Recent content by Dumanios

  1. Dumanios

    The Death of Russia - TL

    I’m curious to see what sort of effects this will have on pop culture in the 2000s. All the media where Russia was the main villain will definitely be butterflied away or much different (a bunch of FPSs for example). Homefront probably also gets butterflied since DPRK has ceased to be a credible...
  2. Dumanios

    The Death of Russia - TL

    With Russia in shambles, who stands to inherit the permanent security council seat in the UN? Ukraine and Kazakhstan seem like likely front-runners, but maybe Lebed’s Siberia could do so as well.
  3. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Picture of Chinese leaders. Couldn't find anything for Yunnan or Sinkiang so they maintain their base game leaders. Not pictured is the not-yet implemented Shanghai Clique.
  4. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Yes. The intention is to replace him as China's Democratic leader with someone else, and then move Chen Zhen to somewhere more appropriate, possibly as an advisor.
  5. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Chow Fu-Shan as a Kai-Shek counterpart makes sense, with Wu Yen-Fang as a Zhang Xueliang counterpart too. Not sure what to do with Chen Zhen, or who to replace him with, but I’m looking into some films set in China around this time period.
  6. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV Thread

    Italian Dev Diary is out! Dev Diary focuses on the historical path for Italy. No more cheesy exploiting the Italo-Abyssinian war until 1939. Stresa Front and the WW2 Italian Civil War are represented now too.
  7. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV Thread

    New Hoi4 DLC announced lads! Finally the jokes about Italy can end.
  8. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Sounds nice. Odnopravilo could be a fun dark horse candidate in the Soviet power struggles involving Besstrashniy, Bender, and the others. Whether its used for the ideology as a whole or the Russian version of the ideology (with the normal version maybe under a different name to encompass...
  9. Dumanios

    TL-191: The fate of Britain post-SGW

    If he hasn’t been butterflied away, maybe Charles Edward of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha becomes the new King, at German behest.
  10. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Crowder seems cool. Earl Browder in the base game is both the Communist leader and COmmunist advisor, but I could make Crowder the advisor to go with Thingmaker as the leader. Konstantin Sokolov fits better than Rasputin with the setup for Russia's fascist path in NSB, with Rasputin mostly...
  11. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Mod is updated with No Step Back compatibility, along with some new stuff for India, Germany, the UK and some other smaller stuff for other countries. Workshop link!
  12. Dumanios

    A Map Shitpost Thread

    Sometimes I think "y'know, Hoi4 mods are sometimes too railroaded when it comes to peace conferences." Then I play base game and get met with stuff like British Memel, Soviet Southern France, and the warcrimes that occur when Spain's in a peace conference.
  13. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Here's a steam release . It's still incredibly early access, but I wanted to get something out before the next DLC came out.
  14. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."

    Nazi power struggle mechanics would be pretty interesting to do (though maybe tough to implement). Of course , there is the base-game Oppose Hitler paths which I plan to maintain. Hynkel-imposter seems like a likely lead in to a civil war as well, potentially. I think expanding the...
  15. Dumanios

    Hearts of Iron IV "Fictionalization."
    Threadmarks: American Portraits

    On the topic of America, we look a bit earlier, starting at 1936. Peeter J. Varney is the standard leader in 1936, occupying FDR's slot, though I'll mention that if Varney loses the 1936 election, he won't be coming back, unlike base game FDR. Varney's picture is technically a picture of his...