The Orsini Affair
  • Excerpt from The unexpected heir: the life of Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte

    by Leonardo Ferrari

    By early 1858, Napoleon III had become the absolute ruler of France.

    Through numerous purges and various draconian laws, he had eliminated or forced his most radical domestic opponents to flee, while his social and economic reforms had secured the loyalty of the more moderate French citizens.

    After nine years in power (three as President and six as Emperor), Napoleon III had also finally ended the international isolation of France that had plagued the Second Empire since 1851. Thanks to Paris's rather far-sighted foreign policy, many of the other European powers had abandoned their previous distrust of the French Second Empire in favor of creating a new series of alliances with Paris.

    The birth of his son Napoleon IV in 1855 had further strengthened Napoleon III's position. The future of his dynasty was now assured, eliminating any potential risk of dynastic strife among the various members of the Bonaparte family.

    Of course, Napoleon III could not have foreseen that the year in which he reached the height of his power would also have been the year of his death. Certainly, the Emperor could not have imagined that he would die because of something that had happened in Latium almost a decade earlier, rather than something he had done in his own country.

    Excerpt from Blood and Iron: the history of Europe in the second half of the 19th century by Edward Connors

    Felice Orsini was an Italian revolutionary and a former member of the Constituent Assembly of the Roman Republic during the brief revolution in Central Italy in 1848. After the intervention of French troops and the restoration of the Papal States, Orsini had been forced to flee to England.

    Unlike other expatriates, the experience had radicalized Orsini even more to the point that Giuseppe Mazzini chose to expel him from his revolutionary organization. Desiring glory and revenge, Orsini then chose to turn to the French expatriates living in London.

    Between 1857 and 1858 Orsini and Simon François Bernard, a French socialist expatriate, discussed how to free their countries from the rule of governments they both deeply hated.

    In their particular case, the death of Napoleon III seemed a good place to start. Bernard had the necessary contacts in France while Orsini had the men who could carry out the attack against the hated Frenchman.

    Orsini and the other conspirators, who arrived clandestinely in France in late 1857 with forged British passports, had only to wait for the right opportunity to strike at the French Emperor.

    On the evening of January 14, 1858, Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie went to the Opera Le Peletier in Paris. There were four Italian expatriates waiting for them , armed with a significant number of bombs.

    The first bomb had almost no effect on the steel plates of the imperial carriage. The next two bombs severely damaged the vehicle, but the occupants were miraculously unharmed.

    For a brief moment it seemed that the most injured member of the imperial family would have been the empress, due to her falling out of the carriage after the first explosion.

    However Orsini was holding one last bomb. Wounded in the cheek and now surrounded by an angry mob, the vengeful and boastful revolutionary decided to finish the job and throw the last explosive. [1]

    The first three explosions had so damaged the carriage windows that the last bomb shattered the glass and exploded inside the carriage.
    The power of the explosion, combined with the presence of nails and other pieces of iron inside the explosive, gave Napoleon III no chance and killed him instantly.

    According to some witnesses, after the last explosion Orsini merrily laughed despite the fact that the crowd had already started lynching him.

    If Orsini had been able to predict who would succeed Napoleon III or what consequences the attack would have had on all Europe, perhaps the former revolutionary would have spent the last moments of his life weeping.

    [1] The POD. IRL Orsini lost the last bomb in the confusion and fleed the scene to avoid being arrested.
    Enter the bastard(s).
  • Excerpt from The Bonaparte Legacy: France from Napoleon I to Napoleon IV by Francois Le Pen
    The political crisis that gripped France throughout January 1858 was caused as much by Napoleon III's self-centeredness as by his sudden death.

    In the seven years he had been emperor, Napoleon III had not prepared the French political system for his possible departure. The Emperor had continually refused to appoint a prime minister, preferring to preside directly over every function of his government.

    In the hours immediately following Napoleon III's death, France found itself without a government. No one knew who was in charge of France in that moment, causing numerous protests, riots and looting in the streets of Paris and other major cities of the Second Empire.

    The situation was further complicated by the lack of a regent for the young Napoleon IV. The future Emperor was just over two years old, so someone would have to rule on his behalf until he reached adulthood.

    However, fearful of a potential coup d'état Napoleon III had never established who should have filled that role. The only possible candidates were either Empress Eugene or Joseph Bonaparte, second cousin of Napoleon IV.

    Empress Eugene was in a coma and in a very serious condition at Val-de-Grâce Hospital, leaving Joseph Bonaparte as the only candidate. Unfortunately, Joseph was also considered the worst option.

    Joseph Bonaparte had the rare ability to make everyone hate him, regardless of their political beliefs. French conservatives hated him for his anti-clerical views, while liberals hated him for having supported some of Napoleon III's most repressive initiatives.

    Furthermore, Joseph was extremely unpopular with the armed forces for having abandoned the men under his command during the Crimean War.[1]

    France had only two equally horrible options.
    Without a regent, the Second Empire was in danger of collapsing completely into anarchy. Appointing the only possible candidate could easily have caused a coup d'état by the army.

    In the end, another Bonaparte would have saved France from military and political anarchy and from a potential rise to power of Joseph Bonaparte. Ironically, the Bonaparte in question was not an official member of the dynasty.

    The Second Empire was about to enter a new era at the hands of Alexandre Colonna Walewski, bastard son of a Polish noblewoman and the first Napoleon.

    Excerpt from The Polish Bastard: How Walewski Changed Europe by Francisco Diaz

    Depending on which version one decides to believe, Walewski was either a cruel tyrant, perhaps responsible for the murder of Napoleon III, or a brilliant politician, willing to risk everything for the sake of France.

    After all, many of the stories regarding Walewski were written by his supporters or by his many opponents, all willing to lie through their teeth about everything for their own sake.

    Perhaps this is the reason why we know so little about the extraordinary meeting hastily arranged by Napoleon III's cabinet on January 9, 1858. No report was made that day and only later some people decided to write contradictory recollections about that meeting.

    We know for certain that the first part of the meeting was centered around the testimony of the various doctors who were taking care of the Empress. Apparently, Walewski remained unflappable throughout the entire testimony, reading the medical reports and showing no particular despondency.

    A few years later, one of the doctors told to a british journalist that the foreign minister was the only one who got up to shake his hand, while the other politicians in the room had begun shouting at each other. In addition to thanking the doctors for their work, Walewski reminded them that any indiscretion about the Empress's health would be considered treason and punished accordingly.

    It is difficult to reconstruct the events of the next five hours after the doctors left the meeting. According to the testimony of Pierre Magne, Minister of the Economy at that time, Walewski was the first one to talk.

    As if he had already prepared his speech well in advance, he began pointing to the bust of Napoleon III that stood behind him.

    "My friends," he said as if he was talking about good weather, "this discussion is ridiculous. Since 1799, the fate of this country has been determined by iron and blood, not by ridiculous archaic rules. Why are you whining about tradition and laws of succession when we are the ones deciding what the law is? We are all heirs of Napoleon and it is time to act as such."

    Although the veracity of Magne's testimony is questionable, it is undeniable that at the end of the meeting Walewski had become one of the most powerful men in France.

    It took nearly six hours of voting, but in the end the cabinet voted to appoint Empress Eugene regent for Napoleon IV. Although it was unlikely that she would have ever awaken from her coma, the cabinet established that being alive was sufficient to be appointed regent.

    The end of the meeting also saw the formation of the Government of National Defense, that is the group of ministers who would have taken over the functions of the late emperor until the Empress awoke or Napoleon IV came of age.

    Contrary to expectations, Walewski did not candidate himself as leader of the new government. Demonstrating a remarkable degree of prudence and aware of the lack of support, Walewski preferred to support Achilles Fould's candidacy for the position of Prime Minister. [2]

    Walewski probably thought that Fould wasn’t going to last last long in his new role. And he was right.

    [1] To the point even Napoleon III started calling him Plon-Plon ("The one who fears lead") IRL.
    [2] IRL he was one of the earliest supporters of Napoleon III and he was appointed Minister of State between 1852 and 1860. However he had also been politically damaged by his previous alliance with the Orlianists and conversion to Protestantism. ITTL this makes him the perfect figurehead.
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    A funeral and a bit of terror
  • Excerpt from The Bonaparte Legacy: France from Napoleon I to Napoleon IV by Francois Le Pen

    Napoleon III would have been proud of how his state funerals had been organized.

    On February 7 1858, the monarch's hearse was driven through all the streets that Napoleon III had rebuilt and modernized since his appointment as Emperor. For the last time, thousands of weeping Frenchmen could see their beloved monarch and all the beauty his rule had created.

    Napoleon III's coffin crossed half of Paris before reaching the Cathedral of Notre Dame, where many French and foreign nobles were waiting for him. Even Pope Pius IX came to Paris to personally bless the body.

    However, if the funeral represented the end of the era of Napoleon III, careful observers could already see the first signs of the next era of Napoleon IV.
    His presence to his father's funeral was the future Emperor's first public outing and the beginning of the political games that would influence Europe and the rest of the world in the following decades.

    Perhaps, few of those attending the funeral noticed the two-year-old Napolen IV sitting bewildered in the front row. In any case, it was difficult to see the future Emperor, as he was surrounded by guards, relatives and close associates of his late father.

    Many attendees noticed how a fearful Charles Bonaparte was followed wherever he went by a group of guards, apparently more interested in watching his every move than in defending him from potential danger.

    Some also noted the absence of many prominent political figures, known for their liberal views and/or past opposition to the late monarch.

    In addition, keen observers could see that the number of soldiers and policemen in the city was unusually high, even considering the extraordinary circumstances.

    However, only Piedmontese Prime Minister Camillo Benso of Cavour managed to notice the strangest detail. Although Walewski was sitting anonymously among the other ministers, his family had been strategically placed near to Napoleon IV.

    Excerpt from The Illiberal Empire: France in the Second Half of the 19th Century by Martin Brown

    Toward the end of 1857, it seemed that Napoleon III was ready to abandon the absolutism that had characterized his reign up to that point.
    Before his death, the Emperor had proposed pardoning some of his old rivals and establishing a parliament to allow French citizens to freely express their opinion on the government.

    The increasing political isolation of Charles de Maupas seemed to confirm this trend. Maupas had been one of the main organizers of the 1851 coup and for about two years he had served as Minister of the Police, overseeing the death or the exile of many of Napoleon III's opponents.

    However, the Emperor had soon started considering Maupas as excessively brutal and paranoid. Maupas saw enemies everywhere and seemed to treat their elimination as a sadistic game.

    Maupas was not only dismissed as Minister of Police in 1853 (moreover, the Ministry of Police was abolished almost immediately after Maupas' dismissal), but he was also virtually exiled to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies after being "promoted" to ambassador.

    Orsini's bombs completely changed the situation. Terrified by the idea that the Emperor's death could destabilize the empire, the Government of National Defense decided to bring Maupas back to France.

    Suddenly, Maupas had gone from being a hated politician in exile to once again being a member of the French government. Firmly intent on avenging the death of his beloved emperor, Maupas was put in charge of the restored Ministry of Police.

    "The Second Reign of Terror" (a name popularized by Victor Hugo during his exile in England) officially began even before Napoleon III's state funeral.

    Although only Orsini's Italian accomplices ended up being sentenced to death, more than five hundred people ended up being arrested or lost all their property in the months following Napoleon III's assassination.

    Numerous newspapers were forced to close and in some cases their editorial offices and printing plants burned under mysterious circumstances .

    Maupas and the other ministers were not the only ones responsible for the Second Reign of Terror. The death of Napoleon III and the dozens of collateral victims of Orsini's bombs had generated a collective hysteria throughout France.

    Many French citizens not only began to randomly denounce the alleged enemies of the empire to the Ministry of Police, but they also wanted to personally contribute to the hunting and punishment of these alleged criminals. It is not possible to calculate the number of the victims and the damages caused by the angry mobs, but it is undoubtedly high.

    Those who suffered the most were the British citizens and those coming from the various Italian states who were in France at the time of Napoleon III's assassination. Citizens of the empire blamed the former for not having prevented the attack and the latter for having directly or indirectly contributed to it.[1]

    While the French government decided to protect the British citizens on its territory, Paris abandoned the Italian population to its fate. Between 1858 and 1859, the French gendarmerie in no way protected either the Italian properties or the italian citizens from attacks by angry mobs.

    Protests from the various Italian states were completely ignored to the point that the French government's newspapers seemed to openly encourage violence.

    As usual, Pierre Magne claims in his memoirs that these initiatives were proposed by Walewski and loudly supported by Ernest de Royer and Jean-Baptiste Philibert Vaillant.

    However, Magne's epistolary gives us a different version of the events. From his letters of the time, it is clear that Magne was an open supporter of both purges and violence against the italian citizens, or at least totally indifferent.

    Unlike the late Emperor, most of the French ministers had little sympathy for a possible unification of the Italian peninsula. Consequently, they decided to use the population of the peninsula as a scapegoat to prevent any violence or protest by the French citizens against the imperial government.

    In the eyes of the imperial government, maintaining good relations with England was strategically and politically far more important than a possible military alliance with the Kingdom of Piedmont or another Italian state. A couple of years later, however, the ministers would regret their decision.

    [1] These riots actuall happened IRL but Napoleon III quickly put an end to them. ITTL he is dead so the popular anger is even stronger.
  • "The lights of freedom are going out all over Europe. It will be decades before they are lit again." Maximilian of Habsburg in a private letter to his wife (May 1858).

    Excerpt from British Imperialism in the 19th Century by Philip Churchill

    After the assassination of Napoleon III, it was a miracle that Lord Palmerston's government managed to survive until the end of January.

    His government had allowed a dangerous Italian radical to live for years in England without any problems, causing the first regicide in Europe since 1793. The fact that British citizens had participated in the assassination of Napoleon III humiliated the Prime Minister even more.

    Moreover, anti-Italian violence had spread rapidly from France to England where there were large communities of both Italians and French. During January and February 1858 members of these two communities clashed in the streets of London due to what had happened in Paris.

    Unlike their compatriots in France, many of the Italian residents in London were veterans of 1848 and perfectly capable of defending themselves and their property.

    Although the riots in London were not as large or numerous as those that were taking place in France, the number of casualties and collateral damages in England was therefore significantly higher.

    Lord Palmerston attempted to resolve the situation, but without success. The possible imposition of martial law was hindered by members of Parliament because it was considered too severe or, on the contrary, too moderate.

    Although the Prime Minister proposed sending the army to patrol the streets of the English capital, the simultaneous British involvement in the colonial wars in India and China had greatly reduced the number of soldiers available in England.

    The coup de grace, however, was the burning down of the Sabloinere Hotel, the usual residence of many political refugees and regular travelers from the Italian peninsula.

    There was no evidence that the fire had been of arson origin, but the people of Clerkenwell quickly decided that the French had been responsible.[1] The subsequent clashes over the next three days caused the death of about forty people and a fire that destroyed St. Joseph's Church in Highate.

    Having now lost the support of Parliament and Queen Victoria, Lord Palmerston resigned his office on January 27, 1858 and he retired to private life.

    In order to avoid an early election, the Liberal Party decided to appoint Richard Bethell, Palmerston's former Attorney General, as the new british Prime Minister.

    Bethell decided to use an iron fist against the responsible for the riots and anyone who might be associated with Orsini and his revolutionary ideas. Gaining the full support of Parliament, on February 15, 1858, the Prime Minister unveiled the "Extraordinary Act for the Protection of the Institutions of the British Empire from Domestic or Foreign Sedition."[2]

    Despite its high-sounding name, the new law had numerous irregularities.

    The new law established extremely harsh penalties for anyone considered a threat to the British monarchy. However, it did not specify under what circumstances an individual could be considered a risk.

    The British government hoped to get rid of as many political agitators as possible because of the vagueness of this law. Soon, revolutionaries such as Giovanni Mazzini or Karl Marx were persecuted by the English police because their past statements or actions were considered suspicious.

    Besides the new law, the arrest of François Bernard and his deportation to France in May 1858 were the main causes of the Great Escape. England was clearly no longer a safe place for the various revolutionaries and political activists fleeing from continental Europe.

    By the end of 1858, numerous socialists, anarchists and revolutionaries had left London searching new and more tolerant homelands.

    The distant and increasingly divided United States soon became a favorite destination for these disparate refugees.

    Excerpt from Blood and Iron: the history of Europe in the second half of the 19th century by Edward Connors

    England and France were not the only European nations to overreact to the assassination of Napoleon III.

    Between 1858 and 1859, most European nations approved draconian internal security measures and repression to prevent other revolutionaries to follow the example of Orsini. An atmosphere of fear spread from Madrid to Istanbul as prisons and execution camps were filled to the brim.

    However, there were two notable exceptions.

    In Prussia, Prince Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig asked Parliament to grant him special powers to allow him to better prosecute his war against the enemies of Berlin.

    For nearly two years Wilhelm had been the regent for the increasingly ill Frederick William IV and he expected that Parliament would accept his proposals without any protest.

    However, both liberals and conservatives rejected Wilhelm 's proposals. Prussian democracy had been one of the few successes of the 1848 revolution and nobody wanted to give it up in the name of a dead Frenchman.

    In the end, the Prince withdrew his proposal. Unfortunately for him, the Prussian parliament would not forget how the future king had tried to violate the constitution.

    In Russia, unlike in Prussia, it was the monarch who refused to pass any extraordinary law despite the advice of his ministers.

    Although Alexander II had already begun to reform Russia's economy and armed forces after the Crimean War, until 1858 the Tsar was still reluctant to the idea of liberalizing his country's domestic politics.

    The chaos caused in France by the Emperor's death convinced the Tsar that an absolute monarchy was a disadvantage in the long run. If giving more freedom to his subjects would save himself and his family from bomb attacks or constant internal instability, the Russian monarch was willing to adopt all necessary reforms.

    Unfortunately, the distrust of Alexander against the Russian minorities was also reinforced by the fact that Napoleon III had been killed by a foreign radical. For Poles, Finns, Jews and Muslims in Russia the Tsar had quite different plans.


    [1] Until OTL 1945 it was London's Italian ethnic enclave.
    [2] OTL the Liberal Government felt as Lord Palmerson's bill was considered too soft and Lord Stanley knew the Conservatives could win the election . ITTL Palmerson is already gone and the situation is more chaotic so the Conservatives chose to not play any political game.
    The spider spins its web
  • Excerpt from Memoirs of Hard Times by Pierre Magne

    If the first Napoleon was like an eagle flying proudly in the sky, his son could only be compared to a spider standing still at the center of his web.

    While legitimate members of the dynasty and far more honest politicians like myself were trying to save France from ruin, Walewski was busy plotting in the shadows for his own sake.

    Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the cowardly assassination of Napoleon III, Walewski had begun to seek allies to ensure his political ascendancy. I do not know how or when, but that was how Walewski created the Triumvirate with Jean-Baptiste Philibert Vaillant and Ernest de Royer.

    As Minister of War, General Valiant was one of the most powerful men in France after the death of Napoleon III. Valiant was the one in charge of all the French armed forces, determining what strategies the army would adopt and who would command the various troops

    Valiant was also a staunch Bonapartist, having fought in the name of the first Napoleon in Russia and at Waterloo. This bizarre mixture of devotion to Napoleon and love for war had determined his alliance with Walewski.

    Unlike many official members of the imperial family, Walewski seemed to share the general's colonial ambitions and his distrust of liberals, socialists and republicans.

    To Valiant it was a dream come true. At last he could finally accomplish the Bonaparte's dreams for France with the help of Napoleon’s eldest son.

    In contrast, Royer did not care in the least who Walewski's father was. The Minister of Justice had allied himself with the Minister of Foreign Affairs only to ensure his own political survival.

    After all, one of the tasks of his ministry was to protect the imperial family. Given what had happened to Napoleon III, Royer had clearly failed in that regard.[1]

    However Royer had not had the decency to resign or commit suicide out of shame. The minister had preferred to ally himself with Walewski, offering his connections and experience in exchange for protection.

    Not surprisingly, Royer had supported the return of Charles de Maupas and the Ministry of Police. Maupas was a valuable ally whose return also weakened the position of Adolphe Billault, Minister of the Interior and Royer's political rival.

    But neither Valiant nor Royer were as important to Walewski's plans as was his wife Maria-Anna.

    Beneath her charming smile, the unhinged woman actually hid a personality as tough and ambitious as her husband's. Contrary to what many believe, she offered herself as Empress Eugenie's new lady-in-waiting on her own without any pressure or interference from her husband.

    At the time, most ministers laughed at the proposal. Although the Empress's health was slowly improving, she was still in a coma and no one had any idea if she would ever wake up.

    But Maria Anna's pleas and soft eyes moved us, and in May we appointed her as the Empress's new lady-in-waiting.

    Little did we realize that this would greatly increase her husband's influence. From then on, Walewski would be the first to know about any changes in the empress's health and everything that happened in the imperial palace. [2]

    Above all, his wife's move to the imperial palace allowed Walewski and his family to get even closer to Napoleon IV.

    Excerpt from The Bonaparte Legacy: France from Napoleon I to Napoleon IV by Francois Le Pen

    Even with the appointment of Empress Eugenie as regent, it was not possible to exclude other members of the imperial family from the French government. To legitimize the work of the Government of National Defense, it was necessary to include relatives of the late emperor among its members.

    In the end, the choice feel on Jerome Bonaparte and Charles de Morny. Both men joined the government as ministers without portfolio towards the end of April.

    Their main task was to place their signatures next to the imperial seal so as to reassure the French and other Europeans that the imperial government was functioning smoothly.

    Jerome Bonaparte was chosen because he was the last surviving brother of Napoleon I and, more importantly, because he apparently showed clear signs of dementia.

    Jerome signed whatever measures were put in front of him, although he often feel asleep during meetings or lost his train of thought ( Walewski ironized that "As long as he can write his name and we have ink, our relationship will be perfect.").

    On the other hand, Charles de Morny quickly abandoned his earlier liberal views after the death of Napoleon III. The late emperor's half-brother knew he had no allies within the ruling class of the Second Empire and wanted to avoid ending up like Prince Plon-Plon. [3]

    The Ministry of the Police had arrested many of his wealthy clients and investors, leaving de Morny without allies and almost on the verge of financial ruin. The more Morny stayed on the government’s good side, the more he was going to keep his privileges and freedom.

    Walewski himself intervened on de Morny's behalf, despite the other ministers being wary of the nobleman and his past support for the Bourbon monarchy.

    At the time, some of Walewski’s colleagues suspected that the foreign minister sympathized with de Morny because both were illegitimate sons. In reality, Walewski was only interested in de Morny's wife.

    The previous year de Morny had married the Russian noblewoman Sof'ja Sergeevna Trubeckaja. Walewski feared that de Morny's arrest might have caused an international incident and he also wanted to use Trubeckaja to improve relations between Paris and St. Petersburg.

    To avoid an unfounded accusation of treason or a founded one of corruption, de Morny became Walewski's shadow. Wherever the Foreign Minister went, de Morny was at his side.

    That relationship would soon prove very beneficial to both men.

    [1] Indeed, IRL he was forced to resign by a furious Napoleon III
    [2] I immagine the Empress would be moved to the more secure and private Imperial Palece the moment her health showed a sligthly improvement. Needless to say, her room is the most protected and advanced hostital room in all the Second French Empire
    [3] Not an exageration. De Morny was rather infamous for his quick changes of political teams. When asked what he would do if the Chamber were swept out, he simply answered that he would range himself on the side of the broom handle.
    Butterflies in China
  • Excerpt from Imperial Beijing by Sun Yat-sen

    In 1858 it would have been wrong to compare the Chinese Empire to a house on fire. This comparison gives the idea that there was only one fire in China, when in fact the country was ravaged by several and different flames.

    For starters there was the Taiping rebellion. Since 1850 Hong Xiuquan, the self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ, had been leading a general insurrection against the Qing dynasty to free China from the influence of the Manchurian demons.

    As a testament to the incompetence and unpopularity of the Beijing authorities, the promise of political reforms and the complete extermination of the imperial family had convinced thousands of Chinese peasants to side with a Christian fundamentalist.

    After eight years of civil war, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom had conquered Nanking and controlled much of southern China.

    Worse, the Taiping weren't the only rebellion threatening the future of the Qing. The gradual weakening of the imperial authorities due to military defeats at the hands of the Taiping had prompted numerous ethnic groups to rebel as well.
    In addition to Xiuquan's followers, by 1858 Beijing was also facing at least three other religious rebellions by local Muslims in the provincies of Guizhou and Yunnan.

    Famine and excessive tax increases due to the First Opium War had also caused a peasant rebellion in the north of the country in 1851. For nearly seven years the Nian rebellion had been fighting against the armies of Beijing, preventing the Qing from sending more arms and men against the other insurrections in South China.

    As if a multi-frontal civil war wasn't enough, the Qing had also started the Second Opium War in 1856.
    Overzealous imperial officials had blamed Westerners and their drug trade for what was happening in South China. These accusations had led to the killing of a French missionary and other incidents of anti-Western violence in the city of Canton, prompting Paris and London to declare war against Beijing for the second time in less than fifteen years.

    However, the situation of the Qing did not yet seem so desperate. The Taiping uprising and the other popular/religious insurrections had radically different goals, making any cooperation between Beijing's enemies almost impossible.

    In a rare display of intelligence, Emperor Xianfeng had also entrusted the reorganization of the imperial forces to Zeng Guofan, the same general who had repeatedly defended northern China from Taiping incursions. Guofan soon demonstrated his skills as a general and administrator by successfully repelling the Taiping troops from the province of Anhui.

    The real fortune of the Qing was the almost simultaneous start of the Sepoy Revolt in India and the Second Reign of Terror in France. London and Paris soon began to divert men and resources from their military expedition to China in favor of other destinations deemed more important.

    These unexpected windfalls culminated in the Chinese victory at the Battle of Taku Forts in May 1858. The lack of support from French troops and the paucity of men at Rear Admiral Michael Seymour's disposal allowed Chinese troops to repel the British assault, thus preventing the occupation of the main supply line still controlled by the imperial court.[1]

    Seymour's own death during the attack was the icing on the cake. Besides being a propaganda victory for Beijing, the unexpected British defeat reestablished Qing control over the Yellow Sea at least temporarily.

    Many historians consider the victory at Taku the swan song of the Qing. Like Icarus, Xianfeng had come too close to the sun with his victory and was now about to fall, dragging his own empire with him.

    Excerpt from British Imperialism in the 19th Century by Philip Churchill
    The defeat at the Battle of Taku Forts shocked England to the core. For centuries, London had proclaimed itself absolute mistress of the seas, but now a hundred of its sailors had died on the other side of the world at the hands of Asian barbarians.

    Almost immediately, Prime Minister Bethell's political rivals began to blame the defeat on his insistence for a frontal attack against the Teku forts, even after numerous soldiers had already been recalled from China to contain the post-Orsini riots in London or to fight against insurgents in India.

    Prime Minister Bethell was well aware that his political survival depended on satisfying the English public's thirst for revenge. Unfortunately for many, Bethel chose to achieve this goal by supporting the Taiping rebellion rather than just sending more soldiers to fight against the Qing.

    Obviously Bethell did not want the Taiping to win the civil war. Besides Xiuquan's bizarre theological beliefs about Christianity, a Taiping victory in China could have jeopardized British interests in Asia.

    In the eyes of the British prime minister, however, Hong Xiuquan was the perfect tool to weaken the Qing and facilitate the work of British soldiers in China. The more Beijing wasted men and resources against Nanjing, the more easily London could emerge victorious in its war against the Qing.

    Beginning in the summer of that year, London secretly opened its first diplomatic contacts with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. In exchange for payments of various kinds, including women and looted works of art, British troops stationed in Canton and Hong Kong began to supply guns and cannons under the table to Taiping troops.

    To avoid overstrengthening the Taiping, Bethell also ordered British troops to exchange only a limited number of weapons and ammunition with Nanking.

    Unfortunately Bethell had underestimated Hong Rengan, a cousin and chief adviser to the Taiping emperor. Unlike the other leaders of the Celestial Kingdom, Rengan was well aware that British weapons would not be sufficient to defeat the Qing.

    However, these new supplies could become much more useful through a good series of lies and deception.

    For years, the Taiping had tried to ally with the other rebellions going on in China, despite the fact that Xiuquan hated the Muslim and Taoist rebels for their refusal to convert to his particular version of Christianity.
    While the Muslim rebels in southern China had agreed to cooperate with the Heavenly Kingdom, the Nian rebels were only nominally allied with Nanking and still acted as an independent group.

    The combination of the Qing victory at Taku and the arrival of British supplies to the Taiping changed the situation. Rengan convinced Zhang Lexing, leader of the Nian revolt, that the British were ready to abandon the Qing to their fate and recognize the Taiping as the legitimate leaders of China.

    Now Lexing could choose between fighting against both Beijing and Nanking or agreeing to cooperate with the Celestial Kingdom in exchange for more modern weapons.

    Paradoxically, Lexing decided to accept Rangan's proposal partly because of Qing propaganda. Convinced that the Battle of Taku had been a much larger and more violent confrontation than what had actually occurred, Lexing believed that a devastating counterattack by Beijing against his forces was imminent and that he would have been defeated without an alliance with the Heavenly Kingdom.

    For this reason, Lexing agreed to coordinate his military strategy with the Taiping, creating a new united front against the Qing.

    Although this alliance ultimately failed to conquer China, its consequences forever traumatized the nation.

    [1] IRL it was a close British victory even with the support of 700 French soldiers. ITTL France is more focused on its internal issues, allowing the Qing to divert more troops to Taku as well.
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    Happy awakening
  • Happy news from the imperial palace -Published Sept. 6, 1858 in La Presse

    "THE EMPRESS HAS AWAKENED. The Prime Minister confirmed the happy news, reassuring the French people that Empress Eugenie is already in excellent shape and ready to resume her institutional roles."

    Excerpt from the medical report compiled following Empress Eugenie's awakening (09/09/1858)

    "When not sedated due to pain, the Empress seems to know who she is and where she is. Spinal damage is irreversible, but facial damage and other scars can be covered with the right cosmetics and clothing..."

    Excerpt from The Bonaparte Legacy: France from Napoleon I to Napoleon IV by Francois Le Pen

    Eugenie's decision to meet Alexandre Walewski and Achilles Fould before her son had multiple implications. First, the Empress approved at least in part of the government's actions during her coma. Moreover, Joseph Bonaparte was further sidelined since he was allowed to visit the monarch only three days after the rest of the imperial family and government.

    Excerpt from Blood and Iron: the history of Europe in the second half of the 19th century by Edward Connors

    An unexpected consequence of Napoleon III's assassination was the readjustment of the Second Empire's foreign policy. Until 1858, French foreign policy had been determined by the Emperor's mercurial passions and his admiration for the exploits of his most famous uncle.

    After his death, control of French diplomacy passed to decidedly more pragmatic personalities. The first country to pay the price was the Kingdom of Sardinia.

    According to never confirmed rumors, Turin and Paris had discussed a possible alliance against Austria before Napoleon III's assassination. The new French leadership, politically and economically linked to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Papal States, had quite different plans for the peninsula.

    Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph's visit to Paris in November confirmed this change in French foreign policy. Although the official reason for the visit was to celebrate the awakening of the Empress, Franz Joseph spent more time with Alexandre Walewski than with other ministers or the rest of the French imperial family.

    Despite his participation in the failed Polish uprising of 1830, Walewski also sought to improve diplomatic relations between St. Petersburg and Paris. In a series of meetings with the Russian ambassador, Walewski tried to assure the tsarist government that he had no interest in interfering with St. Petersburg’s rule in Poland since he now considered himself a French citizen.

    Walewski's foreign policy was not always successful. Following the unofficial withdrawal of French troops from the Second Opium War, diplomatic relations between London and Paris deteriorated considerably.

    In addition to the fatal decision to support the Taiping, the British government had in fact begun to blame Paris for the military defeats suffered at the hands of the Qing.
    Many English newspapers blamed Paris both for causing the war in China and for withdrawing when the conflict became more complicated. "Cowardly" and "warmonger" were the terms most frequently used to describe the French government and its actions in China.

    This tension played in Achilles Fould's favor. By September 1858 the then prime minister had started considering Walewski a dangerous adversary and had advocated the recall of troops from China precisely to weaken the foreign minister.

    In just over six years, these internal rivalries and the slow development of new alliances would have significant consequences in France and the rest of Europe.

    "Berlin and Turin have the same problem. Our peoples are still divided not because of cultural or political divisions, but because the creation of a single Italian nation and a single German nation terrifies the oppressors in France and Austria." - Prince Frederick of Prussia during a diplomatic visit to Turin (6/01/1859)

    Excerpt from the personal papers of Napoleon IV
    Since I am going to die very soon (or at least I hope so), I find it necessary to write my last confession. Under normal circumstances I would entrust myself to a priest, but after what happened in Rome I think God has neither time nor desire to hear me.

    I think I have to start from the beginning, from the murder of my father and the rise of Alexandre Walewski. As much as it saddens me to say it, I do not have many memories of Napoleon III. I remember his mangled body in the coffin at Notre Dame, but I have no memory of him alive.

    I remember Walewski and his promise to defend my family's legacy. I remember my beloved and terrible mother and the effect Orsini's assassination attempt had on her.

    I would love to blame a bastard with enormous self-esteem problems and a woman not quite sane for the difficult situation our empire is facing. But this is a confession, so it is impossible to deny my guilt.

    Sorry Pauline. I realize that I am digressing. My teachers never bothered to teach me how to write a text longer than a congratulatory note to the czar or the sultan of Egypt.
    You deserve a more coherent confession than the simple whining of a failed emperor.

    What I mean is that Walewski and my mother dominated much of my childhood. Walewski never aspired to oust me, apparently content with being a mere shadow always close to the imperial throne.
    Perhaps Walewski really loved my father and me, despite the fact that he was not a recognized member of the Bonapartes. Or perhaps he simply needed someone to hide behind while approving various laws and political choices.

    Yet, I still consider him the closest thing to a father I ever had. My father's relatives were too busy finding positions of power within the new government to worry about me, so I was left alone with many (perhaps too many) servants and the Foreign Minister's children.

    I sometimes think that those were the happiest years of my life.

    Even my mother's awakening from her coma did not change my situation, as she never fully recovered from the assasination attempt. Although my parents did not love each other, I guess seeing her husband explode had traumatized my mother at least a little.
    After she woke up, she immediately asked for me. I remember that my mother looked almost as pale and thin as my father's corpse and how terrifying was the look in her healthy eye.

    According to those present, she too promised me that she would protect my empire. Her words were, "Now we have many enemies. One day you will become emperor, and by then none of them will be a threat."

    In retrospect, I should have realized what my mother and Walewski's promises entailed. I guess this stupidity was the beginning of the many mistakes I made during my reign.
    A powerful throuple
  • "As paradoxical as it may seem, the three most powerful people in France at this moment are a Spanish empress, an Italian noblewoman and a Polish minister." - Henry Wellesley, British ambassador to France, in a letter to Prime Minister Bethell (07/02/1859)

    Excerpt from The Illiberal Empire: France in the Second Half of the 19th Century by Martin Brown

    Besides trying not to become addicted to opium and other drugs because of the constant pain, Eugenie's main priority was to hide the severity of her new disabilities. The Empress was willing to admit the loss of her right eye, but not that of the use of her legs.

    Not only was the monarch too proud to do so, but she feared that the paralysis would weaken her political position in the Second Empire. The regent therefore sought to hide the fact that she needed a wheelchair as a result of the assassination attempt.

    The problem was partly solved through widespread censorship. Beginning in 1859, only a small group of people were allowed to see the Empress up close.

    Eugenie accepted to meet her ministers or foreign diplomats only inside the imperial palace, letting them into her offices while she was seated in a regular chair, with her wheelchair tucked away for the duration of the meeting.

    Any attempt to discuss or photograph the Empress' new physical condition was also hindered by the Ministry of Police and often punished with the confiscation of property or a one-way trip to Devil's Island in French Guiana.

    The Empress's ladies-in-waiting also played a fundamental role in the new life of the monarch. On the occasions when Eugenie decided to wander around the gardens of the palace or had to go outside its walls, the ladies had to sorround her on all sides to prevent strangers from seeing the wheelchair.
    Some of them also took on the role of the empress' legs during various pubblic occasions. Thanks to the application of two metal braces applied to the legs of Eugenie and cleverly hidden under her skirt, the regent could pretend to walk by leaning on one of her ladies with her left arm and on a stick with her right one.

    Maria Anna Walewski soon became the Empress' favorite “legs”, thanks to her surprising physical strength and the close friendship that had existed between the two nobles already before 1858.

    The renewed closeness with the regent was therefore fundamental for the social rise of Anna Walewski and her family. Not only did his children become regular guests of the imperial palace but the Lazian noblewoman also became an important mediator between her husband and the monarch during the crises of the following years.

    Excerpt from Blood and Iron: the history of Europe in the second half of the 19th century by Edward Connors

    Spain unexpectedly became a notable source of tension between empress Eugenie and Alexandre Walewski.

    The regent of France wanted to assist her native country economically and politically in the hope of legitimizing the Napoleonic dynasty internationally through good relations with the Bourbons of Spain.
    In contrast, Walewski had an unflattering opinion of the Spanish kingdom. According to the Foreign Minister, Spain was “An annoying ulcer, forgotten by God and men” and any economic or military aid to Madrid was a useless waste.

    The disagreements between the two reached such levels that many members of the court were convinced Walewski would be ousted from the government by the end of February.

    As usual, the crisis was averted thanks to the intervention of Walewski's wife. Practically running non-stop from her husband's office to the empress's rooms and vice versa, Anna Maria managed to stop the clash between the two even before it could even begin.

    Eventually, Spain did obtain the necessary funds for the modernization of its fleet and political support for its ambitions in Morocco. However, Paris made it clear that in case of conflict with London or Washington, Spain would not receive any help. And obviously Madrid had to open its ports in Europe and in the colonies to French ships in exchange for the aid.

    Isabella II of Bourbon readily accepted the conditions of the Second Empire. After all, neither Chile nor Bolivia were part of the British Empire or the United States.

    Excerpt from The Polish Bastard: How Walewski Changed Europe by Francisco Diaz

    In spite of Walewski's questionable reputation and dubious paternity, it was increasingly clear that Empress Eugenie favored the minister over his collegues due to his ruthleness and apparent devotion to the imperial family.

    This became evident with Achilles Fould's political defeat in May 1859, when the politician was sent to Egypt to discuss the construction of the Suez Canal.[1]
    Although on paper it seemed like a prestigious role, in reality the visit entailed his removal from the political center of the Second Empire for at least three months.

    Worse yet, Fould had no freedom of action. The agreements for the construction of the canal had already been discussed by Ferdinand de Lesseps and prince Ahmad Rifaat Pasha and approved by Empress Eugenie via telegram the previous week.

    The Prime Minister then only had to sign a series of documents and supervise the start of construction works. Meanwhile, its institutional roles in France would have been assummed by Walewski and the other ministers.

    Excerpt from The Industrial Revolution and its consequences by Henry Ford

    Hiding the Empress's new physical condition wasn’t enough for the government of the Second Empire. It was also necessary to reassure the French people of the optimal physical condition of the woman. The field of photography offered the perfect solution. The Empress could pose as if she was still able to stand on her own and the photos could be spread throughout France and Europe.

    Under the promise of lavish rewards, Joseph Plateau, Antoine Claudet, Niépce de Saint -Victor and other photography experts agreed to move to Paris to enter in the service of the Empress.

    An unexpected effect of this policy was the transformation of Paris into the European capital of photography. Eager to imitate the new fashion created by the Empress, French high society in turn began to hire photographers and finance their experiments and laboratories.

    Photography soon replaced painting as the favored medium of French nobles to represent the wealth and businesses of their families.

    The new French love for photography also laid the foundation for the future creation of the Lumiens.[2]

    Fascinated by the possibility of being able to show their movements in photographs, the wealthy French also began to finance Antoine Claudet's experiments with stereoscopes, mirrors and photos It would take Claudet and his successors almost twenty years to obtain the desired results, but their experiments were ultimately successful.

    The first Lumien “Soldiers marching to victory” was shown in Paris on January 7, 1875.

    [1] OTL Napoleon III was hesitant to support the project for years out of fear of alienating the British, in spite of Eugenie’s support for the project. ITTL she is in charge of France and she doesn’t have great opinion of England.

    [2] From the French "lumières mobiles"("moving lights"), aka the name of the films in this TL.
    American Troubles
  • Excerpt from Before the Storm: the United States between 1856 and 1863 by William Howard Taft

    Once they left Europe, the first priority of the so-called "refugees of 1858" was to find a new nation in which to take refuge. Many of them chose almost immediately to travel to the United States. The nation was a popular destination because of the many immigrant communities already present in New York and other American states. Many members of these communities were also veterans of the 1848 revolutions who were willing to welcome the new European exiles.

    The initial lack of real immigration laws (as long as the immigrants were white) also facilitated the arrival of many of the European revolutionaries.

    The problems began almost immediately. Many Southern governors were furious at the arrival of so many Catholics and numerous riots broke out in New York itself at the hands of various extremists.

    The real problems began when some of the revolutionaries became interested in the issue of slavery in the Southern states. Like the revolutionaries of 1848 and many citizens of the Northern states, the refugees of 1858 considered slavery to be barbaric. However, the newcomers were distinguished by their radicalism as they were firmly convinced that slavery had to be destroyed as soon as possible or they would be forced into exile once again.

    It was for this reason that Istvan Turr, a veteran of the Hungarian Revolution and Garibaldi's comrade-in-arms, headed for Kansas.

    Excerpt from The Unstoppable Rage of John Brown by Thomas Woodrow Wilson

    Under normal circumstances, the meeting between Turr and Brown would have been impossible. The former was a Hungarian republican and a follower of Mazzini's anticlericalism, while the latter was a man perhaps a bit insane, convinced that God had chosen him to destroy the sin of slavery.

    However, what was happening in Kansas was certainly not a normal circumstance. For more than two years the state had been dilaniated by armed clashes between Northern abolitionists and Southern slaveholders, intent on influencing the constitution of the new state in their favor.

    Brown was already infamous among abolitionists and slaveholders alike for having killed five slave hunters and for trying unsuccessfully to defend the abolitionist community of Palmyra from a siege two years earlier. Perhaps it was Brown's fame and Frederick Douglas's recommendations that prompted Turr to travel to Kansas to seek him out.

    According to Watson Brown, his father considered the arrival of Turr and a dozen other men a genuine divine sign. According to legend, John Brown announced Turr's arrival with "A Catholic has seen divine enlightenment as I have. Perhaps now all men will unite in the fight against the worst sin." For his part, Turr was less impressed with Brown's plans ("It would be a pity to lose such a peculiar man in such a stupid plan." was one of his laconic comments after his first meeting with Brown).

    In fact, Turr suspected that the death of one of his sons and the destruction of Palmyra were subconsciously driving Brown to suicide.

    What was happening in Europe eventually deterred Brown from pursuing his plan to assault a federal arsenal in Virginia. After all, Orsini's actions had not ended the Bonapartist monarchy but only worsened the situation throughout Europe. In contrast, Brown went along with Turr's requests to adopt a perhaps more prudent but more effective strategy. There were many revolutionaries in the North willing to follow them and even more slaves in the South were ready to fight or die in order to escape their living Hell.

    It took several months before all the men and weapons were found, but toward the end of 1859 the death by a thousand cuts of the Southern states began.

    Excerpt from Too far from God, too close to the United States: Mexico in the 19th century by Juan Castro

    The events in Europe had unexpected consequences in both the United States and Mexico. Unlike President Buchanan, Mexican President Benito Juarez, however, knew full well what would have happened once the refugees of 1858 reached Mexico.Indeed Juarez needed the revolutionary fervor of the various European refugees.

    For almost a year Suarez and his government had been fighting Felix Zuloaga and other conservatives, intent on abolishing the recent territorial and economic reforms. While Zuloaga could count on partial support from the French government, Juarez desperately needed means and men to win the civil war. The United States and England were willing to finance his war effort but not to send soldiers in his support.

    The arrival of several European revolutionaries represented the perfect opportunity for Juarez. Many of them were veterans or at least already possessed some military experience.

    The Juarez government began working day and night to attract the highest number possible of European veterans to Mexico. Minimizing Juarez's own authoritarian tendencies, the Mexican government began comparing Zuloaga and his allies to the absolutist regimes that had forced the various European revolutionaries into exile.

    José María Mata, Mexican ambassador to the United States, became a regular visitor to New York at whose ports the many ships from Europe continued to land. The various European refugees were often drafted into the Mexican army as soon as they landed on American soil.

    Although this enlistment strategy was criticized by some of Juarez's generals, the arrival of many new volunteers definitely improved the Mexican government's war situation. By the end of the year Zuloaga's forces were forced to abandon many of the territories they held, while some conservatives already began to plan their escape to the United States or Europe.

    Excerpt from British Imperialism in the 19th Century by Philip Churchill

    Besides the disastrous support for the Taiping, the only other significant event of Prime Minister Bethell's government was his reaction to the construction of the Suez Canal. In fact, the Prime Minister considered the creation of a direct link between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea a threat to British interests.

    Egypt was not part of the British sphere of influence and diplomatic relations between England and France had never been particularly peaceful. Bethell therefore suspected that construction of the canal would facilitate a French invasion of British India or at least undermine Lonon's growing influence in the Ottoman Empire and East Africa.

    At first, the British government offered to finance the project in exchange for partial control of the Suez Canal Company, obtaining only polite but firm refusals from the Egyptian authorities.

    The only other option for the British government then was to strengthen the Cape Route and seek new local allies along the Red Sea coast.

    Over the following decades, Bethell's decision would have a significant impact in the Cape Federation, the Sultanate of Zanzibar and even Australia. However, the most immediate effect was felt in South America, specifically in the small stretch of land near the Strait of Magellan.

    Although both Chile and Argentina had already claimed the whole of Patagonia as part of their territory, the British Empire in turn decided to colonize part of the desert region to ensure its absolute control of the Cape Route. Thus, one of Bethell's last polical initiatives was to send British ships and settlers to Tierra del Fuego and to build new ports in the Falkland Islands in preparation for the creation of a new British colony.
    European butterflies
  • Excerpt from No truce, no peace: the mission for the unification of Italy by Federico Manfredi

    Not surprisingly, the first effects of the assassination of Napoleon III were felt on the Italian peninsula.

    The new French hostility toward the unification of the peninsula posed a problem for the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. If until a few months earlier it seemed that an alliance between Paris and Turin was imminent, the political rise of the new French government quickly put an end to that project.

    The always ingenious Cavour, however, found a way to use the situation to his advantage. The Kingdom of Sardinia was the first Italian state to pass new laws against the followers of Mazzini and other republican radicals. Cavour had never trusted those political groups and wanted to use the new laws also to diminish Garibaldi's influence at the Savoy court. At the same time, Cavour set to work to seek new allies against the Austro-Hungarian Empire and perhaps also against France. In addition to being able to count on English sympathy for a possible unification of the peninsula, Turin soon found a concrete ally in Berlin.

    Garibaldi leaving Piedmont to assist the liberals in the Mexican Civil War was of course the icing on the cake.

    In contrast, the domestic policies of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Papal States did not change significantly. By then both Pius IX and Ferdinand II had for years abandoned their initial liberalism, embracing absolutism and repression to prevent a repeat of the 1848 uprisings.

    The situation was considerably different in the territories under Austrian control. Emperor Franz Joseph, mindful of the rebellions that had shaken northern Italy and Tuscany ten years earlier, moved to prevent further possible unrest.

    In Lombardy-Veneto, the liberal Maximilian of Habsburg was replaced by the more conservative Eduard Clam-Gallas as viceroy. The new viceroy abolished many of his predecessor's political reforms, except for the renewal of the fleet and other military innovations. In the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Vienna forced Leopold II to abdicate in favor of his son Ferdinand.

    Although Ferdinand IV shared his father's liberal inclinations, fear of further unrest prompted him to increase censorship and increase troop numbers in preparation for a new conflict. It was precisely the reluctant repression of the new Grand Duke that laid the groundwork for the Second Italian War of Independence. The sudden abolition of freedom of the press and assembly paradoxically increased the Tuscans' support for the unification of Italy or at least for the expulsion of the Austrians from the state.

    On the one hand, Tuscans considered Mazzini's followers the only group truly interested in the region's welfare precisely because they were persecuted in every corner of the peninsula. On the other hand, Ferdinand IV's reluctance to enforce the new repressive laws also meant that Mazzini groups could act with almost no fear. The distribution of leaflets against the grand ducal government and the organization of protests against the government soon became almost daily events in Tuscany.

    Tuscany was the only Italian region where radical republican groups were thus strengthened by the new government repressions.

    Excerpt from Blood and Iron: the history of Europe in the second half of the 19th century by Edward Connors

    Poland soon became the prime example of the contradictions that would characterize the reign of Alexander II.

    Indeed, in early 1860, the Tsar announced that the unpopular viceroy Mikhail Gorchakov would be replaced by Aleksander Wielopolski. For the first time since the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars, Poland would be ruled by a local nobleman instead of a Russian bureaucrat.

    Alexander II's choice was due to mostly pragmatic reasons. Despite his Polish origins, Wielopolski had repeatedly demonstrated his loyalty to the Czarist government. The nobleman had condemned the failed insurrection of 1830, arguing that any attempt to rebel against St. Petersburg was counterproductive.

    The new viceroy also belonged to the "white" faction of the Polish independence movement, mostly composed of members of the local nobility and upper class. Unlike their more radical compatriots, Wielopolski and his allies demanded no economic reform but only greater internal freedom.

    In 1865, Stefan Bobrowski summed up the Polish reaction to the new viceroy's policies with this sentence: "To the Tsar every Pole is a dog. Aleksander and his friends were purebred dogs who were allowed to live in their master's house and receive leftovers directly from the table. I and the rest of Poland, on the other hand, were strays to kick around for the fun of it."

    Although the revolutionary's opinion was probably influenced by anger over his exile, there is no doubt that the lack of economic reforms did not help the situation of Poles in any way. Founding new schools and renewing permission to teach the Polish language were futile, as more than three-quarters of the population was illiterate or had no time or money to study.

    Likewise the Tsar, self-proclaimed earthly defender of the Russian Orthodox Church, had not softened his stance toward Catholics. The masses of Polish priests were still kept under close surveillance to prevent the spread of ideals contrary to the economic interests of the Russian government.

    Even after the partial removal of the Russian courts, the Polish judicial system was still controlled by Russian interests. According to the rulings of judges appointed directly by Moscow, Polish workers were still forced to send most of their savings or crops to St. Petersburg.

    While Wielopolski and his subordinates could enjoy considerable autonomy in the late 1860s, the rest of Poland continued to live as before, if not worse.

    Both the Tsar and the new viceroy had underestimated how widespread poverty and glaring economic disparities fueled Polish popular discontent against St. Petersburg. The only result of the contradictory and limited reforms in Poland was a strengthening of the "red" faction of Polish independents and a long series of problems that would plague the Russian empire for the rest of the 19th century.

    Excerpt from Between Vienna and Constantinople: the Balkans and their history by Nikola Pašić

    By early 1859, even Alexander Karađorđević's most diehard supporters knew that his monarchy was on the verge of collapse.[1] The Serbian king's attempts to simply purge his political opponents had backfired, leading to further protests and conspiracies against his rule. His steadfast refusal to condemn the Ottomans' purges against other Serbs in the Balkans had also alienated a good chunk of the army.

    Cornered, Karađorđević decided to turn to his Viennese allies in the hope of gaining some military or political support. His expectations were however quickly dashed.

    Despite his reputation as a conservative hothead, Franz Joseph knew that supporting the unpopular Karađorđević would have only further jeopardized Vienna's interests in the Balkans. Rather than support a frankly unreliable and useless ally, Austrian diplomatic intervention was primarily aimed at finding a more suitable alternative for the Serbian throne.

    Eventually the choice fell on Mihailo Obrenović, a member of the previous Serbian ruling family. Obrenović was very popular among the Serbs and, unlike his grandfather and uncles, was surprisingly friendly with the Austrian government. [2] He may have been too liberal for Franz Joseph's tastes, but the new king could ensure the security of Austria-Hungary's eastern borders while the situation on the Italian peninsula became increasingly complicated

    In mid-1859, two dimetrically opposite journeys occurred on the border between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia. Karađorđević and his family left their former kingdom in an anonymous carriage, taking with them a substantial part of the Serbian treasury.

    Instead, Obrenović entered Belgrade on horseback, warmly welcomed by much of the city. The new king's inauguration speech contained the usual arguments and promises, often used by politicians of all stripes on such occasions. However, there was one word in his speech that would redefine Balkan history in the following decades.

    Theatrically turning his finger in the direction of the border between Serbia and the Ottoman Empire, Obrenović promised that the Slavic compatriots of the Serbs would be soon liberated and he used the term Yugoslavia for the first time.

    [1] I immagine the butterflies would allow to remain on the throne a few more months ITTL. However by this point he was already too impopular both inside and outside Serbia for his neutrality during the Crimean War.
    [2] Tecnically the throne should have gone to his father. However the Austrian aren't going to give the Serbian throne to an increasingly sick man with unclear loyalties.