Plausibility check

I am working on making a board for a Diplomacy like game. Everyting is idea shaping stage so I would like to ask for some opinions.

The PoD is the Ottoman Empire conquering all of kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia in the first 1/3 of the 16th century rather than focusing on the core of the Hungarian kingdom following the battle of Mohacs being content to see Hungary sunder itself in a civil war. From that point onwards Suleyman decides to consolidate his gains before further conquests but (un)fortunately he dies prior to seting the state on a war footing again. Situation evolves from there.

The map below is set in 1901 at the outbreak of the First Transcontinental War, the trigger will be Hungary falling apart in a class uprising against the landed gentry and their foreign mercenaries.

Ottoman Empire
Spanish Empire
Kingdom of France
Kingdom of England
Kingdom of Danmark
Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Poland
Kingdom of Scotland-Eire
Grand Duchy of Austria
Grand Duchy of Moscovy
Principality of Moldavia
Toscan League
The Holy See
Duchy of Milan
Republic of Venice
Republic of Hannover
Republic of Bologna
Deutch League

So my question is, are the borders believable?
First off, the basemap's awful.

That aside, I think most of them are manageable; I think that if Hungary isn't conquered outright after Mohacs it'll be so weakened that it will fall prey to Austria, Bohemia or Poland; given that Poland seems to have done rather well in TTL I'd suggest some sort of dynastic union, if not outright annexation.

My other main concern is Scotland-Eire; I think it's possible for Scotland to have Ulster, given that there were lots of Ulster Scots settled there around the time of the POD, but I think that the rest of Scotland is impossible to take; Ireland's very Catholic and Scotland very Protestant; the only reason England could hold Ireland for so long was its massive military and economic advantage, which Scotland wouldn't possess. I'd suggest having Ireland partitioned between England and Scotland; instead of outright annexation you could have some sort of looser control that existed before 1689, or even a separate parliament like pre-1801 Dublin.
Although I broadly agree about Scotland-Ireland (it is Scotland-Ireland or it is Alba-Eire - indeed it is both - but why mix languages? Using the word 'Eire' in English (or Scots) is a phenomenon of the 20th century), Scotland was not destined to be Protestant from the moment Martin Luther nailed up his theses.
Thanks on the replies.

Saepe Fidelis@ the map is just a rough thing so you guys can get the idea