Alternate Asia 1946

The French Government was concern at the instability of some of the governments that had been former French colonies. French intelligence believed that they were breeding grounds for terrorist and for the flow of refugees Northward toward Algeria and Europe. As a result the Government of France decided to intervene and attempt to stabilize the area. In Chad the Kingdom of Libya sent forces in to stop attacks into southern Libya. The better armed Royal Libyan Army with support from the Kingdoms air Force pounded the region. The Libyan set up a new government and arranged for the French legionnaires to come in to train a new Chadian Army and Police force.
Things began to calm down as the dust began to settle both in Europe and North Africa. In the United States President Sarah Palin decided to seek a second term and asked Vice President George W Bush to once again be her running mate.
Many were wondering just how much the two parts of China would work out their differences. The Manchurian State and the Republic of China had reduced the number of barriers between the two state. There was trade but the Manchurian State was still a lot more Socialist. It had become a multiparty country but the Manchurian Social Democratic Party dominated.