mexican monarchy

  1. Sarthak

    Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen and Emperor of Mexico

    After the Treaty of Cordoba, wherein Ferdinand VII took the offer of the Mexican Crown with a grain of salt and forbid any bourbon from accepting it either, an offer was sent to Archduke Charles the Duke of Teschen, the famous duke who had defeated Napoleon in Aspern-Essling. OTL, the offer was...
  2. Eparkhos

    Charles de Morny as Mexican Emperor?

    I've had this question in my head for a while, and I'd like to get it out so I can focus. Charles de Morny was Napoleon III's illegitimate half-brother. He repeatedly put himself forward as a candidate for a restored Mexican Empire, but (Wikipedia doesn't have a source for this) Napoleon...
  3. Gigachad3k

    what are the best ways on how to achieve a better-off Mexico?

    There are a multiple ways in which Mexico, which would have had the similar economic potential early in the mid-19th century to early 20th century as Japan, South Korea, Australia, US and Canada, did could have infinitely become better off than the mess it has become in the past 100-plus years...