napoleonic italy

  1. Basileus_Komnenos

    Effects of Murat controlled Naples on Greece/Greek Revolution

    Assuming there's not Hundred Days Campaign, which allows for Murat to essentially maintain his throne in Naples, how would that affect the later Greek War of Independence? Would Murat join the expedition with France and Russia, sending troops to reinforce the Greeks? Would Murat try getting one...
  2. Plausibility check: United Italy in 1815

    So, here's my idea: in 1808 when Joseph Bonaparte is appointed King of Spain the Kingdom of Naples is not given to Murat, but instead merged with the Kingdom of Italy. OTL the King of Italy was Napoleon, but Eugène de Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson, was the viceroy and, until the birth of an...
  3. Virginia Liberal

    God Save These American States
    Threadmarks: God Save these American States Turning Point

    God Save These American States. A History of the world without George Washington 4:59pm October 9, 1781 General Washington stood with the gun crews in front of Yorktown, Virginia watching the seconds tick away at 0500 Washington himself would fire the first gun and start the Combined...