Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

…Oh my god, holy crap, so Mo Udall is not going to run for a second term? Wow. I mean, I guess it makes sense, and that he’ll become TTL’s version of Jimmy Carter but much more successful and with the chance that he’ll be succeeded by one of his own instead of his opponent, but still, I feel for him and his family. Hopefully most of the nation won’t be ableist towards him, despite what some b*stands have said about him in this very chapter.

I hope RFK can manage to give them hell!
I'm rooting for RFK too we were robbed in OTL.
Oooh... Bobby's stepping up to the plate it seems, we'll see if he wins
That said, methinks that Bentsen's not willing to go be second banana again if he loses the nomination to RFK

Should Bobby stick to the South for his running mate come the general election, these four come to my mind [there's definitely more, these people just sprang to my mind first]:
Bumpers, Sanford [focus on education], Askew [anti-corruption tilt, his record's a great fit imo for a campaign focusing on honesty in government], and Carter [Didn't he and Ted have a frosty relationship OTL? Do wonder if that affects stuff between him and Bobby TTL... in any case, he's prolly far better as Secretary of Energy anyway, if he isn't there already to placate the South (esp. if Bobby does not pick someone from there)]
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Oooh... Bobby's stepping up to the plate it seems, we'll see if he wins
That said, methinks that Bentsen's not willing to go be second banana again should he lose the nomination to RFK

Should he stick to the South for his running mate come the general election, these four come to my mind (there's definitely more, these people just sprang to my mind first):
Bumpers, Sanford (focus on education), Askew (anti-corruption tilt, his record's a great fit imo for a campaign focusing on honesty in government), and Carter (didn't he and Ted have a frosty relationship OTL? Do wonder if that affects stuff between him and Bobby TTL... in any case, he's prolly far better as Secretary of Energy anyway if he isn't there already, to placate the South esp. if Bobby does not pick someone from there)
I like Askew he was also a major Civil Rights crusader
I guess now there's a consensus that RFK should be the Democrats' nominee. The question is: who is the best individual to be his running mate?
No I meant it's beyond fun so beyond fun that they need to come up with a whole new word like what other word be used to describe fun besides exciting
Alright then genius, would you like to give some words besides fun and exciting to broaden more on my vocabulary? I just used that last line genius because I'm a fan of Star Wars.
Oh so RFK on SCOTUS isn't happening anymore?
Exactly genius! If you recall on the last chapter on The New Generation of Romneys and Kennedys, he was supposed to be The Supreme Court Associate Justice by 1985, the same year President Kennedy, Sr. died ITTL. When President Udall announced that he will not seek a second term due to his Parkinson's Disease, the political landscape has changed and it was RFK's time to lead the 1980 Democratic Presidential Nomination. With his blessings from his wife Ethel and his elder brother JFK, Sr., RFK will campaign to lead the nation into the new decade, and whoever Republican Presidential Nominee (definitely Reagan), it will be a historic US Presidential Election History.
As for the ticket I do predict that it would end up with RFK selecting Senator Audie Murphy.

Kennedy / Murphy 1980 VS Nixon / Haig 1980
Robert Kennedy and Audie Murphy for 1980? You know what genius, why not and I second it as well. The Right-Wing Republicans are going to be tight-lipped if they ever talk dirty or trash about Senator Murphy, The Most Decorated Hero of The Second World War.
Robert Kennedy and Audie Murphy for 1980? You know what genius, why not and I second it as well. The Right-Wing Republicans are going to be tight-lipped if they ever talk dirty or trash about Senator Murphy, The Most Decorated Hero of The Second World War.
Yes indeed, maybe they’ll actually show some respect and manners instead of trash-talking them like how many politicians have turned to that in recent years IOTL…
Yes indeed, maybe they’ll actually show some respect and manners instead of trash-talking them like how many politicians have turned to that in recent years IOTL…
They'll try but somehow I donate see them succeding at least characters like Falwell
Yes indeed, maybe they’ll actually show some respect and manners instead of trash-talking them like how many politicians have turned to that in recent years IOTL…
The Leader of New Frontier Democrats and The Most Decorated Hero of the Second World War, the chances of trash-talking to these statesmen are going to be zero. If any Republican tries, slips, or caughts them to, their reputations are going to be over and winning the election would absolutely goes to the Democrats by 1980.
The Leader of New Frontier Democrats and The Most Decorated Hero of the Second World War, the chances of trash-talking to these statesmen are going to be zero. If any Republican tries, slips, or caughts them to, their reputations are going to be over and winning the election would absolutely goes to the Democrats by 1980.
and the best part Murphy's from Texas so if he were Bobby's running mate most likely Texas could land in their column.