SRs with a flawed, but functional democratic outlet to their agrarian socialist views is certainly an interesting situation.

The main problem, historically, was the plain bad luck with key leadership figures.

So, the key question here is obvious: is G.A. Gershuni alive?
Leftist parties and splintering - name a more iconic duo x'D x'D
For real though. I’ve got a daunting update coming up covering just that across Europe - at least the SRs and RSDLP have the excuse of representing completely different brands of socialism with different bases, rather than just “I’m more pure!”
SRs with a flawed, but functional democratic outlet to their agrarian socialist views is certainly an interesting situation.

The main problem, historically, was the plain bad luck with key leadership figures.

So, the key question here is obvious: is G.A. Gershuni alive?
Had to Google him but, perhaps. You’d just need to butterfly him catching TB which is easy enough I suppose. What id be curious about developing (and somebody more familiar with 1910s Russia is welcome to contribute here) is how Chernov et al feel about Combat Organization at this point when they’re trying to at least have some modicum of democratic legitimacy as their outlet to revolutionary reform
Will it involve Belgium?
Also how do you post so frequently, almost everyday?
I usually have a bit of time before work in the mornings or before bed in the evenings to bust out an update and this is my main hobby (though I just bought Breath of the Wild so we’ll see if that lasts lol)
I usually have a bit of time before work in the mornings or before bed in the evenings to bust out an update and this is my main hobby (though I just bought Breath of the Wild so we’ll see if that lasts lol)
Cool to hear.

And poor russia. Hope michael can weather through the mess.
And poor russia. Hope michael can weather through the mess.
Why does michael need to weather through the mess? Its standard parliamentary procedure.
McDonald,Atlee,Wilson,Callaghan,Blair or Brown, none of them have tried or wanted to overthrow George V, George VI or Elizabeth II. Have they?
Why does michael need to weather through the mess? Its standard parliamentary procedure.
McDonald,Atlee,Wilson,Callaghan,Blair or Brown, none of them have tried or wanted to overthrow George V, George VI or Elizabeth II. Have they?
Granted the SRs really did want to end the monarchy, whereas the Trudoviks could have found accommodation with Tsarism within constitutional monarchy
Why does michael need to weather through the mess? Its standard parliamentary procedure.
McDonald,Atlee,Wilson,Callaghan,Blair or Brown, none of them have tried or wanted to overthrow George V, George VI or Elizabeth II. Have they?
TBF, the British/English kings and queens have *always* been less autocratic than the Tsars. I'd argue that the last rulers of England to be more autocratic than Nicholas II was probably a Roman Emperor. Yes, Charles I was overthrown, but I'm not sure that is a good counterexample...
Why does michael need to weather through the mess? Its standard parliamentary procedure.
McDonald,Atlee,Wilson,Callaghan,Blair or Brown, none of them have tried or wanted to overthrow George V, George VI or Elizabeth II. Have they?
Britain at this point have hundreds of years of parliamentary politics, Russia meanwhile have only several years and its constitution is considerably weaker than British one. Things can easily go wrong at any time.
Britain at this point have hundreds of years of parliamentary politics, Russia meanwhile have only several years and its constitution is considerably weaker than British one. Things can easily go wrong at any time.
Precisely. The TTL Duma is probably one of the most toothless legislatures on Earth, its influence more in an outlet for public figures than tangible power.
In a horrible 'coincidence' brought upon by our good author's two hobbies - Moscow gets destroyed by Flowerblight Ganon ;)
Our intrepid hero Linkov Linkovich wakes from his hundred year slumber after Великое бедствие to save Mother Russia!
For real though. I’ve got a daunting update coming up covering just that across Europe - at least the SRs and RSDLP have the excuse of representing completely different brands of socialism with different bases, rather than just “I’m more pure!”

Had to Google him but, perhaps. You’d just need to butterfly him catching TB which is easy enough I suppose. What id be curious about developing (and somebody more familiar with 1910s Russia is welcome to contribute here) is how Chernov et al feel about Combat Organization at this point when they’re trying to at least have some modicum of democratic legitimacy as their outlet to revolutionary reform
The mainstream Russian liberals were fanboys of all kind of revolutionary terrorists (and simultaneously planned to violently get rid of them after the Autocracy had been dealt with). As for Gershuni and the PSR in general:
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Key split here was the OTL initial split to Northern and Southern factions of the PSR.
The latter were more committed to parliamentarism and parts of them ended up as Trudoviks, while the northerners evolved ideologically to the Full HD "Blood For The Blood God"-levels of radicalism.
The mainstream Russian liberals were fanboys all kind of revolutionary terrorists (and simultaneously planned to violently get rid of them after the Autocracy had been dealt with). As for Gershuni and the PSR in general:
I'll need to give this section of March of Time another pass!

Key split here was the OTL initial split to Northern and Southern factions of the PSR.
The latter were more committed to parliamentarism and parts of them ended up as Trudoviks, while the northerners evolved ideologically to the Full HD "Blood For The Blood God"-levels of radicalism.
How was Northern and Southern defined, in this case?
Just curious, will the Duma/Czar relationship reach that of the 1900 British Parliment/British Monarch relationship before or after the first Mars Landing iTTL?
I’ve actually debated what to do with Mars landing ITTL, I have a soft spot for “space race doesn’t end” TLs

lol there you go
Well, we did discuss earlier where the US would be launching from (Wallops Island). Even if US Mexican relations get really good, I'm not sure that there are areas particularly better. Not sure with a truly hostile Brazil whether OTL French Guiana would be that good. The Brazilians of course have a lot of options as to where they launch from, The Germans, it will depend on what they take from France and Russia will probably *still* launch from a land site (I think the Russian Empire controlled the location in Kazakhstan where the Soviets/Russians launch from) As for the Japanese, Hmm.

And there *is* something to be said for the Russians getting experience in Martian Temperatures without leaving home.
Well, we did discuss earlier where the US would be launching from (Wallops Island). Even if US Mexican relations get really good, I'm not sure that there are areas particularly better. Not sure with a truly hostile Brazil whether OTL French Guiana would be that good. The Brazilians of course have a lot of options as to where they launch from, The Germans, it will depend on what they take from France and Russia will probably *still* launch from a land site (I think the Russian Empire controlled the location in Kazakhstan where the Soviets/Russians launch from) As for the Japanese, Hmm.

And there *is* something to be said for the Russians getting experience in Martian Temperatures without leaving home.
Germany could always launch from somewhere in Namibia/OTL Angola, far off as that is. (I’ve seen TL’s, “Empire Parnell Built” first and foremost, where the UK/Commonwealth launched from Australia so distance isn’t the biggest issue I guess)