Stephen Spielberg's Return of the Jedi

I've personally always found this quite an interesting POD, but one that's never been very deeply explored. Stephen Spielberg was reportedly George Lucas's first choice to direct the third installment in the Star Wars franchise : Return of the Jedi. The rumor goes that Spielberg was not allowed to participate in the movie because of conflicts between Lucas and the Director's Guild over George's decision to not include opening credits.

Though he's always been making pretty good movies, this is about the era where Spielberg made some of his most classic films (including E.T.). I would be really interested in seeing how you guys think a Stephen Spielberg ROTJ would develop and whether it would be more or less successful than the OTL one. My gut says the it'll be successful no matter what and I also think it might be better.

Feel free to play around with additional PODs or butterfly add-ons (such as Harrison Ford deciding not to return).
The man that killed Hollywood eh?

Perhaps he makes it darker - Luke rather than being a soft whiny little biatch is instead haunted by his father's revelation and struggling with the fact his father is responsible for such evil and is worried that such evil is within him, and when he savagely despatches his way through Jabbas troops he can feel the draw of the dark side only his goal and his companions keep him grounded during a more direct assault on Jabba the hut to free Solo (Luke is an fething Jedi with a well organised well equipped 'terrorist' organisation behind him ).

The Assault includes Xwings, A Wings B Wings and the falcon delivering the assault team in true Falcon style and Luke defeating a Rancor that Jabba releases to aid his escape attempt which ultimately ends with a boarding action on his heavy skiff ultimately resulting in Jabba being dragged into the sarlac pit near to where the heavy skiff crashes

The Leia slave thing can stay...ahem

The Ewoks are seen as a useful ally and the intention was always to arm them with modern weapons and train them in Revolutionary warfare tactics in order to help assault the ground base. C3PO exceeds his programming limitations and with R2D2s help hacks the Imperial communication network - simulating fake orders while blocking the real ones causing chaos among the Stormtrooper legion allowing the hard pressed Ewoks to defeat them in a series of ambushes and allowing Han, Leia and the Commandos to enter the Ground base.

They suffer heavy losses against the Stormtrooper legion which they eventually defeat and

Luke rather than going all emo actually comes up with a concise plan to assassinate Darth Vader and the Emperor by infiltrating the Death Star II - of course he confides with Leia about the whole sister brother evil father thing which is somewhat awkward what with the whole snogging thing in the 2 previous films and reveals that he will try to save their father while Leia who has met him and seen and been subjected to his brutality fist hand urges him not to go and that the man who is Darth Vader is beyond redemption. Their parting is a bitter one.

The Rebel fleet is actually larger than expected and we see a far larger close range battle with the Imperial fleet which starts getting its arse kicked and the Emperor incensed by his careful plan failing before his eyes forces his officers to bring the not yet operational death star into action and while successful in destroying several alliance capital ships forces major access ports to be opened in order to vent the build up of heat and exoitic radiations from the normally impervious core to be released thus allowing 'Rogue Squadron' an Elite X-wing Squadron led Wedge Antilles to carry out an almost suicidal assault into the station which destroys the core.

Meanwhile Luke has infiltrated the Death Star and after defeating the Red Guard detachment takes on Vader and despite being handicapped by his desire to save his dad ultimately proves to be stronger in the force and defeats him at which point the Emperor turns up and Luke Weakened and wounded by his fight with his father is ultimately defeated in turn

Thinking Vader to be dead - Palpatine mocks Vader for a weak fool and confesses to his part in planning and orchestrating Anakins downfall and using him as a pawn to destroy the Jedi order - he then offers Luke a chance to save his own life by 'Joining the Emperor' and becoming his new champion - Luke tells him to feth off and the Emperor truly mad and ignoring the fact that the Death Star is tearing itself apart starts to gleefully torture Luke to Death with his dark side powers - lightning and stuff - but whats this? Darth Vader is not dead and now devoid of helmet (knocked off in the earlier fight with Luke) having heard the Emperor gloating now sees the Emperor for the devious mad man he truly is picks up lukes sabre and kills the Emperor.

Meanwhile Lando in the Falcon manages to fight there way to the station and rescues Luke / Vader (who dies having found some small redemption at the end)

Later after the destruction of the Death Star instead of a big party as per OTL the surviving Rebel fleet is seen evacuating as many surviving ewoks as possible as debris from the destroyed battle station crashing down onto the planet resulting in the poisoning of Endor and effectively killing its biosphere

Leia now the effective leader of the Alliance makes a speech about this being not the beginning of the end but the End of the Beginning in a total rip off of WSC which suggests / hints at future struggles ahead to defeat the remains of the Empire - ie even after the Battle of Endor the job is not even nearly completed.

Credits roll
The man that killed Hollywood eh?

Perhaps he makes it darker - Luke rather than being a soft whiny little biatch is instead haunted by his father's revelation and struggling with the fact his father is responsible for such evil and is worried that such evil is within him, and when he savagely despatches his way through Jabbas troops he can feel the draw of the dark side only his goal and his companions keep him grounded during a more direct assault on Jabba the hut to free Solo (Luke is an fething Jedi with a well organised well equipped 'terrorist' organisation behind him ).

The Assault includes Xwings, A Wings B Wings and the falcon delivering the assault team in true Falcon style and Luke defeating a Rancor that Jabba releases to aid his escape attempt which ultimately ends with a boarding action on his heavy skiff ultimately resulting in Jabba being dragged into the sarlac pit near to where the heavy skiff crashes

The Leia slave thing can stay...ahem

The Ewoks are seen as a useful ally and the intention was always to arm them with modern weapons and train them in Revolutionary warfare tactics in order to help assault the ground base. C3PO exceeds his programming limitations and with R2D2s help hacks the Imperial communication network - simulating fake orders while blocking the real ones causing chaos among the Stormtrooper legion allowing the hard pressed Ewoks to defeat them in a series of ambushes and allowing Han, Leia and the Commandos to enter the Ground base.

They suffer heavy losses against the Stormtrooper legion which they eventually defeat and

Luke rather than going all emo actually comes up with a concise plan to assassinate Darth Vader and the Emperor by infiltrating the Death Star II - of course he confides with Leia about the whole sister brother evil father thing which is somewhat awkward what with the whole snogging thing in the 2 previous films and reveals that he will try to save their father while Leia who has met him and seen and been subjected to his brutality fist hand urges him not to go and that the man who is Darth Vader is beyond redemption. Their parting is a bitter one.

The Rebel fleet is actually larger than expected and we see a far larger close range battle with the Imperial fleet which starts getting its arse kicked and the Emperor incensed by his careful plan failing before his eyes forces his officers to bring the not yet operational death star into action and while successful in destroying several alliance capital ships forces major access ports to be opened in order to vent the build up of heat and exoitic radiations from the normally impervious core to be released thus allowing 'Rogue Squadron' an Elite X-wing Squadron led Wedge Antilles to carry out an almost suicidal assault into the station which destroys the core.

Meanwhile Luke has infiltrated the Death Star and after defeating the Red Guard detachment takes on Vader and despite being handicapped by his desire to save his dad ultimately proves to be stronger in the force and defeats him at which point the Emperor turns up and Luke Weakened and wounded by his fight with his father is ultimately defeated in turn

Thinking Vader to be dead - Palpatine mocks Vader for a weak fool and confesses to his part in planning and orchestrating Anakins downfall and using him as a pawn to destroy the Jedi order - he then offers Luke a chance to save his own life by 'Joining the Emperor' and becoming his new champion - Luke tells him to feth off and the Emperor truly mad and ignoring the fact that the Death Star is tearing itself apart starts to gleefully torture Luke to Death with his dark side powers - lightning and stuff - but whats this? Darth Vader is not dead and now devoid of helmet (knocked off in the earlier fight with Luke) having heard the Emperor gloating now sees the Emperor for the devious mad man he truly is picks up lukes sabre and kills the Emperor.

Meanwhile Lando in the Falcon manages to fight there way to the station and rescues Luke / Vader (who dies having found some small redemption at the end)

Later after the destruction of the Death Star instead of a big party as per OTL the surviving Rebel fleet is seen evacuating as many surviving ewoks as possible as debris from the destroyed battle station crashing down onto the planet resulting in the poisoning of Endor and effectively killing its biosphere

Leia now the effective leader of the Alliance makes a speech about this being not the beginning of the end but the End of the Beginning in a total rip off of WSC which suggests / hints at future struggles ahead to defeat the remains of the Empire - ie even after the Battle of Endor the job is not even nearly completed.

Credits roll
I'd watch it.