沒有國民黨就沒有中國, Without the Kuomintang there would be no China, A Republic of China Story

How would the Chinese people ITTL react if they read a timeline of the OTL Chinese Civil War?
A lot of them would call the Communist victory ASB, as well as how the Nationalists were able keep Kinmen and Matsu after losing the mainland. They'd probably be surprised to see so many Kuomintang figures defect to the Communists.
一百一十, Thailand and Myanmar
Thailand accomplished the impressive feat of remaining independent during the height of European colonial might. The country was a monarchy, with Rama IX as king. Most of the actual power, however, was held by Prime Minister Plaek Phibunsongkhram. Plaek was a more fascist who stated his desire to turn the country into a democracy. He also toned down his previous anti-China stance. While not becoming an ally of China, Thailand would be a founding member of the Organization for East Asian Cooperation in 1951. Plaek envisioned Thailand as the premier power of Southeast Asia. Thailand was in a relatively good position. In the 1950s the country was richer and/or more stable than Burma, Laos, Vietnam, or Cambodia. This situation would continue until the present.


(plaek phibunsongkhram)

There was a lower presence of Communists in Thailand than anywhere else in Southeast Asia. The government in the 1960s worked to crush the nascient Communist movement in the country, and succeeded. Thailand became a semi-democratic country, similar to China at the time. Thanom Kittikachorn ran a dictatorship throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s before he was overthrown in 1976. After that, Thailand would transition into a democratic country. In the 1980s, the Thai economy continued to grow and the country was a strong regional power. Tourists from Asia and the West would go to Thailand in increasing numbers. The world would begin to pay more attention to the country. Thailand would, however, be overshadowed by the rise of both Japan and China.

Burma, or Myanmar, had a harder time during the mid to late 20th century. There was a Communist insurgency from the 40s to the 60s. This insurgency led to Chinese intervention, which was uninvited. The Chinese presence in the country was resented by many in Myanmar. During the late 1960s Chinese troops left as China did not want to be seen as an occupying power. In 1962, Burmese general Ne Win was plotting a coup against the government of president U Nu. The Chinese Juntong assassinated Ne Win and other generals. This made him a martyr among those in Burma who hated China. Under U Nu, the country seemed to be on the path to democracy.


(U Nu)

Things would get worse. Ethnic tensions would lead to increasing violence. U Nu was succeeded by Kyaw Nein. Kyaw Nein’s rule was much more authoritarian. He enacted socialist programs, but distanced himself from the Soviet Union. During his rule Burma would develop close ties to Yugoslavia as well as various third world nations. He was aligned with neither the United States, the USSR, or China. Attempted coups and rebellions occurred and were suppressed. However, in 1979, a coup by Maung Maung was successful. Kyaw Nein escaped the country but many of his supporters were persecuted by the new government. Authoritarianism and instability have plagued Myanmar ever since. Myanmar, along with Thailand, remains a major exporter of drugs into China.
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I think "Thailand accomplished the impressive feat of not remaining independent during the height of European colonial might" is what you meant to write, no?
一百一十一, The Cold War in Latin America
Latin America was an important battleground during the cold war, though it would take some time for the US and the Soviets to fully realize this. Leftist governments took power in Cuba, Guatemala, Brazil, and Chile. These countries were on good terms with the Soviet Union, even if they weren’t Communist. It wasn’t until the 1960s that actual Communist movements began to explode in popularity throughout the region. Nicaragua, Colombia, Venezuela, and Colombia experienced Communist insurgencies. President John F. Kennedy was determined to stop Communists from overthrowing governments in Latin America. America sent thousands of military advisors to Latin American countries. America put a lot of effort into keeping Colombia secure. Military advisors, weapons, and other aid poured into the country and the Communist rebellion was eventually defeated. Countries like Mexico were mostly pro-America during this time.

Leftists and populists outnumbered Communists by a lot. Jacobo Arbenz, Fidel Castro, and Juan Peron were not Communists (though Castro had some Communist sympathies), but they weren’t aligned with the US either. All of these leaders would have good relations with China under Chiang Kai-shek. Fidel Castro also had very good relations with the Soviet Union, and visited Moscow in 1969. A rift soon formed between the anti-Communist and pro-democracy Eloy Guttierez Menoyo. Castro fired him from his position as minister of defense. However, a significant portion of the Cuban army was pro-Menoyo and anti-Castro. In 1974, while Castro was visiting Iraq, there was a coup which put Menoyo in power. Fidel would live in exile in Moscow, though he would eventually be allowed back into Cuba before he died. A few pro-Castro and Communist revolts broke out during the late 70s and early 80s, but they never came close to succeeding.


(Eloy Guttierez Menoyo)

Populists in Latin America were usually favorable to, and often inspired by, the Republic of China. China had long-term goals in the region. China would establish friendly relations with multiple Latin American countries in the 50s and 60s with the hope of expanding its influence there when the it became more powerful. There was also a cultural element. A company in Buenos Aires was paid generously in 1978 to make Spanish dubs for Chinese children’s cartoons. These cartoons were set in China, told stories from Chinese mythology, featured pandas and dragons, and portrayed China as a good place. It was hoped that these cartoons would stimulate Sinophilia among children in Latin America. The cartoons were of varying quality but were somewhat popular in some Spanish-speaking countries.

The most famous Cold War confrontation in Latin America occurred in Nicaragua. A Communist rebellion had been ongoing since the 1960s in a country that had been ruled by the Somoza family for decades. Anastasio Somoza Debayle was overthrown in 1982 by pro-Soviet rebels. Daniel Ortega would lead the new leftist regime. This was seen as a threat to the stability of Central America, and Communist movements in the region were emboldened. In 1988 the United States invaded Nicaragua and put Somoza back in power. America had clearly won this theater of the Cold War. The Soviet Union under Alexander Shelepin’s one-year reign supported revolutionaries in Latin America, but Ligachev had stopped that support. While the post-coup Soviet government wanted to support revolution in Latin America, but had little power to actually do anything meaningful.


(Anastasio Somoza Debayle)
一百一十二, Scandal
When Li Ao entered office, he was popular both at home and abroad. He even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. He was like a celebrity in China, and seemed a lot more like the common man than previous leaders. At the beginning of his presidency, his approval rating was 65%. But his popularity would drop as his presidency went on. The ruling coalition that supported him proved to be more and more fragile. He was already having a hard time keeping his leftist allies on board, and in 1994 the failure the pass a universal healthcare bill made matters worse. It looked as if the China Democratic Socialist Party might leave the coalition, and that there would be a minority government.

While some were predicting the Kuomingtang to collapse within the next few years, the 1994 and 1995 local elections proved that the party should not be written off so easily. The party dominated the elections in most of the South, and did fairly well in the North too. By 1995, relations with the CDSP had deteriorated further. It had gotten to the point where they were allies of Li Ao in name only. Some in the party even began to openly ask if they would be better off in a coalition with the KMT. While the party didn’t form a coalition with the KMT, it was clear that the party would not be supporting Li in next year’s election. Thus, Li would work to make sure that he’d have the endorsement of the Liberal and China Youth Parties.

Unfortunately for Li, a series of scandals would break out in late 1994 and early 1995. Several members of his cabinet were implicated. The first was Minister of the Interior Yang Xiuzhu. She was a CDSP member, and at first Li was not eager to further antagonize that party. Once overwhelming evidence of her corruption was revealed, Li immediately threw her under the bus. Minister of Foreign Affairs Cheng Kejie, a member of the CYP, was charged with bribery. His connections to the Macau gambling industry helped make these charges seem credible. He was soon removed from office. The worst scandal came when accusations of wiretapping and other methods of spying on government officials were made against Chen Xitong, the director of China’s intelligence agency.


(Cheng Kejie)

Among those spied on included Former Presidents Chen Lifu and Wang Sheng as well as many other members of the KMT. Members of the New Democratic League were also spied on. The leadership of the CDSP was spied on as well. This caused the official exit of the party from the ruling coalition in June 1995. Li’s response was to dismiss the allegations against Chen as a conspiracy theory. Later, though, he would retract his earlier statement and support Chen’s dismissal from his position as director of the Juntong. Li’s popularity plummeted, and his approval fell below 30% in the summer of 1995. His supporters trusted him to oppose authoritarianism and corruption, and many of them felt betrayed. Li would try to continue governing, though that would be difficult without a majority in the Legislative Yuan.


(Chen Xitong)
Well it was fun while it lasted, now the real patriots (KMT) will be back in charge, not some corrupt liberal celebrities on an American payroll.