Richard III wins and marries Isabel of Viseu

1. The idea and begin
Richard III wins 1485 at Bosworth Field and Henry Tudor doesn't......the rest of the the Rebellion gets put down....

And he sends a few emissaries to King Joao II of Portugal and asks for a bride of Lancaster Blood.....

Richard is widower and needs to remarry to sire an heir.....OTL he had been interested in Joanna of Portugal, sister of Joao II, but she already had taken her clerical vows and had never been interested in marriage....

There are not many other female descendants of Philippa of Lancaster in the best fitting age bracket and currently unmarried left be honest, there
is actually only one and she is a young widow.

Isabel of Viseu had been widowed since the execution of her husband Fernando II, Duke of Braganza in 1483 and also since the family possessions of her husband's family had been confiscated by the King, she had fled with her children to Castile, fearing what further actions her brother-in-law might take to show his Power over all the nobility of Portugal.

Now, this fear was of course based on the fact that her Cousin and brother-in-law Joao II had not only ordered the execution of her husband but also of her older brother Diogo, Duke of Viseu and thus nobody could be sure to not be the next one who might get a shortened lifespan.

Now, OTL Isabel and her kids only returned to Portugal after her younger brother Manuel became King after the death of Joao and only then the riches of husband's family were returned to her and her children.

Now my is, that this could be a Chance for Isabel's sister, Joao II's wife Queen Leonor to see this as a way to protect her younger sister from further harm by her her husband the King and thus somehow gets Joao to agree to put forward the widow Isabel instead of his nun sister Joanna as bride for the King of England.

Richard needs an heir, Isabel had proven her fertility in her first marriage, she is a lot younger than the sister of the King but from the same noble Blood, seeing that Isabel's dad and Joanna's and the King's dad had been brothers and so Richard agrees.

Isabel gets the news in her Castilian exile and even though she feels safe enough there in the Court of her second Cousins Isabella and Ferdinand, she also sees a good Chance for even more safety in a Country which is a bit further away.

And this English King is only seven years older than her, which is a nice change from her first husband who was a good twenty-nine years her senior.
Plus, she gets to be Queen too.

So, she sends letters of agreement though under the Condition that her surviving Children (a few had been lost to the then typical early childhood illnesses) either can come with her or get otherwise protected.

Both Kings grumble at that condition but Richard really wants to marry a woman with Lancaster blood and she is the best there is left and Joao wants to get done with Braganza related problem and so he looks over the confiscated possessions, takes a nice portion of money and Jewelry from it and declares it to be the dowry of his sister-in-law and Richard agrees that that. The Braganza kids each receive a nice sum and jewelry too from Joao as compensation for their confiscated inheritance but their name becomes forbidden forever in Portugal.

And so Richard agrees (the dowry is a really really mouthwatering amount of money and jewelry and he had just won a very costly War)

In the late days of 1486, Isabel de Viseu marries Richard III of England.
Her young sons Jaime and Dinis, the older just seven and the younger barely five years old had come with their mother to England, to safety.
2. The next nine years....
In the next nine years, she bears him five boys and one daughter and has a miscarriage which would have been a second girl.

The living children are Edward (born on New Years day 1488), George ( born 20 December 1488), Lionel and Thomas (born 5 March 1490), Edmund (22 December 1491), Philippa (1 June 1493) and the miscarriage happens in May 1494.

Isabel is pregnant again in October 1495 when the news arrive in England that King Joao of Portugal had died and her brother Manuel has become the new King, seeing as Joao's own and only legitimate son had died four years earlier.

She is happy for her brother about that and she is not alone with this feeling, for her sons from her first marriage too are feeling hopeful about the possibility to return to the lands of their birth.
I would have thought Richard III of England like Otl Henry Vii would have had Yorkist pretenders to put down.

Also his reputation would be in tatters due to killing his nephews and the heirs of his brother Edward iV of England.

I suppose people can just rewrite history and pretend something else happened.

There is always a war with France during the court of King Charles VIII of France that supplied Henry Tudor the army and ships to invade England.

It was also French pikemen that defeated Richards charge at bosworth in otl using the Swiss style of warfare that killed Charles the bold Duke of Burgundy.
That would be a double marriage as we would get Elizabeth of York married to Beja...
International marriages for Edward IV's girls would be extremely foolish, as they'd give foreign claims that many would consider more legitimate than Richard's own. It seems like, in a world where Richard is secure on the throne, these girls are getting shoved into churches or married to low-ranking Richardians in England.
International marriages for Edward IV's girls would be extremely foolish, as they'd give foreign claims that many would consider more legitimate than Richard's own. It seems like, in a world where Richard is secure on the throne, these girls are getting shoved into churches or married to low-ranking Richardians in England.
That would also be very foolish as Richard's line could die out quickly and low-ranking Ricardians are not suitable for daughters of kings
International marriages for Edward IV's girls would be extremely foolish, as they'd give foreign claims that many would consider more legitimate than Richard's own. It seems like, in a world where Richard is secure on the throne, these girls are getting shoved into churches or married to low-ranking Richardians in England.
Richard III-s OTL plan for Elizabeth of York was marrying her to Beja while he married Joanna of Portugal as Elizabeth was too dangerous for being married off in any other place, while marrying her to a foreign junior prince who was not to inherit anything of note and was not supported by his King would neutralise her
Richard III-s OTL plan for Elizabeth of York was marrying her to Beja while he married Joanna of Portugal as Elizabeth was too dangerous for being married off in any other place, while marrying her to a foreign junior prince who was not to inherit anything of note and was not supported by his King would neutralise her
Right, but OTL Richard was much weaker than he is here after ATL Bosworth. I don't see what he has to gain by including her in any negotiation with Portugal here.
Right, but OTL Richard was much weaker than he is here after ATL Bosworth. I don't see what he has to gain by including her in any negotiation with Portugal here.
You don't see it? It has just been explained to you by this post and several others.

Elizabeth's presence in England is a problem for Richard because her hand in marriage is a invitation for rebellions by other claimants. By sending her away to a good match in a foreign country that would not finance any rebellions against him, Richard is preventing more troubles for his reign and in return he gets a rich and prestious wife who can deliver him legitimate heirs to the throne, further securing his standing. Portugal is not gonna finance any rebellions against England for Elizabeth's sake.
You don't see it? It has just been explained to you by this post and several others.

Elizabeth's presence in England is a problem for Richard because her hand in marriage is a invitation for rebellions by other claimants. By sending her away to a good match in a foreign country that would not finance any rebellions against him, Richard is preventing more troubles for his reign and in return he gets a rich and prestious wife who can deliver him legitimate heirs to the throne, further securing his standing. Portugal is not gonna finance any rebellions against England for Elizabeth's sake.
Yeah, I don't see it. He's sending her across the water, sure, but while that may have had appeal in OTL, he doesn't need to do that in ATL. The last longshot opposition to him dies at Bosworth. Put the girls in the church, or lean in to the "they're all bastards" myth and wed them to some household knights where he can keep an eye on them. No one is going to rebel to put Sir Ricardian Nobody on the throne jure uxoris.

Sending them abroad just feels rooted in OTL logic that no longer applies after ATL Bosworth. We can agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, I don't see it. He's sending her across the water, sure, but while that may have had appeal in OTL, he doesn't need to do that in ATL. The last longshot opposition to him dies at Bosworth. Put the girls in the church, or lean in to the "they're all bastards" myth and wed them to some household knights where he can keep an eye on them. No one is going to rebel to put Sir Ricardian Nobody on the throne jure uxoris.

Sending them abroad just feels rooted in OTL logic that no longer applies after ATL Bosworth. We can agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️

Elizabeth's marriage to Portugal would most likely have happened even after Bosworth. Just because that is done does not mean someone else will stir up trouble later. Even if he puts her in a nunnery, she could claim her wovs were forced, someone could "rescue her" from the nunnery to claim the throne, her English children or grandchildren could later become clairmant or she could simply become a beacon for anti-Richardian shenanigans.

Richard grew up in the tumultuous decades of thr war of the Roses and Lancaster and their afflictiates took a long while to get squashed. Elizabeth in England is a invitation for troubles. Portugal gets her away from all of it.
Elizabeth's marriage to Portugal would most likely have happened even after Bosworth. Just because that is done does not mean someone else will stir up trouble later. Even if he puts her in a nunnery, she could claim her wovs were forced, someone could "rescue her" from the nunnery to claim the throne, her English children or grandchildren could later become clairmant or she could simply become a beacon for anti-Richardian shenanigans.

Richard grew up in the tumultuous decades of thr war of the Roses and Lancaster and their afflictiates took a long while to get squashed. Elizabeth in England is a invitation for troubles. Portugal gets her away from all of it.
Does it, though? If anything, would he not fear Portugal invading to put Elizabeth on the throne?
Does it, though? If anything, would he not fear Portugal invading to put Elizabeth on the throne?
Portugal is the oldest ally England have. They are not gonna invade. If anything happens, Elizabeth and Manuel's children can marry into Richard's own children or grandchildren. Portugal is busy with the new world and the indies.

Plus Richard's wife is a Portuguese princess, who has given him several sons so that is even more unlikely. And Elizabeth is not the conquer type.
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