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  • JLK

  • The little "racial bigotry is going away" tidbit in your AANW continuation is a little creepy.Ideas are everythingproof minus thought control.That's what always bothers me about Star Trek.Otherwise good job so far.
    Godot 1
    How? If the root causes underlying neo-Naziism are eliminated, why is it creepy that neo-Nazis stop existing? This is like saying that it's creepy no one believes in Malthusian demographics anymore, or that it's creepy that people don't become alchemists anymore.
    Actually there are still people who believe in Malthusianism.His ideas still have influence and always will.
    It's creepy because if the collective unconscious is so easily modified(which I believe it thankfully cannot be) ,it is easy to attain godlike power over the soul of mankind.
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