Recent content by Diagram

  1. Diagram

    Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    Will you consider adding the American Redebout?
  2. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    1944, IS 'mature' DRM, all the tropes are there, from global exhaustion to the birth of fascism. I advise you to consider an area without elves, like France+Germany or recolonised Eastern Europe, that would be an interesting culture clash. The issue with brining along just a chunk of the front...
  3. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    5% to 1% of the original population are spared: the global majority as Palaeolithic farmers, others as special hunting quarry (signified by red dots), like surviving Afghans and exclusively in the Summer Court you have 'vassal' states that are permitted civilisation.
  4. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    Seelie, unlike their cousins like to play around with giving humans 'civilisation', so lots of human sacrifice, orchestrated wars and cringing worship. Naturally this has become less popular as of late.
  5. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    Here is the 1944 map of Dystopic Return of Magic. Major Karl Plagge looked across the river Neckar, engorged by the torrential rain that poured down on picteresque, untouched Heidelberg, its colourful house castles climbing the nearby green hill. The fact that this place existed astonished...
  6. Diagram

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    I have to honest. This seems be less a vision of a syndicalist America and more of a lazy 'take that' using randomly selected bastards. I like your TL but this is just cringeworthy.
  7. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    Now this is fascinating, looks like Europe is making an enemy of every other continent out there.
  8. Diagram

    Flag Thread V

    Here are some very unusual examples from IRL, (not sure if this is right place for them). I found them here: They seem like something from a bizarre alternate history!
  9. Diagram

    Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    This is more a conspiracy theory* rather than a proposal but I still think that it fits here: (For context this is Congo by David van Reybrouck, and this section is talking about the post-Mobutu era, right before the Second Congo War started). Here is the worlda: Featuring the Great...
  10. Diagram

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    Wow.... this is.... You knocked everything else in this thread out of the park. ----- I feel sick.
  11. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    You could say that but many nations have, and currently are Cadian in that they are being or have been driven to extinction in their defence of the human race. I would personally describe certain cities as being like 40k planets, at this point: Peking = Cadia Berlin = Armageddon Holy Terra =...
  12. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    Yes, one of the side effects of the Great Powers being rather pissed at the Ottoman partition and the general 'shunting' of human populations away from the front. In Bulgaria it's more formal than in most cases but refugees are an omnipresent sight in every European nation from the...
  13. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    That was more of a thing in 1900, by 1910 it's more about feeding other nations and peoples into the meat grinder so that you can get eaten last. Although when it comes to Japan it pretty much is petty grudges, at least when it comes to gaining assistance from western powers Stalin was far...
  14. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

  15. Diagram

    Map Thread XX

    @Ephraim Ben Raphael helped me with spit-balling and proofreading as previously. You're very kind.