thomas the tank engines and friends

  1. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Britt Allcroft and Lucasfilm Present: Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (A BSiC supplement)
    Threadmarks: INTRODUCTION: David Mitton's Deal

    Feburary 5, 1982 Shepperton Studios: Surrey, England Britt Allcroft and David Mitton were sitting in the latter's office. For about a year, the two had been working on creating an adaptation of the Railway Series of books written by the Reverend W. Awdry. The publishers, Kayne and Ward, agreed...
  2. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Jim Henson and Britt Allcroft Present: Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends

    In 1977, Britt Allcroft secured the rights to producing the Rev W Awdry's Railway Series books for television. Then, Jim Henson took interest in the same project and decided to collaborate with Allcroft on the new show. The end result was Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, which has reached...