Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

good god this gives me ptsd of what i saw autistic people going through while in respite care during the 2008 recession
after my father passed away in 2009 i was in respite care and during that time i was locked and barricaded in the changing room during time out, got spoon fed at times, had a grown man wash me every morning, and we would watch crap like barney and sesame street all day) they also screamed at me and just seemed like the kind of social workers who just wanted a paycheck to go home and party, they possibly also left us alone at times while we slept and the bedrooms were quiet and dark with nothing more than a crt tv, a vcr, a small bed and very heavy doors

(the kids who were "patients" there where mostly non verbal as well)

a far cry from the life i had when my dad was alive where we would have parties with my dads drinking buddies and their kids at a rundown farm turned ghetto mcmansion and we would listen to classic rock on the radio while having bonfires and eating mcdonalds and wendys
(i wish i could go back to that life so bad)

hopefully ITTL autistics are treated better not as special needs kids but as people whos brains work differently than most peoples

(from 2011 to 2017 ive practice masking and fixing the way i talked because when even when i went through puberty i was more immature as a teen than i was as a kid i didn't want people to see me as special needs and have history repeat itself again)

maybe if i exist ITTL i meet a girlfriend/white night thats not a social worker takes me in and i live that 90s MTV/youtuber lifestyle once again (except much earlier)
That's awful I'm so sorry!
Guys I've got some sad new. Matthew Perry has passed away.
Geniuses, I have heard the news that Matthew Perry has passed away at the age of 54 a few hours ago. When I got this news notification on my phone, I thought this was a prank or a joke. It wasn't until I read the news that is still unbelievable that he died by cardiac arrest. By the time we've arrived to the 90's ITTL, I hope he gets help to prevent his addiction ever happened. He maybe start a new family after getting into rehab to clean himself up. RIP Matthew Perry, aka Chandler Bing from Friends.
Yeah I saw that earlier tonight as well, my big sister loves Friends, I can’t imagine how she’ll react to this, RIP Matthew Perry.
I couldn't believe it I loved him as Chandler and the fact that he was only 54 it's so sad. RIP Matthew Perry may you forever live in our hearts as Chandler Bing!
James Riddle "Jimmy" Hoffa in a sense, followed his OTL path here. His eventual fate, however, will be quite different.

In May of 1963, he was indicted for jury tampering in Tennessee, charged with the attempted bribery of a grand juror during his 1962 conspiracy trial in Nashville. Hoffa was thereafter convicted on March 4th, 1964, and subsequently sentenced to eight years in prison and a $10,000 fine. While on bail during his appeal, Hoffa was convicted in a second trial held in Chicago, on July 26th, 1964, on one count of conspiracy and three counts of mail and wire fraud for improper use of the Teamsters' pension fund, and sentenced to a further five years in prison. He then spent the next three years appealing the 1964 decisions. These reached all the way up to the Supreme Court, but the Court refused to hear them. He began serving his aggregate prison sentence (thirteen years) in at the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary in Pennsylvania on March 7th, 1967.

While in prison, Hoffa hoped to retain control of the Teamsters, but proved unable to do so. By 1971, he was forced to resign as Union president. He attempted to appeal to both Presidents Romney and Bush for a possible commutation. Allegedly, he put out feelers to their respective staffs, claiming that in exchange for a commutation, he would influence the Teamsters to endorse the GOP ticket in the 1972 election. Both Romney and Bush declined, however. As of 1979, he is just about to finish his prison sentence. He will be released in March of 1980, just in time to watch his arch-nemesis: Robert F. Kennedy, run for president...
That's a bad news already genius. With his jail release in the new decade, he's going to have war again on RFK during the 1980 Presidential Election and during his administration as the US President.
Both the Congo and South Africa will be covered in the upcoming update on Africa as a whole. I apologize that this has not yet materialized. I just have a lot of ground to cover and don't want to provide half-baked answers to these worthy questions. :p
Alright then genius, we'll wait about the upcoming update about Africa in the next chapter updates. I hope Egyptian President Anwar El-Sadat survived his assassination attempt when we arrived on 1981 ITTL.
A fair question. My thought is that following the Colonel's death in 1964 ITTL, Presley would have searched the recording industry to find another manager who would be less controlling, while still having a sharp enough business mind to protect Elvis' assets and career moving forward. After consulting with his old friend Johnny Cash for advice, Presley settled on hiring Cash's Manager at the time, Canadian Music Promoter Saul Holiff to be his new manager. Holiff has done just fine by the King, and has helped Elvis invest his money in good, safe places, ensuring that his family will be financially stable for years to come.
That's a good news genius! Good thing he has connections to Johnny Cash because they're friends during the early years at Sun Record Studios. Mr. Presley, you're finally in good hands ITTL.
Do not worry. All this will be revealed in good time. I'd prefer to cover those films when they would come out...
Alright then as well genius, we'll wait for that in the next chapter updates. Just follow my suggestion for The Godfather Part III on having the good ending that it deserves ITTL.
Thank you for spreading the word! I always welcome new readers. :)
I thought I was making a mistake at first by mentioning your name and your timeline after I post it. But now, I hope these geniuses from my country can contribute on what would happen on our country ITTL in the next chapter updates.
CONTENT WARNING: This short post details child abuse.

For those who may not be familiar "Genie" (born 1957) is the pseudonym of an American feral child who was a victim of severe abuse, neglect, and social isolation. Her circumstances are prominently recorded in the annals of linguistics and abnormal child psychology. When she was just under two years old, her father began keeping her in a locked room. During this period, he almost always strapped her to a child's toilet or bound her in a crib with her arms and legs immobilized, forbade anyone from interacting with her, provided her with almost no stimulation of any kind, and left her severely malnourished. The extent of her isolation prevented her from being exposed to any significant amount of speech, and as a result she did not acquire language during her childhood. Her abuse came to the attention of Los Angeles County child welfare authorities in November 1970, when she was 13 years and 7 months old, after which she became a ward of the state of California.

ITTL, Genie is not separated from the doctors and social workers who tried to help her, as she was IOTL in 1978 by her mother. While she will likely never live a "Normal" life as most would describe it, she will receive the care and attention she needs here. She will be surrounded by people who care about her and do their best to help her overcome her adverse experiences.
So Genie was born in April of 1957? Now I know genius! Her life was really one of the horrifying stories in history, her parents have been neglected her since the age of 2? What kind of parents are they if they're not going to be one in the first place anyway? I only hope her parents were arrested for good ITTL, and be this a lesson to every families not just in the country but around the world as well. And I hope that the Mental Health and Persons With Disabilities ITTL get the recognition and acceptance that it deserves. The good news is that Genie is now with doctors and social workers to get her special care and attention that she deserves. By the end of 1979, she'll be at the age of 22, the same age as me. She may not live a normal life as you say genius, but she'll overcome her disability into ability indeed!
good god this gives me ptsd of what i saw autistic people going through while in respite care during the 2008 recession
after my father passed away in 2009 i was in respite care and during that time i was locked and barricaded in the changing room during time out, got spoon fed at times, had a grown man wash me every morning, and we would watch crap like barney and sesame street all day) they also screamed at me and just seemed like the kind of social workers who just wanted a paycheck to go home and party, they possibly also left us alone at times while we slept and the bedrooms were quiet and dark with nothing more than a crt tv, a vcr, a small bed and very heavy doors

(the kids who were "patients" there where mostly non verbal as well)

a far cry from the life i had when my dad was alive where we would have parties with my dads drinking buddies and their kids at a rundown farm turned ghetto mcmansion and we would listen to classic rock on the radio while having bonfires and eating mcdonalds and wendys
(i wish i could go back to that life so bad)

hopefully ITTL autistics are treated better not as special needs kids but as people whos brains work differently than most peoples

(from 2011 to 2017 ive practice masking and fixing the way i talked because when even when i went through puberty i was more immature as a teen than i was as a kid i didn't want people to see me as special needs and have history repeat itself again)

maybe if i exist ITTL i meet a girlfriend/white night thats not a social worker takes me in and i live that 90s MTV/youtuber lifestyle once again (except much earlier)
I feel you too genius. During my time in Senior High and First Year College, I feel that I have controlled everything by myself, I truly live my life to the fullest while having my self-confidence and self-esteem. When the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown started by March of 2020, I started to lose my edge, my happiness, and to the point that I almost lost my sanity when I clearly told my family that I'm not going to enroll next school year. They never listen, and I didn't enroll for my Third Year College to this day. During the lockdown, that's when I started to have depression and anxiety. It was during one of my therapies that I have a Mild Autism. All those years of my life that I thought I'm normal and unique like everyone else, I was wrong and I truly appreciate and embrace it as years goes on to this day. I try to entertain myself by listening to music on Spotify, watched movies and shows on Netflix; read everything about history, watching anything on YouTube, and bringing myself back to draw and everything about arts. Trying to keep myself up during those times, until I read this timeline from His Excellency here after I watched the 3-Part Alternate Timeline Iceberg Edition on Alternate History Hub's YouTube Channel. This timeline brought back my happiness, optimism, and confidence of my youth. Once again, this timeline brought us together as a new family that I finally belong to. Thank You once again Mr. President, you really brought us together here because of our hopes, dreams, and success to some of the people in your timeline that they deserve and gave them a second life to live.
Holy cow. Your thing makes me curious how those with Cerebral Palsy are treated in this TL, and those who are completely blind, like myself.
You are completely blind genius? I don't know how to put into words, but I hope for your best and success genius.
I’m an autistic person too (high-functioning specifically) and I’m really sorry that you had to experience that back in the day, I hope neurodivergent people end up being treated better by neurotypical people ITTL alongside mental health in general.
You're not alone genius, we're all here together now as a new family. I repeat geniuses, we're all here together now as a new family! We got each other's back no matter what happens geniuses!
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“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” - Senator Robert F. Kennedy, in his Acceptance Speech at The 1980 Democratic National Convention in New York City.

I see what you did here genius, and I'm already loving it! Once again, Kennedy-Murphy 1980: The New Frontiers!
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Now that the 60's got us a memorable decade ITTL Mr. President, what would be the hit songs of every month of the decade ITTL?

And also this one in the 70's ITTL now that you brought the the decade to a close Mr. President.
First heard about it from a friend, who got the article from his girlfriend, and The Hollywood Reporter confirmed it.
RIP to Matthew Perry. I remember first seeing him in an episode of The West Wing, in which he guest-starred. I've never really been a big Friends guy, but I am a fan of Perry and his talent. My favorite role of his was probably his voice work as Benny in Fallout New Vegas, my favorite video game of all time.
Now that the 60's got us a memorable decade ITTL Mr. President, what would be the hit songs of every month of the decade ITTL?

And also this one in the 70's ITTL now that you brought the the decade to a close Mr. President.
I will be honest, I have not considered getting down to that level of granular detail with music ITTL. :p If I have time, maybe I'll be able to list more than my usual year-end Top 10. But it's not really on my radar, at the moment. If anyone has ideas or requests, then I am happy to hear them. :)
I will be honest, I have not considered getting down to that level of granular detail with music ITTL. :p If I have time, maybe I'll be able to list more than my usual Year-End Top 10. But it's not really on my radar, at the moment. If anyone has ideas or requests, then I am happy to hear them. :)
Alright then Mr. President, anyone geniuses here can help and answer my question on my recommendation of The Most Popular Song Every Month of the 60's and 70's ITTL?
Mr. President @President_Lincoln , you did mention in several previous posts that public transport in the TTL US is considerably better than OTL. My question is: will the high-speed rail programs greenlit by the Kennedy and Bush administrations evolve into a nationwide network of bullet trains covering all major American cities, akin to Japan's Shinkansen network? (Perhaps named Amerirail?) Sure, while the enormous infrastructure project would have several negative side effects, including but not limited to its massive cost and causing stock prices of short-haul airlines to plummet, its significant beneficial effect on America's business, economy, society, environment, and culture would, in the long term, outweigh the negative :).
If the 1980 election is between RFK and Reagan, and that seems to be very likely, I'd see Hoffa try to back Reagan's campaign, due to his hatred for Kennedy.