Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

Also, I'm genuinely curious how the Mormon church was affected by the fact that a George Romney and Mo Udall (Udall was a former Mormon), both were president.
How bitter is Udall that he couldn't run for re-election? Would he have died in office if he ran and won? Here's the updated President Udall wikibox. View attachment 883651
As covered in recent updates, Udall was rather bitter when he learned about his diagnosis and first made the decision not to seek a second term. But as time goes by, that bitterness fades. For one thing, he's got a (more or less) ideal successor in the form of RFK. He's also not a bitter person by nature. I think eventually he would come to see the whole situation with humility enough to say "it is what it is". Becoming an activist for Parkinson's awareness and treatment will also help him find purpose in his post-presidency. I plan on having him live more or less as long as he did IOTL, probably passing away in the mid to late 90s.

Also, I'm genuinely curious how the Mormon church was affected by the fact that a George Romney and Mo Udall (Udall was a former Mormon), both were president.
The Mormon Church's profile has definitely been raised by this development. :) It's moving toward more mainstream awareness and acceptance. It will of course still have people who look upon it as "strange" just for being different. But most Christians, for example, would rather stand in solidarity with Mormons in the developing culture war than fight with them over differences in theology. I liken this to how Catholicism slowly became just an accepted form of Christianity in America. JFK becoming president didn't cause that trend at all. But his election was a sign that religious tolerance had increased, I think.
As covered in recent updates, Udall was rather bitter when he learned about his diagnosis and first made the decision not to seek a second term. But as time goes by, that bitterness fades. For one thing, he's got a (more or less) ideal successor in the form of RFK. He's also not a bitter person by nature. I think eventually he would come to see the whole situation with humility enough to say "it is what it is". Becoming an activist for Parkinson's awareness and treatment will also help him find purpose in his post-presidency. I plan on having him live more or less as long as he did IOTL, probably passing away in the mid to late 90s.

The Mormon Church's profile has definitely been raised by this development. :) It's moving toward more mainstream awareness and acceptance. It will of course still have people who look upon it as "strange" just for being different. But most Christians, for example, would rather stand in solidarity with Mormons in the developing culture war than fight with them over differences in theology. I liken this to how Catholicism slowly became just an accepted form of Christianity in America. JFK becoming president didn't cause that trend at all. But his election was a sign that religious tolerance had increased, I think.
How much do you plan things in advance? I don't imagine the Udall and Bobby presidencies were planned when this started back in 2017.
How much do you plan things in advance? I don't imagine the Udall and Bobby presidencies were planned when this started back in 2017.
I plan a fair bit in advance. :) You're right that Udall and Bobby's presidencies were not planned way back when I started. That said, I did foreshadow Bobby eventually becoming president pretty early on.
I try to have a year or two out from the current spot in the TL thoroughly planned. From there, I have broad ideas and sketches that take us to the next say... Five or ten years. After that, it's mostly vague thoughts and notions about what could come next.
Mr. President, as we're entering RFK's first term in office, I would like to once again propose my idea of the following educational reforms, if only to make becoming a blue-collar worker or a pink-collar worker just as acceptable as a white-collar one, as well as preventing many Americans from being overeducated and having trouble finding jobs:

Great post, Mr. President, as always :). A question, @President_Lincoln: Will the Udall second Kennedy administration create legislation or law that would increase government investment in vocational/trade schools? Something that would encourage and support young people in going into blue-collar jobs to help America sustain a healthy number of blue-collar workers?
Mr. President, as we're entering RFK's first term in office, I would like to once again propose my idea of the following educational reforms, if only to make becoming a blue-collar worker or a pink-collar worker just as acceptable as a white-collar one, as well as preventing many Americans from being overeducated and having trouble finding jobs:
That's definitely a good idea. Trade schools and vocational definitely should be funded a lot more.
Speaking of education reform. @President_Lincoln do you think there could also be a chance that school ITTL becomes Year-round and I don't mean that some schools. I mean it becomes like could it become the regular way that they do it in the US?
Speaking of education reform. @President_Lincoln do you think there could also be a chance that school ITTL becomes Year-round and I don't mean that some schools. I mean it becomes like could it become the regular way that they do it in the US?
I get that it's not the most popular thing and it has it's disadvantageous. But something needs to be done in order to fix the education system besides paying teachers more money than the crap they're paid now
Indeed. The decadent education sector is in DIRE NEED of reform. In addition to @PRM 's ideas, I would also like to propose to you, Mr. President @President_Lincoln , another idea that is somewhat related to my first idea of increasing investment in trade or vocational schools: the advocation of the European model for education. Specifically, a plan that calls for the allocation of billions for the creation of new charter schools and greater student tracking. This will effectively give any student the right to transfer to a charter school at any time they feel that they have an interest in a specific subject or field. This plan could result in the US staying on par with Germany, Japan, and other industrialized developed economies in the creation of scientists and engineers as well as improving education in trade skills.
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Indeed. The decadent education sector is in DIRE NEED of reform. In addition to @PRM 's ideas, I would also like to propose to you, Mr. President @President_Lincoln , another idea that is somewhat related to my first idea of increasing investment in trade or vocational schools: the advocation of the European model for education. Specifically, a plan that calls for the allocation of billions for the creation of new charter schools and greater student tracking. This will effectively give any student the right to transfer to a charter school at any time they feel that they have an interest in a specific subject or field. This plan could result in the US staying on par with Germany, Japan, and other industrialized developed economies in the creation of scientists and engineers as well as improving education in trade skills.
As a public school boy myself this idea gives me weary. But I guess if it puts the US on par with Germany, Japan, and other industrial countries into improving education, I'm for it.


I'm thinking that at some point a movie is made about the Polanski trial. We see the crime itself (a very unpleasant scene, but one that shows that Polanski is a bad guy despite the apologia), we see the public outcry and back and forth (including from misogynists who try to play it down or defend it), the trial.....and the verdict.

Notably when Polanski is found guilty we see him react with silent shock (in the miniseries Unbelievable, the rapist, McCartney, is utterly smug during most of the trial.....when he learns he'll be sentenced to 300 years he reacts with visible shock).

The movie does well and wins awards but is somewhat controversial for it's very brutal and matter of fact portrayal of the crime, as well as for coming down on the people who defended Polanski (Promising Young Woman BRUTALLY skewers the people who make excuses for rapists because "they're such nice guys" or "they have good futures".) A lot of people who defended Polanski at the time are put in the spotlight and try to play down their actions (though some might express genuine regret).
As a public school boy myself this idea gives me weary. But I guess if it puts the US on par with Germany, Japan, and other industrial countries into improving education, I'm for it.
Charter school: a publicly funded independent school established by teachers, parents, or community groups under the terms of a charter with a local or national authority.


I think the Polanski movie could be an independent movie that does surprisingly well. The studios largely refuse to touch it, and it turns out that many of them didn't like the subject matter. Directors like Martin Scorsese might also take offense at how they were portrayed as apologizing for Polanski's actions.
I plan a fair bit in advance. :) You're right that Udall and Bobby's presidencies were not planned way back when I started. That said, I did foreshadow Bobby eventually becoming president pretty early on.
I try to have a year or two out from the current spot in the TL thoroughly planned. From there, I have broad ideas and sketches that take us to the next say... Five or ten years. After that, it's mostly vague thoughts and notions about what could come next.
Who did Governor Bentsen appoint after Senator Johnson died? Also, would Sanford have beaten Romney in 1968?