AH Cultural Descriptions

The Four Norsemen: A story of the great princes of Upper Upsala
A historical book about the Four Great Princes, a series of Swedish kings that resisted the initial attempts to Christianize the kingdom. The first, known to history as Bern of the Barrow, killed the first major attempt at converting Swedes when he had Archbishop Angar of Bremen killed for preaching in his Kingdom. The reasons for this are unknown, especially since some sources suggest it was Bern himself who invited Angar. However, the execution of Angar warded off further attempts for a few centuries until the 1100s when English merchants, through their connections in Denmark, began to slowly convert their trading partners in Sweden. This was countered by Magnus I or Sverker I, depending on the exact time-frame given by the source. English merchants were expelled for converting, and a few even killed which caused a deep row between Sweden and England that lasted for years. The third, Eric, allegedly killed Sverker and seized power. A Christian himself, like a growing (if still small) number of Swedes Eric is known for reforming Norse practices in Sweden, molding it into a hybrid of ancient Norse beliefs of a plethora of Gods, and Christian beliefs of one primary God (Odin) and his son (Thor) forming hte core of the pantheon. This Hybridization of Sweden as its known today formed what is termed by modern historians as Christartu relgion. As a blend of Christian themes and Norse myths it served as bridge that brought Sweden closer to Christian Europe. Relations with other Christian kingdoms normalized and Swedish trade began to pick up. The last of the Great Princes, Canute I fully integrated Sweden into Christian Europe. It was during his reign that Christianity achieved plurality status in the Kingdom and Canute worked hard to integrate his Kingdom into the larger Western European system. He even went so far as to become a noted supporter of the Crusades, though the story of him dying while on his way to join the First Crusade is likely false.

I Just Wanna Grill!
"Who knew a slice of pizza could cause all of this."
Duke Dynasty
The Lethal Protectors
Was The name of a comic book Series By Goldkey publishings Made as an attempt to steal the thunder of Atlas Comics. Task Force S during their revival in the '90s The series follows a group of C and B list villains who are Forced by the US government To do their dirty work against their political rivals around the world Making Sure that nothing Gets In the Way of US control of the world.

The series was very short Lived Only having too it's name five issues before it's cancellation Due to Low sales Despite it interesting premise As of now physical copies of any of the issues are considered valuable with mint conditioned copies going for $500 To $1000 a issue due to the rarity of them.

The Scarlet Night was Beautiful Rin Just like you.
This mesmerizing line comes from the novel "Ford's Travels: The Ultimate Voyage", written by a British author, and was later adapted into a successful feature film in 1985. The film went on to become a popular franchise, captivating audiences worldwide. Following the success of the 1985 feature film, "Ford's Travels" became a beloved franchise, with sequels and spin-offs exploring the world of Ford and Rin further. Fans of the original novel flocked to theaters to experience more of the magical journey that had captured their hearts. The franchise expanded on the rich lore and characters introduced in the book, creating a beloved world that continues to enchant audiences to this day.

A Very Goofy Movie (2004)
This mesmerizing line comes from the novel "Ford's Travels: The Ultimate Voyage", written by a British author, and was later adapted into a successful feature film in 1985. The film went on to become a popular franchise, captivating audiences worldwide. Following the success of the 1985 feature film, "Ford's Travels" became a beloved franchise, with sequels and spin-offs exploring the world of Ford and Rin further. Fans of the original novel flocked to theaters to experience more of the magical journey that had captured their hearts. The franchise expanded on the rich lore and characters introduced in the book, creating a beloved world that continues to enchant audiences to this day.

A Very Goofy Movie (2004)
working title for the United American Republic film "Our Europan cousin". After the United Syndicates of Europa collapsed, losing the frost (an era of high tensions between it and the capitalist superpowers of the Japanese United States And the Russian People's Republic), The entire Atlantic suffered a depression when Europa collapsed into the the United Kingdoms of Europe, The Federal Republic of Great Britain and Ireland and the Italian Federation, which only America managed to claw it's way out of. The film is a comedy in which a Parisian man visits his relatives in the City of New York, suffering massive cultural shock compared to the depression in his hometown.

"The Norton Rail bridge: the Amtrak Panpacific Railway's Saguardia Familia", Common Bay Area joke, 2042-
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working title for the United American Republic film "Our Europan cousin". After the United Syndicates of Europa collapsed, losing the frost (an era of high tensions between it and the capitalist superpowers of the Japanese United States And the Russian People's Republic), The entire Atlantic suffered a depression when Europa collapsed into the the United Kingdoms of Europe, The Federal Republic of Great Britain and Ireland and the Italian Federation, which only America managed to claw it's way out of. The film is a comedy in which a Parisian man visits his relatives in the City of New York, suffering massive cultural shock compared to the depression in his hometown.

"The Norton Rail bridge: the Amtrak Panpacific Railway's Saguardia Familia", Common Bay Area joke, 2042-
The Norton Rail bridge was part of the USA's infrastructure expansion plan in 2042 as part of the Panpacific Railway (which was also a team-up with Canada) after realizing that much of its transportation infrastructure other than the Interstates were horribly outdated. This was part of the American Infrastructure Expansion Act. Unfortunately, the Norton Rail Bridge would never see completion due to budget cuts. Its unfinished hulk stood until 2070, upon which the bridge was cannibalized for parts seeing that it would never be completed.

Sentinel vs. Serenity