Recent content by ejpsan

  1. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Ensign Michael T, Washington Jr, USNA '80 has a chance to show some initiative and do a little research on this Louis Ferdinand Von Preussen Jr. on his own and make a report about him to his school. He can get Non classified documents from the State Department, the Defense Intelligence Agency...
  2. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    There may be a summer intern job with the Consort Princess of Bavaria...
  3. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Just as IOTL, the Russians are going to cheat as much as possible ITTL Moscow Olympics. But this time ITTL, there is going to be no U.S. lead boycott and the Russians are not going to empty Moscow in order to prevent the "corrupting influence of the Decadent Westerners". Doug after his critical...
  4. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    That was a curve ball about Anna from the author, but extremely logical nonetheless.
  5. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    While true, it is easier and cheaper than going to therapy...
  6. Sports What Ifs.

    It was in the end very logical that Baltimore, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh were moved to the AFC over any other possible teams. Baltimore was in the same media market as Washington Football Club and this allowed both CBS with the NFC package and NBC with the AFC package to share,the market...
  7. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Do you know who we haven’t heard from for a while? JuanIbberra, the second grandson of Kat’s old teammate Martzel Ibarra and the largest landowner in the region. Juan has the added benefit of being friends with Prince Nikolaus of Breslau, whose family also owns a large amount of land in the...
  8. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    It is more about “Schultz DNA” as well absentee parenting by Tilo. Just as Tilo grew out of his immaturity with the Marine Infantry, Bas once he found a purpose with his life with athletics and then with his marriage to Henriette and becoming a father to Alice settled down real nicely. Anna...
  9. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    An appropriate car for a young Marine Infantry officer who doesn't want to go into major debt that eats up his paycheck every month. The stunt that Anna pulled at the dance at the Wahlstatt Academy was the last straw. I doubt that the Marine Infantry has female members, so that means Tilo and...
  10. Life for Protestants in an independent united Ireland.

    I would think that the most Pro-Unionist Irish Protestants would choose to emigrate to places that were considered to be more "Protestants" friendly, and as white, English speaking Protestants, they would be very welcomed in the United States, and they would have no trouble assimilating in to...
  11. WI: Bob Casey Sr. ran in the 1992 Democratic Presidential primaries

    Flames out spectacularly. By 1992 Democratic Presidential primary voters were firmly Pro-Choice, and Gov. Casey would not have reached the minimum threshold to receive delegates. The controversy about him not being allowed to speak at the convention was just a media invention trying to create a...
  12. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    This means that Pope Paul the ITTL VI has decided to give a very generous financial settlement to the victims and their families with concrete proposals for reforms in order to stop the bleeding that the Church is having right now with the Faithful. The agreement about the monetary payments is...
  13. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Anna’s comeuppance is when her Cousin Erich of the Marine Infantry pulls up in a lorry and tells her hi is just repaying back her father by taking her to the KLM women’s boot camp to start her new career as a Mess Mate on His Imperial Majesty’s Ships.
  14. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    I also enjoy the Stoughton-Hendrix chapters, I am very bemused by how Speaker Stoughton seems to genuinely like Hendrix and see him as a protege and has given him opportunities that otherwise that Hendrix wouldn’t get because his lack of seniority. While James Hendrix is put off by Stoughton’s...
  15. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    With no clear frontrunner for the presidential nomination, that means the control of the convention is in the hand of the Democratic National Committee and that is in turn is controlled by President Nixon. Speaker of the House is usually by tradition is the Chairman of the convention of whatever...