Recent content by Nebogipfel

  1. What if the “TRS-80 Color” eclipses the Apple “Mac” — and becomes the biggest IBM “PC clone” as well?

    They did - IIRC, one of the first proper clones actually (
  2. What if the “TRS-80 Color” eclipses the Apple “Mac” — and becomes the biggest IBM “PC clone” as well?

    As already pointed out, the TRS-80 was a bit early compared to the IBM clones. Given the overwhelming success of the IBM/DOS clones I wonder if any competitor really had a serious chance, even Apple/MAC had a near death experience in the 90s. See, for example, what happened to Atari or the once...
  3. AHQ: Different German Reunification

    As you already demonstrated, getting Lafo as chancellor is tricky to begin with - he always was from the left wing of the party. So probably a coalition with the Greens, also more to the left than nowadays. What would be the situation on state level? Maybe the same, but as the federal partys...
  4. RAF bomb Germany into surrender

    How? I mean even with open support of radical students etc. they not even had the snowball in hell chance. What were those 'critical targets'? Politicans - same reaction, even more so. Infrastructure - I strongly doubt they had the manpower to do real damage. And regardless whatever they do -...
  5. What if Germany refuses to accept the Oder-Neisse line as a condition for reunification?

    This, basically. Something that annoys me quite a bit in this (and similar) threads is the still widespread assuption that the current day Germans were just waiting for the right moment to unleash the mighty Bundeswehr to install the fourth Reich. By 1990 even the once powerful...
  6. WI: Soviet Union tries to re-capture Alaska during the Cold War?

    I think bits and pieces are on youtube - OK ish early 80s cold war thriller
  7. What if Basic research developed rapidly from 1910?

    You get massive butterfly effects all over the place, I somehow doubt there would be WWII as we know it. E.g. if several sides have nukes (barely possible), we probably have MAD. But first the money has to come from somwhere - the additional funding has to come from somwhere, which will have...
  8. What if Basic research developed rapidly from 1910?

    I am not entirely sure what your point is - basic research did proceed very fast, even after 1910 - probably as fast as reasonably possible given the circumstances (i.e. available funding). Nuclear physics, for example, was nothing but very, very basic research until the late 30s.
  9. Great Industrial disasters that never happened

    Haigerloch is a small town, in a rural area, even more so in 44-45. So if (unsure given the limited knowledge of things radioactive back then) people are evacuated in time, not a major disaster regarding the number of people killed directly. Especially during wartime, when more poeople get...
  10. WI - China detonates A-bomb on Japan during Korean War?

    As mentioned already, the fissionable material tends to have isotopic/chemcial characteristics based on its sources. However, in the early 50s mass spectroscopy was probably not that advanced to pin down such fingerprints (tiny differences in probably trace amounts of material to work with...
  11. Germany literally wiped off the map

    Probably not - the balance between the swiss germans/french/italians and rhaeo-romans was/is quite delicate. I don't think expanding the already dominating german speaking part with members of uncertain political allegiance would be very popoular (even among swiss germans)
  12. WI: Yamato and Shinano Survive the War

    This leads straight to some movie related ATL. Assault on a Queen, but not with a German U-Boot but as last horray for the Yamato before being scrapped?
  13. Chonky Switzerland Post WW2

    I don't think that Italy would get away with keeping anything occupied in WWII. They would hand back the occupied part of Switzerland, subito, no discussion, or else. And France keeping parts of Switzerland occupied by Vichy? Seriously?And I don't understand the rationale to form a 'large'...
  14. Chonky Switzerland Post WW2

    What would happen with the Swiss part of Germany/Austria - would the people be expelled like east of the Oder, or expected to become citizen of the new Super-Switzerland? The latter case would mean that the Swiss would suddenly more than double its population - with the new citizen being the...
  15. Reichsgau Switzerland: the integration of the Swiss into the Third Reich.

    I wonder what the post-war consequences would be - less neutral Switzerland, probably. And, if there were any larger support for the Third Reich during occupation, probably deep fractures in swiss post war society. Especially, if the support were uneven among the ethincal groups.