Question: French borders without the 100 days?

Just thinking of some notions for a quick map: anyone care to venture what France might have managed to hold onto in an alt-Congress of Vienna if Napoleon never made it off Elba? (Come to think of it, Prussia probably doesn't get quite the same stuff either with no Waterloo. Someone must have discussed this before, surely.)
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The 1814 Treaty of Paris agreed to return France to its 1st June 1792 borders, with some tweaks.

There's a couple of maps on that page that might be of use.

I believe that the Congress of Vienna (which started in September 1814) originally intended to ratify those borders, before, well, Napoleon Returned(TM).
France would have retained the borders granted by the peace of 1814, hence would have kept the SE corner of the Bavarian Palatinate, and some border districts in Belgium.