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  1. FiendslayerPrime1976

    The Iron Eagle II - Days of Strife

    What could possibly go wrong? ... Lots of things, I'm betting!
  2. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Map Thread XXII

    Thanks for the clarification - looking forward to reading the history of this nation!
  3. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Map Thread XXII

    Oh yeah, a British North America... is this just a one-shot map or is there any background timeline on how the UKNA came to be? Also, the province of Kansas is spelled Kansaw - is this just a typo or is it the way it's actually spelled?
  4. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Voices of Doomsday

    I'm truly sorry for your loss, my friend.
  5. FiendslayerPrime1976

    TLIAW: A Short History of the Confederate States: 1861-1930

    Great timeline, I really enjoyed it a lot!
  6. FiendslayerPrime1976

    A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond

    And so this tale of an alternate JFK presidency finally comes to it's conclusion - Congratulations on creating such an interesting timeline! I started reading it when the first chapter was posted and was immediately hooked, and I've followed it all the way to it's final part today... Job very...
  7. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Years of Sorrow and Woe: The World of Beria’s USSR

    Just a small note - the sentence about chemical weapons being deployed against protestors is incomplete - cut off by accident perhaps?
  8. FiendslayerPrime1976

    "Power Without Knowledge...": President Haig and the Era of Bad Feelings

    Well then, looking forward to them, and good luck with your new job!
  9. FiendslayerPrime1976

    "Power Without Knowledge...": President Haig and the Era of Bad Feelings

    No questions at the moment... just came across this TL a few days ago and decided to check it out... been enjoying it a lot - keep the chapters coming!
  10. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Southern-Less USA 2.0: A Nation Torn Apart

    Oh yeah, enjoyed this next chapter a lot - looking forward to the upcoming map of this TL's North America!
  11. FiendslayerPrime1976

    A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond

    DAMN. This is not good - first George Wallace is killed along with nearly his entire inner circle in a terrorist bombing committed by a bunch of half-baked militant far-left student radicals, now in a mirror image event of OTL, Governor Richard Nixon is shot dead by Sirhan Sirhan over his...
  12. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Map Thread XX

    Oh yeah, this is the mother of all self-inflicted wounds, and the last one the CSA will ever make!
  13. FiendslayerPrime1976

    A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond

    Oh hell yeah, Bobby's got a whole new set of targets to go after, and since they tried to kill his brother he's going to go after them with a vengeance :evilsmile: - Methinks he really will become known as "Klan Killer Kennedy" once he's through with the KKK and their kind... couldn't happen to...
  14. FiendslayerPrime1976

    A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond

    Oh Ye Gods, if Jackie does miscarry because of the stress due to her husband being severely wounded by a thrice-be-damned racist, segregationist assassin, Jack's really going to be on the warpath :mad: - he'll undoubtably light a raging fire under Congress to get the Civil Rights Act passed...
  15. FiendslayerPrime1976

    A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond

    Oh holy hell no, somebody just shot President Kennedy! This is not going to go well for the pro-segregationists at all, in fact, they've shot themselves in their collective feet with this action: If JFK survives he'll be able to use the attempt on his life to push Congress to hop to it and...
  16. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    Oh hell yeah, congrats on winning the 2021 Turtledove for this alt ACW TL... I love it, it's one of my favorites! :)
  17. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Let The Eagle Scream Version 2: Star-Spangled-Boogaloo

    Indeed, I'm wondering if he'll end up the same way as Hitler did in the movie Downfall, hiding in an underground bunker with the most loyal members of his regime, going crazy and hysterically ranting and raving at them as the hated enemy overruns his nation... Or maybe he'll try to flee the...
  18. FiendslayerPrime1976

    Red State: A Confederate Timeline by Xanthoc

    Oh hell yeah, another chapter in this timeline has finally been posted... happy it's still alive!