Recent content by LordVorKon

  1. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Somewhere south of zero.
  2. How early would you need to change American colonial history to guarantee an Anglo-American sovereign relationship close as Anglo-Canadian in 1883?

    I feel that any POD after July 1776 is probably too late for a close relationship. Yes, there are numerous points where the British can win (defined as keeping the colonies inside the empire), but I'm pretty sure that most PODs after the Declaration of Independence is revealed to the public are...
  3. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Consequences? Six people will clutch at pearls and the rest of the city/province/country will shrug and say, "Okay, so what?"
  4. Into the Cincoverse - The Cinco de Mayo EU Thread and Wikibox Repository

    So is there a list of what geographical areas/countries each of the confederations covers?
  5. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Quite the contrast between these two geographic ends of southern Europe. I have a hard time imagining this Ottoman Empire continuing for very much longer without bursting into a revolutionary conflagration, but perhaps I shall be surprised. On the other hand, Portugal ending up as a warmer...
  6. Into the Cincoverse - The Cinco de Mayo EU Thread and Wikibox Repository

    Completely speculating here, but my guess is that Belgium implodes during the war, and maybe Flanders gets annexed to The Netherlands pretty much right away. Wallonia might limp along as a rump independent state for some time before the rising French State decides to do something about the mess...
  7. Into the Cincoverse - The Cinco de Mayo EU Thread and Wikibox Repository

    That... That brings images to mind that aren't necessarily appropriate for this board. Brain-bleach, please!
  8. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Nearly all of the Olympian gods are portrayed as rather horrid "people". In Hera's case, she has a habit of getting mad at her philandering husband, but then because she can't actually do anything meaningful to Zeus directly, she takes her jealous anger out on the unfortunate mortal woman who...
  9. Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

    Which in no way guarantees that said younger relatives won't be paranoid.
  10. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Hoo boy. Belgium throwing around accusations that Germany pretty much has to respond to... And the hints would suggest that the response boils down to "If we're going to be accused, we might as well actually do it."
  11. Into the Cincoverse - The Cinco de Mayo EU Thread and Wikibox Repository

    Probably a descendant. (Grandson, following in the family tradition?)
  12. A Wilder Wildcat

    All well and good, but the USN didn't want water-cooled engines.
  13. The United States with a British Deep South

    Not having control of the east bank of the Mississippi River south of Memphis could have a big impact on westward expansion of the US. Presumably, rights of navigation would be an issue that would be covered in the treaty ending the war, but there's still a certain amount of awkwardness...
  14. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    We've been told multiple times that the CEW starts in 1919.