The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thread II


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Hello all long time no talk, crazy to see the thread still so active. How is everyone?
Welcome back for however long you're up for hanging around! We're doing alright I think, all things considered - it's the 2020s and it feels like anything goes at this point. That aside, hope you're doing well too! :)
I do want to acknowledge that I haven't given Godherja the attention it undoubtedly deserves and that it's still on my bucket list, but maybe this'll be the year I get on a CK3 kick and spend some time with that.

While you're here, I don't exactly know how I want to say it but I want to offer a belated congratulations on your coming out and your self-actualization! I know it's not been easy what with the Internet being the Internet and people being people and all, but from a stranger on these forums who has yet to take the leaps of faith that you have, I just want to wish you the absolute best in your journey and in all of your endeavors!

Talking issues of character perception in the fanbase and idiotic dev statements like always.
...that too, I suppose. The more things change the more they stay the same, no?


Ladies and gentlemen

Koreans and not Koreans

Finally, after so long someone FINALLY added a Trotskyist route to TNO Russia. I hope this gets added to vanilla because THE most frustrating thing in TNO Russia (in my eyes) is how you don't have a Trotskyist warlord.

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How could Trotskyism a thing in TNO?

Isent his entire thing being but hurt that Stalin got to be the one with the foot on the face of the Soviet people instead of him?
How could Trotskyism a thing in TNO?

Isent his entire thing being but hurt that Stalin got to be the one with the foot on the face of the Soviet people instead of him?
Uh, no, Trotskyist internationalism is so widespread that neocons stole it

Apart from that, there is the fact that Stalin also got more power than Trotsky in TNO, so you have a similar scenario


Ladies and gentlemen

Koreans and not Koreans

Finally, after so long someone FINALLY added a Trotskyist route to TNO Russia. I hope this gets added to vanilla because THE most frustrating thing in TNO Russia (in my eyes) is how you don't have a Trotskyist warlord.

Wasn't there already another submod with literally the exact same setup?

Edit: Nevermind it's literally the same guy just renamed his submod.
Uh, no, Trotskyist internationalism is so widespread that neocons stole it
Yeah the Neoconservatives are former Trotskyists who turned to Right-Wing Conservatives, they realized the Method of Trotsky's Internationalism of exporting revolution could be applied to the American Conservative view of expanding and exporting US Interests - A US-led Conservative Globalism basically.
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Ok, something that happened in the background in the last week is that TNO mods noticed that NPPFUNNY was permissive with Nazis and so they banned all NPPfunny users from the tno Reddit, not affecting me since I had left a long time ago.

The problem is that this led an exodus of NPPfunny users to other communities. My favourite Girlsundpanzer reddit is filled with dengist memes and people meming taboritsky, and this is horrific since this might lead TNO Devs to blacklist it too! Ahhhhhhhh.
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New AB rework information popped up. Considering Yemelyanov and Dobrovolsky are both insane enough IRL, I don't mind all the silly fake German language being removed. I just hope AB gets a greater variety in events in the rework as one of the biggest problems in AB is the repetitious events. Instead of exploring how something like the AB would function, most of AB's current events are just brutal suppression repeated over and over again. The only 2 memorable events are those 2 members debating about what makes someone "Aryan" and the German pilot events.
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New AB rework information popped up. Considering Yemelyanov and Dobrovolsky are both insane enough IRL, I don't mind all the silly fake German language being removed. I just hope AB gets a greater variety in events in the rework as one of the biggest problems in AB is the repetitious events. Instead of exploring how something like the AB would function, most of AB's current events are just brutal suppression repeated over and over again. The only 2 memorable events are those 2 members debating about what makes someone "Aryan" and the German pilot events.
Good riddance to the old lore, then!
Also I was just browsing a wikipedia on some of the Russian Warlords as one does and I found this interesting little tid bit about Konstantine Rodzaevsky(The Nazi leader of Amur)
Upon the Soviet invasion of Manchuria and the impending occupation, Rodzaevsky fled Harbin and moved to Shanghai, leaving his family behind.[4] At the end of the war, Rodzaevsky had what he called a "spiritual crisis". He claimed that Joseph Stalin's regime was evolving into a nationalist one. Rodzaevsky said he now understood that Stalinism was the ideal embodiment and realization of "our Russian fascism." In a long personal letter, he explained himself, made excuses, and admitted his mistakes. He admitted to participating in anti-Soviet activities, but said these were "acts against the motherland out of love for the motherland."[4] He said he was wrong to support Germany, but that he'd believed Hitler could help Russia by exterminating the Jews. The letter also showed striking similarities with the doctrines of National Bolshevism, with Rodzaevsky saying he was now a "national Communist and convinced Stalinist":

I issued a call for an unknown leader, ... capable of overturning the Jewish government and creating a new Russia. I failed to see that, by the will of fate, of his own genius, and of millions of toilers, Comrade J.V. Stalin, the leader of the peoples, had become this unknown leader.
Amur-Tyumen one struggle path when? /s
Also I was just browsing a wikipedia on some of the Russian Warlords as one does and I found this interesting little tid bit about Konstantine Rodzaevsky(The Nazi leader of Amur)

Amur-Tyumen one struggle path when? /s
It is worth noting that Rodzaevsky said this rant was due to a mental breakdown after fleeing from Manchuria into Shanghai. But yeah Rodzaevsky is one of the most intresting unfiers in my opinion had some strange views on how Russian fascism would be implemented.

Such as the fact that the RFP considered minorities within Russia to share a "common historical destiny" with the ethnic Russians and so wouldn't actively seek to Russify them provided they were loyal to the state. With the exception of Russian Jews who Rodzaevsky saw as naturally disloyal and wanted them all dead.
2WRW is gonna be updated tomorrow. Testing for this was an intresting experience, felt strange to see the events I wrote in game.


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