
  1. If the Republicans Win in 1948 and 1952, Does JFK Run in '56?

    Suppose that, as expected, Dewey had won the White House in 1948 and he goes on to be re-elected in 1952. Assuming that butterflies don't prevent JFK's election to the Senate, does he run for President in 1956?
  2. Chapman

    AHC: Save South Vietnam

    Your challenge, with a POD no earlier than January 1, 1961, is to maintain the Republic of Vietnam as an independent state (even if only nominally so) up to at least 2000. It can re-integrate with the North by diplomatic means any time after that, but should not lose independence by means of...
  3. DBWI: Which Kennedy Was the Best President?

    The Kennedy family produced two US Presidents, John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. Between the two of them, who was the best President?
  4. Would the Civil Rights Act Have Been Passed Under JFK?

    I've seen debate over whether or not the Civil Rights Act would have been passed had JFK never been assassinated. Some historians say yes, others (who are more partial to LBJ) say no. But what is more likely? Would the act still have passed had JFK lived?
  5. DBWI: LBJ Goes to War in Vietnam

    Recognizing that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, LBJ continued JFK's de-escalation of US involvement. While some advisers told Johnson to initiate a bombing campaign and unleash American ground forces, LBJ took the counsel of Vice-President Hubert Humphrey and refused to intervene militarily...
  6. WI LBJ's heart attack in 1955 was fatal?

    According to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_B._Johnson#Senate_Democratic_leader LBJ suffered a nearly fatal heart attack in 1955. What if instead of narrowly surviving and quitting smoking he died that day? How would us politics change as a result? Who would be the new senate...
  7. President_Lincoln

    BSiC: Closer to Home - A Supplemental Microhistory Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Microhistory is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary: "Historical study which addresses a specific or localized subject; a historical account of this nature, a case study." Often, history is told in long, broad strokes, with the narrative centered on key figures of great socio-cultural...
  8. WI: Joe Kennedy Jr Survives WWII

    What if Joe Kennedy Jr had survived WWII, and went on to enter politics after the war instead of JFK?
  9. Queeney

    AHC: Vice President for RFK in 1964

    Let's assume the following scenario: The assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 fails and he survives. However, because of the traumatic experience (coupled with his already deteriorated health prior to the assassination), JFK decides to not seek reelection in 1964 and endorses his brother...
  10. AHC: Humphrey vs Nixon in 1960

    The POD is JFK experiences a health scare in 1959 that convinces him to sit out the 1960 election and instead wait for 1964. Without Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey wins the Democratic nomination and faces Vice-President Nixon in the general. Who wins the election?
  11. Would Nixon Have Been Re-Elected in 1964?

    The POD is Nixon takes Eisenhower's advice and declines to debate JFK on TV. In November, Nixon barely prevails over Kennedy in both the popular vote and the electoral college. On January 20, 1961 Richard Nixon is sworn in as the 35th President of the United States and assumes leadership of a...
  12. Vidal

    The Brother Also Rises

  13. baliebox4916

    My Alternate Utopia for My Anime/Manga/JRPG im Making

    Heres an Alternate History Scenario i Created out of the 8 Years of Research for an Anime im Making in the Future (its inspired by series like fringe but more utopian and the first run of futurama hope you like it) 1920s Walt Disney in the 1920s Agrees with Charles Mints to Work for Universal...
  14. WI: No Bay of Pigs Invasion

    What if, instead of organizing a rag-tag group of Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro, either Eisenhower or Kennedy recognizes the scheme won't work and they shut down the invasion plans? Would Castro still become a Communist and move into the Soviet sphere of influence? How would...
  15. WI: JFK Escapes Assassination, But Dies of Natural Causes in 1966

    POD: Lee Harvey Oswald is denied a job at the Dallas Book Depository Building, depriving him of the vantage point that allowed him to kill President Kennedy. JFK works with both parties to pass the Civil Rights Act in the summer of 1964 (despite popular myth, the Act had enough overwhelming...
  16. Nixon vs. Kennedy 1960: Who was more likely to win?

    The straightforward answer to this question might be "of course Nixon, because he was Vice President, led in the polls, etc." But I'd still like to expand on that a little bit. As we know, Nixon's under-performance in the first debate was critical, and his ill condition was the result of having...
  17. Historyman 14

    Fate of Vietnam with ealry fall of South.

    The idea here, is either JFK is not assassination (Or lives long enough.) to withdraw America from Vietnam, and cut support to Saigon. Or Nixon wins the 1960 election, and simply throws South Vietnam under the bus. Without American aid, or boots on the ground, the South is unable to hold back...
  18. DBWI: Kennedy assassination successful

    We all now of Lee Harvey Oswald, a man who injured Kennedy and killed his wife. But what would of happened had the assassination been succesfull? How would history have changed?
  19. George Smathers as JFK's VP

    When thinking about interesting PODs for the 60s, having a different Kennedy VP is a big one. Completely changing Vietnam, the development of Civil Rights and the election in 1964, gives one an ample supply of available butterflies. Smathers as Kennedy's VP is imho possible, he was a Southern...
  20. Chapman

    DBWI: Operation Zapata fails?

    In 1961, President John F. Kennedy executed Operation Zapata, the brainchild of the Eisenhower Administration, which ultimately achieved the overthrow of Cuban President Fidel Castro and neutralized the Communist threat on the island. Despite fears by many during the initial days of the...