Alternate Asia 1946

Despite the Appearance of American air power over Korea the North Korean forces proceeded to smash their way to the south General Dean had been sent by General MacArthur to command US forces in Korea. Those forces were not that large. Task Force Dean Consisted of a Battalion of US Field Artillery, 2 Battalions of Infantry and an armored unit equipped with the M-24 tank. Attached to it were some army engineer.
MacArthur's Japan command was understrength and he was attempting to muster additional forces.
The General had been on the phone to Washington, peaking with General of the Army Bradley. Bradley promised to have additional forces on the way. Two carrier Battle groups were on the Way to Korea and the Battleship New Jersey was also enroute.
The Republic of China was only slowly becoming aware of events that had taken place in Korea. The Chinese leader did not like the fact that the communist had started another land war in Asia.. The Chinese defenses along the border with thee PRC were placed on high alert. Chinese warships proceeded to patrol the North China Sea.

Tokyo: The Japanese legislature now proceeded to pass a series of laws which would allow a major expansion of the Japanese Self Defense force. Japan asked for the right to produce copies of American aircraft for the Japanese Self Defense Air Force. The Neptune ASW aircraft was currently being produced by a Japanese company. Japan had several exUSN destroyers and was also in the process of building warships to defend Japan.
The United Nation in the absence of the Soviet delegation passed a resolution condemning the invasion of South Korea and authorizing the use of force to defend the country. The United States was informed that Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were also sending troops. The forces would operate in a Commonwealth Division.
The Republic of the Philippines, Thailand and South Africa were also sending troops. They would be joined by troops from Greece and Turkey. France had also offered to send troops.
The Netherlands would be sending warships as its forces were currently engaged in fighting a war in the East Indies.
Actually it was the Korean War that really got Japan to begin to rearm. The US encouraged this as it would ease the burden on the United States.
In this world the fact that the Soviets have established a Naval facility at what in Czarist time was called Port Arthur .
as well as the North Korean Invasion of the south that has caused Japan to push ahead with a larger SDF to meet the threats.
I would Imagine that the Japanese government is also concern with the growing military strength of the Republic of China as well as the smaller peoples Republic of China and the Soviet Union.
I see the war basically going in the same direction as it did in OTL for 1950. However, I do believe that the counter offensive by MacArthur would stand a far greater chance of coming to a successful end/
Korea disaster after disaster seemed to be striking the allied effort to hold the line in Korea. Us loses were tragic including the lose of a US General. Still the USAF and the USN/USMC air power was causing the loss of men and material of the North Korean Peoples Army. The North Koreans had lost control of the air. Meanwhile additional US Army , USMC and allied forces began stabilizing the Pusan Premiter
MacArthur was looking for a bold move that would result in the colapse of the North Korean forces. Additional Marine units were arriving but the Supreme Commander was putting them aside for his offensive. In fact he was preparing to withdraw the Marine in the line to strengthen his amphibious forces. The USS Missouri and the USS Wisconsin had arrived to join the allied armada. The Wisconsin remained to provide fire support along the defensive line. Inchon was the target.
As in our time line the US landing at Inchon came as a complete surprise to the North Koreans. Us forces rapidly pushed toward the capital of South Korea.. The North Korean Military was faced with a choice of staying in place and being destroyed or attempt to retreat as fast as possible.
The Breakout from the Pusan line began. The Republic of Korea Army was receiving much improved equipment and Korean troops were being assigned to US units,
The US /allied forces were now pushing North even as the American forces were pushing into the South Korean Capital and further east. The North Korean Army had been badly mauled and was desperately trying to escape North. It had acted brutally toward the civilian population in the south and had conscripted the southerners into its army to replace loses. The United Nations and the Truman administration both approved crossing the artificial border and ending the war with the destruction of the north.
Russian diplomats hurried back to the UN in an attempt to get a cease fire. But the United Nations forces had crossed the border and were in hot pursuit of the crumbling North Korean Army. MacArthur had received considerable reinforcements from the US. The light M-24 tanks had been replaced with M-4A4E8 and M-46 tanks. The US conducted an amphibious landing on the East coast of North Korea in an attempt to finish the war by Christmas.
The PRC had been receiving equipment from the Soviet Union including Mig 15 jet fighters , AA guns and additional artillery but it was concern that intervention in Korea could trigger an attack by the ROC.
Wasn't MacArthur originally planning to go all the way into Manchuria for the Korean War? Hopefully the war doesn't get that big TTL..
The Communist Chinese government decided that a limited intervention in Korea might achieve a goal of getting a cease fire and allow some Communist Korean Buffer state to be re-established. Thus 100,000 Chinese Volunteers were sent into Korea and struck at the allied forces catching them by surprise.The Republic of China was very concern by the rearming of Japan and by the PRCs entering of the conflict. Chang made an offer to send Nationalist forces to Korea or to exert pressure on the PRC if the US would sell the ROC modern jet fighter aircraft. The P-51 and P-47 were regarded as becoming obsolete in this new jet age.
President Truman instructed MacArthur to reject the offer of troops from the ROC for fear that the war could expand or never end. However, the US did agree to sell F-84s to China and would consider the sale of the F-86 to the ROC.
The result was an ROC build up along the demilitarization zone and ROC aircraft violating PRC airspace. The PRC Central Committee reached a decision that no more forces could be sent into Korea.
MacArthur had wanted to strike at Manchuria in OTL but Truman put his foot down. The President was fearful of a wider war.
Even though the PRC is much smaller in this time line the President would not allow the war to spread into Manchuria
The end result of the PRC-North Korean Winter Counter Offensive was the regaining of territory in North Korea but the UN still held a considerable chunk of it. The US continued to hold the port on North Korea's east coast and was able to re-establish routes to the south in the Spring of 1951. By the summer of 1951 the UN forces had managed to move somewhat further back up North but it was increasingly a war resembling World War I.
Peace talks began but no progress was made.In 1952 President Truman recalled General MacArthur and appointed a new commander of US forces.
The President was also feeling that his party would not be in good shape if he would run for another term so he announced that he would not be a candidate in late 1951
The Stalemate in Korea helped to lead the Republican Party to select General Dwight D Eisenhower to be its candidate. The election in the fall saw the Republican take not only the White House but control of the Congress. A clear signal was sent from the Kremlin to make a deal for a cease fire before Eisenhower assumed full control. Thus in December 1952 the parties reached an agreement for a cease fire in place. The United Nations forces controlled most of the Korean Peninsula.
Talks would continue in Switzerland but it was thought unlkely that a peace agreement could be reached,
The Republic of Korea and the remains of the Communist Democratic Republic of Korea

North Korea's pretty much bereft of anything if that ends up being the final border in regards to people and resources. I took a look at some population density maps and almost all of their population is in the south of the country with the exception being the northwest corner near Dandong. This basically leaves it as a buffer zone and utterly dependent on the USSR and PRC even more than OTL. I would be surprised if the Kim family could survive this.

This does bring up an interesting point though, that's a very long DMZ to maintain. Could the ROK and friends give up the eastern portion of the coast to set up a DMZ where the peninsula is a lot more narrow in exchange for something else? Maybe something from the PRC for their "volunteers" getting involved?
After talks that lasted for nearly six Months the United States and the UN reached an agreement with the DPRK and the PRC regarding a permanent cease fire. The UN forces pulled back to a more defensible line. The Soviet Union applied pressure to the DPRK to demand that they would agree with this settlement. Even the PRC was feeling the pressure from both the ROC and the USSR.
While the President of the Republic of Korea wanted to continue the war until all of Korea was liberated the Korean Military was well aware of all of the efforts and lives lost that the US had suffered. The Eisenhower Administrationwas pleased that hostilities were now over.
The PRC would withdraw all forces from the DPRK as a result of this requirement.

Speaking from perspective of someone who works on highly similar TL, by all means, please, do write... Let a thousand flowers bloom, as Chairman Meow said...:D

Tbh, your TL serves as inspiration for mine. Mine is a general TL of an ROC victory though (naval matters will nevertheless get some attention).