Recent content by King of Danes

  1. King of Danes

    La Reina Loca: A Juana I of Castile Timeline

    I mean, as far as I recall, Manuel was actually pretty decent on that account
  2. King of Danes

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    It would be interesting and historic, but it's also bold to the point of being dangerous. In the 90s, I could see having a Black Prez and a Gay VP being too far for most people. Even more progressive countries didn't start legalizing Gay marriage until the early 00s, so having the VP being...
  3. King of Danes

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Jackson is definitely a strong, progressive candidate after 8 years of Republican rule. Patsy Mink could also be fun, but I’m unsure if America would be ready for two female Presidents in a row? Maybe Jackson as president and Mink as VP? She would be quite old though, and otl she died 2002 which...
  4. King of Danes

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    I could actually see Hart/Gore maybe running in ‘92 and losing to Temple and then someone like Jesse Jackson running and winning in 96 maybe?
  5. King of Danes

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Excelsior! Someone like Gary Hart could also be interesting. Although, I imagine that ‘88 will be Bentsen v. Temple Black in the end. Then we get her, but I could see Hart run in 1992 perhaps? Maybe also ‘96
  6. King of Danes

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    Lol, I actually just meant Mary Tudor the Elder here. I imagine she would try to sweet talk Henry into marrying his sister to one of her nephews. Mary the Younger to John (II) of Denmark is a nice choice ofc heh ;)
  7. King of Danes

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    I wonder which nephew Catherine would push Mary towards the hardest here. The King of Spain or the Emperor?
  8. King of Danes

    A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Duke of Cambridge works, I think :) Yeah. Given that Portugal will begin its ascendance soon too, it’s especially a reach. I would argue for a high tier domestic bride or a pretty low tier foreign one. But at that point, a domestic one is more beneficial really
  9. King of Danes

    A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Isn’t the Duke of Suffolk still around? If so, Lincoln isn’t available for a dukedom, since the earldom of Lincoln is a subsidiary title of that duchy. Also, I doubt that Portugal will marry a royal princess to a 3rd/4th son. Even a 2nd son would be a stretch. A domestic match is more likely imo
  10. King of Danes

    WI Napoléon II: Bourbon Hostage?

    I have a certain fondness for a match between Charlotte and her Gloucester cousin 😌
  11. King of Danes

    Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    Copenhagenizing as a way to mean destroying and burning it down 🥲 We shall never forget
  12. King of Danes

    The Gold Rose: An Edward of Angoulême timeline

    Nice to see this back! 🥳 And at least the crusaders see some success in Portugal! They’re idiots in Lithuania tho… Why would they do this?
  13. King of Danes

    The Grand Duchy of the West - A Valois-Burgundian TL

    Well yeah, he’s gotta be ttl’s version of Henry VIII after all Also, headcanon right now is that he’s so paranoid by the time he gets to nr. 6, that every morning he takes a mirror and puts it to her nose to see if it fogs up and stuff like that. Eventually she’s just going “No, dearest, I...
  14. King of Danes

    The Grand Duchy of the West - A Valois-Burgundian TL

    Nah not really ;) Poor Depressive Dick. It’s deliciously cruel what fates we throw at him. We probably should be kind and let wife 6 have a long, happy life with him tho