AH Challange: Get the world to look like this

I have provided a map of the world in 2010. Could someone write a narrative Time line to get the would to look like this? The One Rule A POD must be between January 1, 1800 and December 31, 1849. Is Anyone Willing to Take My Challenge?

The World Today.png
Just a quibble but with China having the entire habitable area of Siberia why has Russia kept the remaining completely uninhabitable wasteland.
Interesting. I honestly fail to see a single POD so recent for a map of that kind.
It seems to require:
US conquering all of Mexico in the equivalent of the Us-Mexican war.
Russia doing far better and earlier in Central Asia, and losing bad a war with China.
Italy (?), Russia and Germany (Prussia?) basically partitioning Austria and maybe Ottoman Empire along very strange lines for nineteenth century's standards.
Spain and Portugal unified after 1820 or so, that looks like very unlikely.
Several other strange things happening.

My tentative POD would be something like Napoleon attempting a Russian campaign in 1807 after a Russian refusal (that was not unlikely) of his proposal at Tilsit, followed by a franco-ottoman defeat.
All with lots of butterflies especially for Asia.
It's really hard for me to see any event past 1640 or so that would keep Arabic middle east and Persia together without major trouble.
This could be a Russia-wank in the process of breaking down. They used to own Manchuria, Poland, Alaska+Oregon Country, Anatolia, etc, but they're decaying and bits are falling into the hands of foreign powers.

Let's say Russia has a really great 19th century. They utterly destroy the Hapsburgs and Ottomans in a series of wars, taking Anatolia and much of the Balkans. They inflict limited defeats on Britain and China, taking OTL Pakistan and Manchuria. They expand into the Oregon Country. By the start of the 20th century, they are ready to start enjoying their empire and sitting pretty on the top of the world.

However, they've got a HUGE list of potential enemies by this point. Sometime in the 1920s or 30s, a big alliance of the countries Russia has pissed off over the last century gets their collective shit together and plans to knock the Russians off their high horse. They attack in the 1940s. Russia gets beaten, barely, and has to accept fairly big losses. Large bits flake off of Russia. Manchuria, Poland, their bits of America, etc, all are lost. Russia is by no means out, though. By the 1950s, they've rearmed, and started to develop nukes. Splits in the Alliance lead to a tripolar Cold War, with Uber-America, a loose European alliance, and Big Bad Russia competing for influence. China is the big neutral power TTL, along with India.

This explains most of the Eurasians borders, I think. I think the Americas and Africa could be plausibly attributed to butterflies. Let's say the US wants to imitate Russia and the rest of South America starts banding together nervously after Mexico gets annexed.
Cosmic Dutch wank! Byzantine ISOT! Post WW1 (Trianon) Hungary, Russia smaller in the Far East, but bigger everywhere else?? What is this??
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