AHC: Independent New England Defeats Old England in a War, as Early as Possible

Here’s a fun one. What scenario would allow New England, the geographic area to (a) become an independent state called “New England” and (b) *as early as possible* defeat England/Britain/UK/etc. in a war. Bonus points if New England, the area or the state, is somehow central to the conflict, rather than it being a periphery to a European war.
I'm not well-versed in early American history at all, but maybe the New England Confederation gets screwed in some war with Native Americans really badly (King Philip's War, maybe?), and they're pissed at Britain for not giving them enough support, so they cut ties and win against Britain in a war of independence of some sort (possibly as part of the Nine Years' War, idk)?

At the same time I'm not sure how they'd think cutting ties with Britain would solve that issue, and I'm even less sure of how they'd win against Britain, especially when they're just New England
How about during the War of 1812? A New England that somehow avoids joining the United States of America is angered by British impressment of New England sailors, and Allie’s with the United States of America to force Britain to stop impressing New England sailors and American sailors.
The earliest possible avenue of discontent towards old England I can think of would be the Good Old Cause. New England was founded by Puritans after all and as such they were overwhelmingly in favor of the Parliamentarian faction in the civil wars. Possible maybe you could have a large amount of Roundhead veterans unwilling to live under a Stuart Restoration go to the colonies most in favor of their cause to raise the flag once more but declare independence this time to create a haven for the English who believed in the ideals of the revolution against the king.

Alternatively, there was IOTL an armed uprising against the state very shortly after this period: the 1689 Boston revolt wherein the royally-appointed governor of the Dominion of New England (a construct recently organized by James II) was overthrown by a popular uprising after hearing about the Glorious Revolution in the old country. Main problem with this is that the rebels IOTL didn't feel the need for independence since they were getting a properly Protestant king whom they had faith would not overstep in colonial matters let alone foist a different religion upon them, and the governor didn't have nearly enough loyalists to even make an actual fight of it, let alone anything that could reasonably be termed a "war".
The New England colonies are settled primarily by Catholic instead of Puritans. History in the Old World still largely carries on track, but in 1688, the New England colonies refuse to recognise the Glorious Revolution and the Protestant Succession. Instead, they proclaim James II and VII the rightful king and wins enough against England and the southern colonies that London is forced to acknowledge their de facto independence. The Stuarts move to Boston and rule the New England colonies directly while also continuing to claim England, Scotland, Ireland, and the colonies in pretense.