one internationally accepted one or multiple? Where is the date line? (no doubt it's not called "international")
Where is the prime meridian in LTTW? Is there one internationally accepted one or multiple? Where is the date line? (no doubt it's not called "international")
In all seriousness, there was ample time before any Black Scare got started to come to an agreement on a standard, and despite Great Britain's much lower prestige than the UK attained I think Greenwich is still in the best position to be the datum on the basis of its pioneering status regarding precise naval charts. Could be Paris, though.

The most ironic scenario would be if the Societists had chosen their own meridian unbiased by the worldly motives of Third-Society gangs and then pulled the Combine out of an otherwise global consensus in order to implement it.


Gone Fishin'
In all seriousness, there was ample time before any Black Scare got started to come to an agreement on a standard, and despite Great Britain's much lower prestige than the UK attained I think Greenwich is still in the best position to be the datum on the basis of its pioneering status regarding precise naval charts. Could be Paris, though.

The most ironic scenario would be if the Societists had chosen their own meridian unbiased by the worldly motives of Third-Society gangs and then pulled the Combine out of an otherwise global consensus in order to implement it.
Buenos Aires meridian?
Honestly, Greenwich seems good just for having such a small amount of land along the date line - if the Combine want to differ from that the other sensible option would be to have the date line down the Atlantic so the sun rises over Greenland and Brazil first and sets over Iceland and Guinea last.


Gone Fishin'
How long will the Tarsus Salient hold and will the people of the Fertile Crescent have developed separate identities by the time it collapses?

Also why is the Middle East a turbulent region across timelines?
It also occurs to me that Timeline-L crosstime researchers would likely see OTL as a horrifying synthesis of Diversitarian and Societist positions.

From the former:
  • Separate nations and their attendant languages and superstructural elements.
  • HPOCs, albeit unenforced, both between and within nations, with all the attendant grandstanding and culture war, although the resulting riots are unfortunately far more "lynch mob" than "football riot" depending on where you are.
From the latter:
  • Truly all-encompassing global economic order that de facto melts straight through national boundaries. One underwritten by petrodollars (that actually work) to boot!
  • Global monoculture, albeit one that isn't quite as totalizing, yet still capable of far outstripping individual national or regional competitors on balance.
  • The dissolution of traditional cultures and the synthesis of global music and foodways, albeit at an insidiously* slow pace.

*DUN DUN duuuuuuuuuuuun!
Oddly, I think Timeline-L's crosstime researchers would ultimately find OTL ideologically reassuring. Stuff like the petrodollar, globalization, and European Union would freak them out. But look at it this way...

We, generally, would view the U.S. achieving superpower status due to a combination of vast natural resources, weak neighbors that couldn't threaten it, and more than a little good historical luck. But Timeline-L's researchers aren't gonna go, "Oh yes, European geopolitical heft partly declined because they lacked good access to oil, and the U.S. had a plentiful domestic supply that last long enough for them to establish a global trade empire." They're gonna go, "Everyone else in this timeline uses that infernal 'metric' system while the Americans stuck to their cultural heritage, and logically they were rewarded for it." I could see Timeline-L researchers trying to explain such a weird difference and, thanks to their ideology, going, "Ah yes, Washington's Farewell Address. The ENA's founders saw themselves as an extension of the Hanoverian Realms, but this Washington fellow had the diversitarian insight that the Novamund was a distinct sphere from Europe."

(Or if you want a grimmer example, the ENA kept lurching from one crisis to the next through its history, and ended up with a large peripheral puppet state (Carolina) annexed by a bold foreign gambit. A mix of written Constitutional laws and unwritten readings of those laws allowed the U.S. to reabsorb 'Carolina' like it was a large-scale version of Wales... Timeline-L researchers might see the failure of Reconstruction as a good thing, the "one neat trick" to keep 'Carolina' as a nation-within-a-nation. Outlaw slavery but functionally change very little! And the whole arrangement could hang together thanks to the cultural weight that Americans invested in their Constitution and Founding Fathers, which papered over the obvious ideological inconsistency in such a stance.)

In other words, the Timeline-L researchers could see globalization/Americanization not as an economic process but the logical -- if unfortunate -- consequence of there being only a single diversitarian Great Power. If you only have one color of the rainbow shining brightly, it'll tint the other colors with its sheer luminance.


Gone Fishin'
Would Timeline L researchers view the Fascist powers as essentially Lisieuxians with modern technology, and Imperial Britain/France as TTL’s Russia?