Recent content by AltHisMaster

  1. AltHisMaster

    What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    Here's a more detailed look at the Entrance complex. Can't find any info on what the trailer park would've looked although it'd be cleaner than the one you're thinking of.
  2. AltHisMaster

    What TL ideas do you have that will probably never see the light of day?

    A TL where Walt Disney lived long enough to build the Original E.P.C.O.T. pretty much how it was here and it doesn't turn into a dystopia.
  3. AltHisMaster

    What would a 1953-1961 Disney administration actually look like?

    So here's my take on what he would be like in these situations. Brown V. Board: I imagine him more or less doing what Ike ended up doing, maybe he can be a little more liberal if some civil rights activists can get on his good side and reframe the Civil Rights Movement as finishing what Lincoln...
  4. AltHisMaster

    AHC: Strangest President

    Not sure if anyone has mentioned him, but I could see Walt Disney being a decent or great president. Not sure what would be a great POD for him.
  5. AltHisMaster

    Our United Nations

    Gues I'm going with B.
  6. AltHisMaster

    A plausible non-Reagan actor, filmmaker, singer, or entertainer as USA president?

    It's good for what it is don't get me wrong, but I think it contributes to the Walt was an Anti-Semite, Nazi, Racist, etc, rumors that when you take the time to dig deep enough, they're mostly unfounded.
  7. AltHisMaster

    A plausible non-Reagan actor, filmmaker, singer, or entertainer as USA president?

    Perhaps. But I've found that the more I read about Walt, the more I understand him. I mean if you think hard about it, he probably only became a conservative just to make his socialist dad mad.
  8. AltHisMaster

    A plausible non-Reagan actor, filmmaker, singer, or entertainer as USA president?

    Does Walt Disney count? Because I kind of want to see a President Disney timeline that isn't a dystopia.
  9. AltHisMaster

    WI: EPCOT City Was Built

    Well the reason why I take the theme park out of any new EPCOT's is mostly to prevent oversaturation of Disney Parks. A Disneyland in every state sounds tempting, but little much.
  10. AltHisMaster

    WI: EPCOT City Was Built

    Who said anything about getting rid of Figment? If he wants to survive, he just has to a new place to live.
  11. AltHisMaster

    WI: EPCOT City Was Built

    Well in my tl, the city becomes yet another notch in Walt's belt of successes. Now in terms of how it works, I 'd imagine it would a glorified apartment complex in terms of housing with the citizens being tenets. Now, this was an idea that Disney was working on mostly so it would be easier for...
  12. AltHisMaster

    WI: EPCOT City Was Built

    Finally, someone is asking if it's just possible instead of just doing Epoct Center on steroids like some other timelines that I'd prefer not to mention. So the important thing to consider in regards to EPCOT was that the project was only about 20% completed before Walt died. As a result, while...
  13. AltHisMaster

    Timeline Voting: Communist or Monarchist America ?

    I agree. If anything, you should do a scenario where communism works (or at least better than it did in the 20th century).
  14. AltHisMaster

    American Kings other than Washington

    I actually had an idea for an elective American Monarchy. I've even wrote up a list of monarchs. King Benjamin the 1st. (1790-1800) King Thomas the 1st. (1800-1827) King (later Emperor) Andrew the 1st. (1828-1850) Emperor Winfield the 1st. (1850-1863) Emperor John the 1st. (1864-1900)...
  15. AltHisMaster

    Alternate MPAA movie ratings

    I would imagine that they would stay the same for the most part.