That's pretty much how I think with those two honestly. I think that while Pakistan and India would eventually be at each other's throats, they'll probably make sure it doesn't reach as high OTL.
That's pretty much how I think with those two honestly. I think that while Pakistan and India would eventually be at each other's throats, they'll probably make sure it doesn't reach as high OTL.
They also have many more smaller nations around to mess with in their rivalry, even without atom bombs ...
A new China
A new China

While the film Third Man plays in the European Spy capital of Vienna is shown in the United Kingdom for the first time, it will win the 1949 Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festical as a film noir. In New Jersey, World War II Veteran Howard Unruh kills 13 of his neighbors in Camden, with the Parabellum P.08 he had brought back as a souvenir, making him the first mass murderer in American history. In Germany Allied authorities relinquish control of most of former Nazi Germany, which previously had been blocked mostly by the Soviet Union until the united German government became left-leaning and pro-communist, pro-Soviet Union. With this the Federal German People’s Republic, or the Republican Federation of the German People is created and Kurth Schumacher, of the Socialist Party of Germany became the first Federal Republican Chancellor. The Canadian Pacific Airliner Douglas DC-3 is bombed with dynamite in Quebec during the Albert Guay affair. In Toronto the career bank robbery, World War II Veteran Edwin Alonzo Boyd begins a series of robbery. The accepting of Ceylon is vetoed by the Soviet Union in favor of left-leaning Dravidia. Similar, Finland, Iceland, Italy and Portugal are also blocked from membership by the British, Americans, French, Russians and Chinese in the beginning Cold War to oppose one another. Over 118 lives are quickly lost when the Canadian steamship SS Noronic burned, while the debut of While E. Coyote and the Road Runner debut by Warner Bros Cartoon (WBC) in Fast and Furry-ous directed by Chuck Jones. The British Empire and United Kingdom has the pound sterling devalued, making it go from $4.03 to $2.80. With the public announcement by US President Harry S. Truman that the Soviet Union had tested their first aromic bomb shocked the world. In Hungary, the ex-foreign minister Laszlo Rajk is sentenced to death, while in the United States Billy Graham, the Christian evangelist speaks before 350,000 people in what would become the Los Angeles Crusade, making him a national figure in the Untied States. Former Tokyo Rose, Iva Toguri D’Aquino is found guilty in then United States for broadcasting propaganda for Imperial Japan. During the First Plenary Session of the Political Consultative Conference, the Chinese People’s Republic officially adopts it’s new flag, the so called Chinese Yellow River Flag, or People’s Republic Yellow River Flag, the one that was preferred by Mao and actually showing the Southern border river to the Nanjing Kuomintang Republic of China, would become the winning design and become the new official flag of the People’s Republic of China going forward.
Mongol Peoples Union
Mongol Peoples Union

With the official proclamation of the Chinese People’s Republic and it’s recognition by the Soviet Union, quickly followed by the Mongolian People’s Republic, as well as the East Turkestan Republic, with all of these Soviet-depending, or closely Soviet allied nation states recognizing one another, Northeast Asia and the Far East come more directly under firm communist control. Meanwhile the Anglo-Americans (the United States and England) manage to smuggle guerrilla forces into Albania in a attempt to counter Soviet influence in Europe after they had lost Yugoslavia, Italy and Germany to the Eastern Block and now feared the takeover of all of Europe to Communism after the Fall of those Dominoes. Supported by local agents and anti-communist groups, the initiative is the first to bring anti-socialist and anti-communist unrest, rebellions and uprisings in the Balkans and Eastern Europe to diminish the overall hegemony, influence and control of Moscow and the Soviet Union there. With the official establishment of the German Democratic People’s Republic, the German Nation State, for the most part comes under strong Communist and Socialist influence and control. As Guatemala is palgued by flooding, the United States finds Eugen Dennis and other Communist leaders in the United States guilty of treason and attempting to overthrow democracy, the republic and the overall government, sentencing them to life in prison. In Greece the last remnants of the communist guerrilla from the civil war surrender, making Greece rather isolated in a communist Balkan Peninsula and resulting in a growing authoritarian militarization and later dictatorship which will go on to build heavy border fortifications. In Austria the Ostmark is formed a Pan-German, Nationalist, Fascist and Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist party and movement, that portrays itself and Austria as the last bulwark against Communism in Central Europe that protects Western Europe from total collapse. In Manhattan, New York, the cornerstone for the future headquarters of the United Nations is laid. Meanwhile in China, Communist Mongols manage to conquer Ningxia from the Ma Clique Warlrods, adding it to Inner Mongolia and the overall expanded Greater Mongolian People’s Republic/ United Mongolian People’s Republic. Not wanting to risk war with Communist China, the Chinese Republic backs down from further escalation by not intervening. Communist China at the same time introduces the Chinese People’s Insurance Corporation. During a flight from Paris to London, an Air France flight crashes in the Azores on Sao Miguel Islands, killing everyone aboard, among the victims are French Boxer Marcel Cerdan and Violinist Ginette Neveu.
why doesn't communist North China merge into the USSR? Demographically it can't be as unbalanced and at most it should be about 35-40% of the USSR population...
why doesn't communist North China merge into the USSR? Demographically it can't be as unbalanced and at most it should be about 35-40% of the USSR population...
That is not a bad idea the suggestion was there at some time OTL, maybe more so TTL.

I have to look at the overall population a bit closer. Russian Population should be around 179,000,000 while the Chinese Population should be around 135,000,000 and around 546,000 to 552,000,000 for all of what today would be China during the time, so you are quite right with that ;D
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That is not a bad idea the suggestion was there at some time OTL, maybe more so TTL.

I have to look at the overall population a bit closer. Russian Population should be around 179,000,000 while the Chinese Population should be around 135,000,000 and around 546,000 to 552,000,000 for all of what today would be China during the time, so you are quite right with that ;D
Perhaps one in three Soviet premiers would be Chinese...
Perhaps one in three Soviet premiers would be Chinese...
Maybe even more, that depents both on how much either Chinese and Russian populations would grow after unity and even more so how much both would be willing and capable to rally the rural population behind their cause (or at least fake their votes) as OTL the votes in more rural areas had always have a problem during the early years and I can see that especially being the chase in areas of China and Russia who are still somewhat stuck without main literacy and industrial programs, as even OTL som of that regions got rid of their past systems and problems rather slowly, especially the furhter away from Moscow/ Peking you got (luckily here, none of Communist China is very far from Peking) ;D
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Maybe even more, that depents both on how much either Chinese and Russian populations would grow after unity and even more so how much both would be willing and capable to rally the rural population behind their cause (or at least fake their votes) as OTL the votes in more rural areas had always have a problem during the early years and I can see that especially being the chase in areas of China and Russia who are still somewhat stuck without main literacy and industrial programs, as even OTL som of that regions got rid of their past systems and problems rather slowly, especially the furhter away from Moscow/ Peking you got (luckily here, none of Communsit China is very far from Peking) ;D
Makes sense.
Constitutional Assembly of India
Constitutional Assembly of India

While oil is discovered near the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic Coast in the Caspian Sea, enlarging the Azerbaijani Oil Industry, the new Volkswagen (People’s Car) Typ 2 (Type Two) is presented in Germany as Car by the People, for the People, that can be efforted by everyone, just as the Kraft durch Freude Volkswagen under the Nazi’s was promised to and later delivered after the Second World War as the Typ 1/ Tyoe One Volkswagen. For the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, Narayan Apte and Nathuram Godse are executed. In California the Squaw Valley, Placer Country has the ski resort opened. While Winston Churchill supports the Idea of a European Union, or European Federation working similarly to the British Commonwealth (the later Commonwealth of Nations) during a speech a Kingsway Hall in London, New Zealand sees the National Party under Sidney Holland win against the former government of Peter Fraser. In India meanwhile the Indian Republic/ Hindu Republic Constitution adopted by the Indian Constitutional Assembly is much less pro-Indian and pro-Hindu as some had hoped and others had feared, clearly with the intention of one day reuniting India with Mohammedan/ Muslim Pakistan, Dravidia, Travancor People’s Republic, the Sikh Nation of Kalistan and the Jain dominated Rajput/ Rajputa/ Rajputia/ Rajputana.
No major vote here this week, but as this ethnic and religious more divided India/ South Asia is also much more overall instable and rivaling one another, much more conflict in the region going forward then OTL sadly. The Indian/ Hindian move to word their constitution mroe neutral and open will therefore be seen by many as ambitions against them and their autonomy/ independence.
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