Hearts of Iron IV Thread


Who are you? I'm the try hard.
Basically I have shades of the following:

- Casual - (I play for fun, most of the stuff is accurate, except those contradicted by others that I list)
- Tryhard - (I know the Meta and have thousands of hours)
- Navy Enthusiast - (I understand the Navy, I actually use the navy. I often build a navy of some kind in most games)
- Fortifier - (Depending on which nation I'm playing and what path I'm going, I'll make multiple fortification lines. Though I don't usually go "max level 10 forts everywhere", just "reasonable" levels of what the nation might try)
- WW1 Boomer - (Depending on the nation, sometimes I will use more WW1 tactics. And I do love Artillery. Don't *usually* skip on Tanks, but I usually have more infantry than anything because my Fuel Management can be lacking when balancing the Navy that I build and Airforce)
Would anyone be interested in helping with a mod idea I have? Essentially, in the 1970s, Spiro Agnew's corruption gets exposed early and Nixon replaces him with Alexander Haig. Then, Nixon is assassinated in 1972 by Arthur Bremer and Haig slowly undermines American Democracy. In the 80s, President Buchanan, who succeeded President Connally in August of 1981, cranks this up to five hundred and in 2000, General Michael Flynn, who became a recognized and beloved War Hero for the role he played in Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua, the 83-87 Race Riots, Granada, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Rhodesia, Israel, and Mexico, coups the unpopular President Sam Webb of the Communist Party (Elected in 1996 because the President in power at the time, being Gary Bauer, was unpopular due to the recession hitting the United States and the party in power believing that Webb was un-electable. It is January 1st, 2000, the first day of the Coup and the United States has three paths it can go down - A) Side with the Evangelicals, becoming a Theocratic Dictatorship, B) Side with the Military and overtime return power to the People, or C) Side with the Unions and eventually create a Communist Nation in the United States of America. At the same time, around the world, we have more right-wing governments in power in Europe, the Soviet Union collapsed due to even worse management in 1983 and was replaced, eventually, by a Lebed led Military Dcitatorship where Russia consists of the Stans outside of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Transistria, Belarus, and the Baltic with the Focus Tree being directed on first integrating these territories into Russia proper in some way if you go down the pro-Lebed or Pro-Soviet Rebirth Route or eventually bringing proper democracy to Russia if the path of the populist is gone down. Same for the PRC while North Vietnam and South Vietnam have vastly different focus trees, Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa still exist and have focuses of their own, Korea has their own national focus as well. The mod will be set in the modern day but in a very different one from OTL, as you can already see. Thinking of naming the idea - A Measure of Arrogance.
Would anyone be interested in helping with a mod idea I have? Essentially, in the 1970s, Spiro Agnew's corruption gets exposed early and Nixon replaces him with Alexander Haig. Then, Nixon is assassinated in 1972 by Arthur Bremer and Haig slowly undermines American Democracy. In the 80s, President Buchanan, who succeeded President Connally in August of 1981, cranks this up to five hundred and in 2000, General Michael Flynn, who became a recognized and beloved War Hero for the role he played in Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua, the 83-87 Race Riots, Granada, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Rhodesia, Israel, and Mexico, coups the unpopular President Sam Webb of the Communist Party (Elected in 1996 because the President in power at the time, being Gary Bauer, was unpopular due to the recession hitting the United States and the party in power believing that Webb was un-electable. It is January 1st, 2000, the first day of the Coup and the United States has three paths it can go down - A) Side with the Evangelicals, becoming a Theocratic Dictatorship, B) Side with the Military and overtime return power to the People, or C) Side with the Unions and eventually create a Communist Nation in the United States of America. At the same time, around the world, we have more right-wing governments in power in Europe, the Soviet Union collapsed due to even worse management in 1983 and was replaced, eventually, by a Lebed led Military Dcitatorship where Russia consists of the Stans outside of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Transistria, Belarus, and the Baltic with the Focus Tree being directed on first integrating these territories into Russia proper in some way if you go down the pro-Lebed or Pro-Soviet Rebirth Route or eventually bringing proper democracy to Russia if the path of the populist is gone down. Same for the PRC while North Vietnam and South Vietnam have vastly different focus trees, Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa still exist and have focuses of their own, Korea has their own national focus as well. The mod will be set in the modern day but in a very different one from OTL, as you can already see. Thinking of naming the idea - A Measure of Arrogance.
I don't see how the USA could ever have a Communist president, except maybe if there was a Democratic-Communist[-insert-name-here-ist] fusion ticket of some kind.

How'd you see Japan developing in this scenario?
I don't see how the USA could ever have a Communist president, except maybe if there was a Democratic-Communist[-insert-name-here-ist] fusion ticket of some kind.

How'd you see Japan developing in this scenario?
It's the fact that by the time of Webb's Presidency, the US voting public is willing for any change to the system and Webb was smart enough to be a member of the Democratic Party while still being a Communist and holding true to his communist beliefs.

As for Japan, due to Haig pushing for it, it slowly and quickly becomes more and more militarist once more, though not under WW2 levels.
Something I really dislike is how communist britain leaves north ireland, so I want to make a mod that makes them remain there. Would that disable achievements?
You can core Bavaria & Wurtemberg, but only if you choose the "A better Germany" path, and not the Austria-Hungary one.

Sad, because is a really fun mod.
I suggested them to add a option to core it, let me see what will be their reply.


Gone Fishin'
At the risk of starting a pony war, I genuinely love the Equestria At War mod. Genocidal hippogriff Nazis and all.

There's a ridiculous amount of content, each country has a unique feel, and you can play a gay Posadist hippocampus who can start a nuke cult and wants to unite the world with nukes to attract the attention of aliens (I think. It gets pretty crazy towards the end of the game).

Also, I'm psyched about the Kaiserreich Germany update that's coming. It looks super deep and well-researched.
At the risk of starting a pony war, I genuinely love the Equestria At War mod. Genocidal hippogriff Nazis and all.

There's a ridiculous amount of content, each country has a unique feel, and you can play a gay Posadist hippocampus who can start a nuke cult and wants to unite the world with nukes to attract the attention of aliens (I think. It gets pretty crazy towards the end of the game).

Also, I'm psyched about the Kaiserreich Germany update that's coming. It looks super deep and well-researched.
I love equestria at war, it is one of my favourite mods.