BSiC: Closer to Home - A Supplemental Microhistory Timeline


is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary: "Historical study which addresses a specific or localized subject; a historical account of this nature, a case study." Often, history is told in long, broad strokes, with the narrative centered on key figures of great socio-cultural, economic, and political importance. But the John F. Kennedys, Nikita Khrushchevs, and Marilyn Monroes are not the only individuals who inhabit this world. They may shape and define major historical events and trends, but they are not the only ones who live to see and react to these monumental occurrences. In fact, one could argue that the stories of the billions of unnamed individuals who live through this history are just as important as those of its key players. Their stories deserve to be told as well.

Since November of 2017, I have had the absolute joy of writing Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond and sharing it with all of you here on That timeline, which asks what the world might look like if Marilyn Monroe had survived her untimely death in 1962, can be read here. The timeline, as many in AltHistory do, takes that macrohistory perspective I mentioned earlier. John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Johnny Cash, Marilyn Monroe, these "big name" types take up almost all of the focus of that text, and through their stories, I aim to provide a "big picture" perspective on this alternate world.

But what about the so-called "little people?" What about the hypothetical George Baileys of this world who live their very real, very potent victories, losses, triumphs, and tragedies in this forever changed world? What effects do the changes (such as JFK living to serve a second term) have on everyday folks? Around Christmas Time last year, I hit upon the idea of creating a second, supplemental thread to accompany Blue Skies, which would tell the stories of everyday people through fictional characters of my own creation and devising. This is that thread! :D Here is what you need to know, in a nutshell, about Blue Skies in Camelot: Closer to Home.

1. This timeline will begin in the form of an epistolary narrative. Each update will feature letters written to and from the various characters I and other users create, and through these letters, we will catch a glimpse of what life is like for everyday people ITTL. I am not married to the idea of this TL staying strictly epistolary. If I or other contributors decide that a more straightforward narrative format is more conducive to the story we are trying to tell, then we will use that form instead. Please let me know if the format is working for you as we get going here! :)

2. Unlike the base timeline, where I am happy to take suggestions but insist that I have complete control over what ultimately makes it into the official story, Closer to Home is meant to be a little more open ended and much more collaborative. I openly invite fans of Blue Skies in Camelot to create their own original characters and share their stories with all of us in this thread if they have any interest. They can be as simple or complex as you desire, and I will do my best to keep up with any and all updates you feel compelled to share. This means that I will threadmark relevant posts (including your own letters) and try to compile your characters' names and details in the master character list at the beginning, which will obviously expand as TTL grows and develops. That being said, I must insist on maintaining final say about what does and does not fit into the world of TTL. Please do not write entries or stories which contradict anything occurring in the base TL, and please try to keep entries dated to any point before the base TL has moved to. If you don't know who the President will be yet in BSiC's 1984, please don't talk openly about that election just yet, and so on. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, and so on, feel free to PM me and I will try to get back to you as soon as I am able. Please keep in mind however that I am a college student, and not superhuman, and so it may take a few days for me to get to threadmarking your update or responding to your message.

3. As with Blue Skies in Camelot proper, I welcome feedback, criticisms, and of course, open discussion in the thread. I love seeing what you all come up with in terms of analysis and engaging, polite, conversation. Remember however, to please follow all board rules and treat each other with kindness, patience, and respect. TTL is meant to be a fun supplement, and I hope you all enjoy it.

I aim to update TTL and the base TL at least once a week. That's the goal, anyway. We'll see if that manages to hold or not with my ever changing schedule. :) Anyways, without further ado, here is Blue Skies in Camelot: Closer to Home!


Above: Salem, Massachusetts in the Late 50's/Early 60's. This is where my first portion of our story begins.
Master Character List
Dramatis Personae
Here, I will keep a running master list of the characters, their creator(s), and what's going on with them. As more users add their own characters and letters to the narrative, I will do my best to keep this post/list as frequently updated as possible. :)

The Rogers Family of Salem, Massachusetts, USA - Created by President_Lincoln
Roland Warren Rogers, Sr. (“Warren”) - B. February 2nd, 1920. The patriarch of the Rogers clan, Warren served as a USMC Sergeant in the Pacific during World War II. A Goldwater-ite conservative, Warren is a plumber by trade and a “rough love” sort of parent. He and his eldest son, Rowe, have a complicated relationship. Warren is 42 years old at the start of our story.

Rose Rogers, nee Walsh - B. March 13th, 1922. Warren’s high school sweetheart and wife, Rose married her husband in 1942, just before he shipped off to fight the Second World War. During the war, she worked in a textile factory, but retired to the role of homemaker when her husband returned. A quiet, sensitive woman, Rose is a nurturing mother and manages to see the “softer” side of her rough-and-ready husband. Rose is 40 years old.

Roland Warren Rogers, Jr. (“Rowe”) - B. September 5th, 1942. Roland Jr. or “Rowe” as he prefers to be called, was born only a week or so after his father shipped off to the Pacific. An overachieving, brilliant student academically, Rowe received a full ride scholarship to study English Literature at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst after graduating as Salutatorian of his high school class. Always smiling and buoyant, yet deeply sensitive like his mother, Rowe has always felt a rift between he and his father that dates back to their early years of separation because of the War and continues because of their differing politics. Rowe considers President John F. Kennedy to be one of his political heroes, for example. In his free time, Rowe enjoys fishing, hiking, writing for the college newspaper, and reading the works of Henry David Thoreau. He plans on becoming an English teacher, or maybe a journalist someday. He is 20 and a sophomore in college at the time of our PoD.

Walter Lee Rogers (“Walt”) - B. June 13th, 1946. Born of a happy reunion of husband and wife at the end of the Second World War, Walt is in many ways his father’s favorite child. Somewhat short, but well built and athletic, Walt spends most of his time playing third base on his school’s varsity baseball team and chasing girls, with whom he is perennially popular, at least, according to Walt. Tough, and hot tempered, Walt exhibits many of his father’s personality traits and shares his more conservative political leanings, but has a heart of gold he shares with those closest to him. He is protective of his sisters and younger brother, Tommy, but has something of a sibling rivalry with his older brother, Rowe. Walt is 16 at the start of our story.

Mary Anne Rogers - B. December 4th, 1947. The first of the Rogers’ twin girls, Mary is the self-professed family “prep”. Uptight, studious, and very image aware, Mary enjoys cheerleading and performing in plays and musicals with her high school drama club. She is perhaps the most outgoing of the Rogers siblings, and excels in Home Ec and serves on student council. She is also developing into quite the flirt, and already has the attention of many boys in her grade, which she also enjoys. She is 14 at the beginning of our story.

Victoria Rose Rogers (“Vic”) - B. December 4th, 1947. Victoria Rose, who prefers to go by “Vic” is unlike her twin sister in just about every imaginable way. They are identical in looks, but their personalities diverge wildly. Whereas Mary glories in the attention and company of others, Vic relishes solitude and time alone. Mary is a cheerleader and acts in plays. Vic helps her older brother, Walt and father, Warren, work on cars and reads her science textbooks for fun. While Mary has always had an easy time making friends, Vic struggles to connect with other people her age, and her older brother, Rowe, whom she is very close to, has diagnosed her with “an old soul”. Vic has also been experiencing strange feelings and desires lately, especially centering around her best friend, Cecilia, and she does not readily know what, if anything, to do about them. Vic is 14 when our story begins.

Thomas Edward Rogers (“Tommy”) - B. April 8th, 1950. Tommy is, like his older sister Victoria, a relatively quiet child. Deeply interested in both art and sports, Tommy spends his hours of freetime drawing, painting, and sculpting, when he isn’t out playing catch with Walt or trying out for his annual little league team. Though only 12 years old at the beginning of our tale, Tommy already shows a strong personality, and a desire to live up to the examples set by his father and two older brothers. He adores comic books, science fiction stories and TV shows, and is thinking about becoming a graphic designer when he gets older.

The Plinski Family of Chicago, Illinois, USA - Created by President Earl Warren
John Plinski: A world war two vet and stolid Daley man working for the city government budget office. John is a Stern but kind father to his two children, Paul and Mary and a loving husband to his wife Martha. He backed Hubert Humphrey during the 72 Primaries for his stalwart Anti Communism and New Deal economics, (not to mention his boss telling him to) which puts him at odds with the rest of the family.

Martha Plinski: a nice house wife who is very active in the local community organizing food drives and other charity events not to mention serving on the PTA. She is much more soft on the kids than her husband. One interesting fact is that she is originally Irish, something which occasionally causes her problems in the dominantly Polish district. Personally a Rockefeller Republican who backed Margret Smith's campaign in 64 and Romney in 68, however she is not as intensely political as her children...

Paul Plinski: A young rebellious college student, affiliated with the YAF since 1968. Paul is a top student who has been affiliated with Conservative causes since protesting the White House over the Chinese diplomacy issue and playing a role in the Chicago Reagan campaign. He conflicts with his Dad for his Politics (which are decidedly anti Daley) but relations are getting better due to his recent decision to Join the Army.

Elizabeth Plinski: a Radical Peace advocate who has campaigned for Chisholm, as you can imagine things get very hot blooded when the family talks politics with her. Is involved with her mom's charity work. Currently hoping McCarthy runs.

The Parker Family of Chicago, Illinois, USA - Created by @King_Arthur
James Parker - Born on May 29th 1949, he joins the Marines in 1967 and is deployed to Cambodia from 1969-1970. He becomes a Scout Sniper in 1971 and is one of the first US personnel deployed to Rhodesia. He is awarded the Silver Star and Purple Heart for Rhodesia. He follows his father's example and votes Republican, but doesn't have any political opinions yet.

Lydia Johnson - Born on December 12th 1948, she is James' girlfriend and begins attending Washington State, majoring in Education. She graduates in 1971 and is working as a teacher as well as engaged to James when he goes to Rhodesia. She is a feminist and votes for Bush in '72 but isn't a partisan voter.

Michael Parker - Born on 1st March 1921, he attended the Naval Academy and was an marine engineer in the US Navy for 10 years, serving in World War 2 and Korea, rising to Lieutenant Commander. He then joined the Merchant Marine and was away often before leaving in 1963 and working on boats on Lake Michigan. He isn't hugely into politics but votes Republican.

Ann Parker - Born on 30th April 1923, she served as a naval nurse in WW2 before marrying Michael, who she met at VJ Day celebrations, in 1946. She works as a nurse at a hospital now, and has mothered two children - Jill and James. She votes Democrat because she likes their support for unions.

Jill Parker - Born on 16th October 1947, she attended Illinois State from 1966-1970 and majored in Communication. She is now working in Saigon for the Washington Post, covering Indochina. She voted for Bush out of dislike for LBJ and respect for the late President Romney, but admires the Kennedys.
John Alexander and Veronica Mendes of Tennessee and New York, USA - Created by @historybuff
John Alexander.
Born: October 7, 1952.
Family: Robert, father, chef. Sherry, mother, nurse. Michael, younger brother by 2 years.

Born in Tennessee to parents originally from West Virginia. Despite being blind because of not having retinas after an eye surgery gone wrong, hasn't stopped him from wanting to become a diplomat, studying several languages in high school and a few in college as well, including Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Russian.
Carries a strong Southern drawl when speaking.
Politically conservative, and a strong GOP follower.
Backed Reagan for President, though is willing to give him a chance after hearing of the deal between him and Bush.

Veronica Mendes.
Born: August 19, 1954.

New York native. Comes from a rich family of Hispanic origins.
Meets John when his father and him attend a Chef event in New York that her father Hiram has organized. Both soon become pen-pals, actually meeting again in high school, and he attends NYU, same as she. Her family are strong Democrats, having backed LBJ in '72'
She and John have political differences, but they try not to let that, or his blindness effect their relationship. Until high school, was something of a queen bee, thinking being rich meant she could have whatever she wanted.
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is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary: "Historical study which addresses a specific or localized subject; a historical account of this nature, a case study." Often, history is told in long, broad strokes, with the narrative centered on key figures of great socio-cultural, economic, and political importance. But the John F. Kennedys, Nikita Khrushchevs, and Marilyn Monroes are not the only individuals who inhabit this world. They may shape and define major historical events and trends, but they are not the only ones who live to see and react to these monumental occurrences. In fact, one could argue that the stories of the billions of unnamed individuals who live through this history are just as important as those of its key players. Their stories deserve to be told as well.

Since November of 2017, I have had the absolute joy of writing Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond and sharing it with all of you here on That timeline, which asks what the world might look like if Marilyn Monroe had survived her untimely death in 1962, can be read here. The timeline, as many in AltHistory do, takes that macrohistory perspective I mentioned earlier. John F. Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Johnny Cash, Marilyn Monroe, these "big name" types take up almost all of the focus of that text, and through their stories, I aim to provide a "big picture" perspective on this alternate world.

But what about the so-called "little people?" What about the hypothetical George Baileys of this world who live their very real, very potent victories, losses, triumphs, and tragedies in this forever changed world? What effects do the changes (such as JFK living to serve a second term) have on everyday folks? Around Christmas Time last year, I hit upon the idea of creating a second, supplemental thread to accompany Blue Skies, which would tell the stories of everyday people through fictional characters of my own creation and devising. This is that thread! :D Here is what you need to know, in a nutshell, about Blue Skies in Camelot: Closer to Home.

1. This timeline will begin in the form of an epistolary narrative. Each update will feature letters written to and from the various characters I and other users create, and through these letters, we will catch a glimpse of what life is like for everyday people ITTL. I am not married to the idea of this TL staying strictly epistolary. If I or other contributors decide that a more straightforward narrative format is more conducive to the story we are trying to tell, then we will use that form instead. Please let me know if the format is working for you as we get going here! :)

2. Unlike the base timeline, where I am happy to take suggestions but insist that I have complete control over what ultimately makes it into the official story, Closer to Home is meant to be a little more open ended and much more collaborative. I openly invite fans of Blue Skies in Camelot to create their own original characters and share their stories with all of us in this thread if they have any interest. They can be as simple or complex as you desire, and I will do my best to keep up with any and all updates you feel compelled to share. This means that I will threadmark relevant posts (including your own letters) and try to compile your characters' names and details in the master character list at the beginning, which will obviously expand as TTL grows and develops. That being said, I must insist on maintaining final say about what does and does not fit into the world of TTL. Please do not write entries or stories which contradict anything occurring in the base TL, and please try to keep entries dated to any point before the base TL has moved to. If you don't know who the President will be yet in BSiC's 1984, please don't talk openly about that election just yet, and so on. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, and so on, feel free to PM me and I will try to get back to you as soon as I am able. Please keep in mind however that I am a college student, and not superhuman, and so it may take a few days for me to get to threadmarking your update or responding to your message.

3. As with Blue Skies in Camelot proper, I welcome feedback, criticisms, and of course, open discussion in the thread. I love seeing what you all come up with in terms of analysis and engaging, polite, conversation. Remember however, to please follow all board rules and treat each other with kindness, patience, and respect. TTL is meant to be a fun supplement, and I hope you all enjoy it.

I aim to update TTL and the base TL at least once a week. That's the goal, anyway. We'll see if that manages to hold or not with my ever changing schedule. :) Anyways, without further ado, here is Blue Skies in Camelot: Closer to Home!


Above: Salem, Massachusetts in the Late 50's/Early 60's. This is where my first portion of our story begins.
When you can, my characters and their families can be added. We can work on that whenever you can.
Now this looks real interesting! Funny you should put this up as I was planning on having characters created for my supplement TL, maybe I could add them to and maybe you could do something with them?
Wow, I’m very excited about all of this! Would you be open to having fictitious characters in other countries, taking place simultaneously with your characters in America?

Very, very excited to see this get going.

Thank you, Your Majesty! :D I hope I can make it interesting and entertaining for you.

Now this looks real interesting! Funny you should put this up as I was planning on having characters created for my supplement TL, maybe I could add them to and maybe you could do something with them?

Thanks @QTXAdsy! I'd love to. :) If you wanted to write updates or letters as well, I'd love to have them!