
  1. WI: Hans Asperger’s works were fully translated at least a decade earlier (before 1991).

    This is intended to be a continuation of this discussion thread that I find interesting. What would be the timeline’s events for this thread? What would allow for this event...
  2. AHC: Make Alchemy evolve into a modern-day philosophy

    In OTL, Alchemy eventually evolved into Chemistry, discarding every philosophical, religious, and mystical interpretation by the 19th century. But what if, although in this other TL Alchemy also evolves into Chemistry, a parallel interpretation is born which examines how modern chemicals and...
  3. Are you also awed by how much the world changed in the last few hundred years, and the change seems to be accelerating?

    Not sure is this should go into this forum, Non-Political Chat, or even Regular Chat, but here's how it goes: (Mods are free to move it if they feel like) I'm a Hungarian, born in 1990. Back in the 1600s, one of my distant ancestors, the Báthory family, (one of its infamous descendants is...
  4. Miranda Brawner

    How far would you have to go back to prevent the following words from existing?

    How plausible would it be for societies around the world to reach a present day technology level without the following words, or words with near-identical meanings, existing in any language? And how far back would the POD have to be? Religion Science Technology Education Athletics Economics...
  5. Minnesota_Nationalist

    Alternate History affects on early Psychology

    So, I'm currently in Psychology 101 in College, and we're learning about many of the early Psychologists, of course the most prominent being Freud. But, I'm curious how a different timeline might affect the field of psychology. For reference, Freudian Psychology, a psychology where just about...
  6. Let Hans Asperger's work be translated at least 10 years earlier

    This is an important one for the autistic community. Hans Asperger wrote a lot of work in the 1940s, so suppose it were translated well before 1991.