Trying to Please Everyone: Or Converting multiple Pop Culture Utopias into a Timeline.



Directed by Josh Trank. The film had Doctor Doom revive and be granted the power Cosmic by Galactus, becoming his herald. As the Fantastic Four battle him, they are forced to flee, with the film revealing that they are heading to the X-Men and Avengers for help.​
At least it's better than OTL's Fant4stic. Then again, my mother's colonoscopy got better reviews and was bigger at the box office.
At least it's better than OTL's Fant4stic. Then again, my mother's colonoscopy got better reviews and was bigger at the box office.
Funny thing is today was my father’s colonoscopy. He thought that it would be painful but it was painless, and not as bad he thought it would be. Which could also be said for TTL’s Fant4stic.
DC Superheroes in Film: 1966-1986

I wanted to give DC the same treatment I gave Marvel as since the two are Frenemies ITTL, both companies leaning into the Multiverse idea means a crossover is plausible around the time of or after 2019. So rather than jumping the Crossover on you. I can quickly catch up with the DC stuff(DC has less films than Marvel, cancelled or released, but reversed their positions. DC having many films made and Marvel having largely cancelled projects while nowadays DC has cancelled projects and Marvel has more films released).



Largely the same as OTL.

Screenshot from Batman Meets Godzilla(Frequently memed)

Batman meets Godzilla(1967)​

The Batman TV Series starring Adam West and Burt Ward was becoming popular. A strange idea was conceived to have a crossover movie between Batman and Godzilla. Remarkably the idea was agreed to, becoming a film in 1967 titled Batman Meets Godzilla. The plot went a little something like this.

Barbara Gordon and her father, Commissioner Gordon, are taking a boat across the Far East when one of Barbara's friends from Vassar, Reiko Hammamoto, appears. Eventually, a tidal wave capsizes their boat that was seemingly caused by Klaus Finster, a German meteorologist who, after 20 years of being holed up in Argentina, has migrated to Japan; and now has a secret lair underneath Mount Fuji. Finster is played by iconic actor Boris Karloff. The mad Finster claims to have a weather machine that he'll use to destroy Japan unless given 20 million dollars worth of gold. He has also recruited Batman's top four villains(The Joker, the Riddler, the Penguin and Catwoman). Gordon realizes there are only two men for this job; the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder themselves, Batman and Robin.

Unknown to the Dynamic Duo and their allies, Finster doesn't have control over the weather, but actually has control over Godzilla. Finster uses his control to make the giant reptile leave the Mariana Trench and head towards Japan once more. Batman and Robin, after battling a robotic copy of their ally Count Draidl and the villains, meet with Gordon and the Japanese police. Batman, having suspicions of Godzilla's involvement, watches footage of the beast's battle with King Kong to make sure he's right(actually just the movie).

A waiting game ensues, and when a Kabuki show turns into a sword fight, Reiko is revealed to be one of Finster's spy robots after an accidental decapitation. Batman and Robin give chase to Finster and the villains, and the duo are trapped in a poison gas chamber that was disguised as a taxi cab. Barbara, now having donned the Batgirl attire, frees them with a pocket-sized blowtorch. After a chase through a Japanese bathhouse, they finally encounter Godzilla; this first time is a turbulent recon mission in the Batcopter.

The mission causes Batman to go into a state of nervous agitation, and they take a bullet train to Osaka when word arrives that the city is Finster's next target. They eventually devise a plan; lure Godzilla with a mating call and knock the giant out with explosives. After this, he surveys the Japanese people, who unanimously vote to send the creature into space.

With their plan in place, and after a chase and fight with Klaus Finster and the villains that ends with the villains defeated and the mad scientist falling to his death, Batman, Batgirl and Robin all engage Godzilla with their vehicles, with the giant beast grabbing Batgirl during the fight. Batman, unflinchingly, uses the call anyways, causing Godzilla to throw Barbara Gordon away, with the young woman landing all the way at the Daibutsu Buddha. Batman scales Godzilla(in a scene calling back to the scenes of Batman scaling the walls) and plants the bomb on his neck, tying it to the beast with Batrope before he moves to safety and detonates it, knocking the beast out.

Japanese scientists build a rocket around Godzilla while he is unconscious, before ultimately launching the rocket into orbit above the Earth's surface, with Godzilla forever contained within(at least until the next movie).


Telly Savalas as Lex Luthor


Patrick Wayne was originally cast as Superman, nearly dropping out due to health issues concerning his famous father John Wayne which turned out to be a Cancer Scare. Marlon Brando was cast as Jor-El and Telly Savalas was cast as Lex Luthor. Finding a Director was also difficult, but Stephen Spiellburg was brought onboard. One Would be Director, Sam Peckinpah, even pulled a gun on producers during a meeting. The film was a hit and to top it off ended with a sequel hook. Superman hurled a missile into space, inadvertently freeing the Kryptonian Criminals, Zod, Ursa and Non.

Elliot S.Maggin wrote a book titled Superman: Last Son of Krypton, which became a bestseller due to the coincidence of being released at around the same time as the Film, it was actually an early treatment for the film and DC got egg on their face when they tried suing, not knowing about Maggin's involvement on the treatment. To Compensate, DC promised to allow Maggin to write Superman III alongside sequel director Richard Donnor, and so Maggin was brought on to have a hand in the creation of Superman III. His novel had also mentioned the Xerox company directly and DC was afraid of being sued, however, this only led Xerox to buy fifty thousand copies for their company book club. Xerox had previously worked with DC's Rival Marvel due to the Mutant character Xerox being a recurring figure.​



Producers Michael Usland and Benjamin Melniker purchased the film rights to the character from DC and intended to return him to his original and more comic accurate roots after the Adam West TV Series. The film was difficult to pitch as most studios wanted something campy. Producer Jon Peter and Casablanca Film Works joined in. A full script titled Return of the Batman was written but that title would not be used to avoid confusions of continuity with the Adam West version. It would instead by called simply Batman, often Batman 79' by fans. The film was made in the style of the Superman Movies, though less whimsical in tone. Clint Eastwood was chosen to play Batman, a choice made as he was well known as the most serious part of the 66' Batman series, and his casting had the effect of convincing people that this was not a Batman of the 60's but a Batman of the 70's. A bold choice was made to feature a newer Batman villain, Ra's Al Ghul. Al Ghul was threatening Gotham City in the film's plot and Batman needed to travel the world to defeat him and his League of Assassins. Ra's Al Ghul was played by Christopher Lee, though his henchman Ubu was given a bigger role as the physical threat for the Dark Knight. The film included a comic accurate scene of a shirtless Clint Eastwood engaging in a swordfight with Ra's Al Ghul (being ITTL's version of his role as Fu Manchu in The Face of Fu Manchu). During the film, Batman would be captured and forced to escape from Ras Al Ghul's prison, with filming taking place in Kilmainham Gaol Prison(While this is where The Face of Fu Manchu was filmed, the film is basically replacing OTL Escape from Alcatraz for Clint Eastwood so here he gets an "Escape from this Prison is impossible" portion of the film and we can see this as ITTL's version of the pit from The Dark Knight Rises).

Superman II(1980)​

On Superman II, before he even began, Richard Donner was nearly fired as Director, but kept on when Brando protested and so Donner got his version(The closest equivalent TTL's version is the real life Donner Cut years later, but time travel is not used. The only reason that was included was because Donner had it in Superman II but moved it to Superman I to give that film more of a climax). Henry Fonda plays the part of the President of the Unites States(OTL he didn't because of failing health). This is possibly a nod to the film Fail Safe in which Fonda also played an unnamed President. Jor-El permanently faded away for good in the film to restore Superman's abilities, meaning Brando would not return.



Martin Scorsese often criticized the rising Superhero films, seeing them as ascended B Movies and the equivalent of a meal with only fat and no meat. Someone suggested to him that they'd like to see him do better. The Schoolyard taunt was evidently taken to heart. Scorsese began plans to make a low budget film, intending it to be a dark take on a Comic character with a clear expy of a classic fictional character, to his surprise he was given the chance to choose a character from DC's catalogue. He unexpectedly chose a villain and began his production of Joker. Robert De Niro was immediately cast in the lead role, something that surprised no one in Hollywood. The film was originally intended to have its Joker fight Clint Eastwood's Batman but this was scrapped and it became a stand alone film instead. Scorsese reimagined the Joker as a struggling Comedian with mental health issues who lived with his mother. Like the protagonist of Scorsese's earlier film Taxi Driver, the Joker character slowly goes insane from the world around him spiraling out of control. He has a girlfriend who is his rock to reality and tries to help him see reason. She records one of his performances and, thinking he is genuinely good, sends it to his favorite talk show host Jerry Langford(played by Jerry Lewis), who mocks the tape, leading to the two breaking up and the future Joker spiraling into further madness. He is finally invited to meet his idol Jerry Langford on his talk show, when he and Langford get into an intense argument when he reveals his crimes on live TV, leading to the protagonist shooting Langford in the face and being arrested. The film was the hit of 1982, once more surprising no one given Scorsese's track record(Yes I know this borders on alien Space Bats but I couldn't resist. This film replaces OTL The King of Comedy. So instead of getting Joker, a good film compared to Martin Scorsese films like Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, we get a literal Martin Scorsese film, replacing one of the movies it's been accused of ripping off. Also just FYI there's no Thomas Wayne in this film due to the setting of 1982 being contemporary. His role in the film if he has one is likely taken by Harvey Den't, District Attorney running for Mayor who gets acid splashed in his face by rioters instigated by the Joker. Also adding this later but two scenes likely included in this film are "How About another Joke, Jerry?" and Goodfellas's "Funny How. Funny like I'm a clown." scene, which makes too much sense to not be included here).


Dudley Moore, the actor who played Mxyzptlk

Superman III(1983)​

Donnor and Reeve returned for Superman III. The Film introduced two new Villains, Brainiac and Mister Mxyzptlk(Mix-six-pit-lick), the former was played by Christopher Walken and the latter was played by Dudley Moore. The two villains teamed up against Superman. Supergirl, was also introduced, arriving on Earth to warn of Brainiac's arrival. Mxyzptlk was a powerful alien, incorporating elements of Maggin's script, working with Brainiac, who took on a human form named Gus Gorman. Superman ultimately defeated Brainiac with the help of Supergirl and Lex Luthor. He would end up accidentally killing Mxyzptlk in a manner similar to Alan Moore's Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? in which Superman attempted to send Mxyzptlk into the Phantom Zone but the imp said his name in an attempt to send himself back to his home dimension and was ripped apart due to being sent into two universes at once.

Peter O'Toole, the first actor to play the Penguin.

The Return of Batman (1983)​

The sequel to Batman, titled The Return of Batman.The film would cover the origins of Robin in this new continuity and be largely based off the 1977 storyline Batman: Strange Apparitions by Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers. Rogers would do the concept art for the film. The story featured crimelord Rupert Thorne and the Joker(played once more by Al Pacino) in the story. Silver St.Cloud would be introduced as a love interest for Batman. William Holden played James Gordon. David Niven played Alfred Pennyworth(neither having appeared in the previous film, which focused largely on Batman and Ra's Al Ghul. As it happens both would have to be recast as both actors passed away, Holden in 1981 and Niven in 1983, meaning they would not see the film's release in 83'(intentionally after Scorsese's Joker had been released). Joker does appear but very briefly at Scorsese's insistence. He kills the main antagonist Hugo Strange before he can reveal Batman's identity as Bruce Wayne, both not wanting to know and enjoying fighting Batman too much to see him gone. Peter O'Toole appeared as the Penguin. Tom Mankiewicz had written the script. Michael J.Fox was cast as Robin under the direction of Ivan Reitman. The plot involved Dick Grayson losing his parents to mobsters, being adopted by Batman and joining his war on crime in order to stop a gang war between the Penguin and Rupert Thorne with Hugo Strange being revealed as the main antagonist. The adopting of Dick Grayson and him being unmasked leading to Strange discovering Batman's identity shortly before his death at the hands of the Joker in his surprise appearance, emerging from the shadows to shoot and kill Strange.

The Film did well but behind the scenes problems arose. Scorsese didn't want his Joker featured in other films and the Joker was deemed too important to leave out of the series. He would have to be recast. They also had two replace two of the now late actors. DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths was about to be released, effectively rebooting the DC Comics Universe. DC thought that this new direction warranted a new direction in the films as well and with it a new Director. Clint Eastwood did not return to play Batman. A new Batman film was set to be released in 1986 with Director Tim Burton at the helm. His choice of Batman Actor, Michael Keaton, was controversial. He was a comedy film actor. There was no way he could play a convincing Batman, many thought, until the world saw Batman 86'.


A spinoff film, Supergirl, was made to serve as a continuation, with Christopher Reeve making a cameo. The film centered on Supergirl, who goes off into space, believing Brainiac is not dead. It is revealed she was correct as she discovers he only sent his mind to Earth through space while he remained behind. Supergirl then battles to help save the many worlds he has captive. For a Spinoff film, This proved to be the most expensive Superman film at the time.


Michael Keaton as Batman


Casting for Batman 86' was controversial for several reasons. The first major controversy was the casting of Robin Williams as the Joker only to goad Jack Nicholson into taking the role instead, which angered Williams and he refused to be involved with Warner Bros until they publicly apologized(which they did soon after). William Defo and Tim Curry are among the notable figures who would play the Joker role later on that were turned down for the role. Sean Young was cast as Vicki Vale(OTL she did not due to a horseback riding accident though she has a more interesting incident that will be mentioned later on). Michael Jackson did music and songs for the film, including appearing in music videos dressed as the Joker. Tom Mankiewicz once more wrote the film's script(another script by Sam Hamm involved Bruce training with Henri Ducard but those elements were incorporated in 79's Batman, which he adapted into the comic Arc "Blind Justice" at around the same time in 79'). Sam Hamm's script killed off the joker when his helicopter startled a swarm of bat sleeping in the Cathedral, causing him to let go and fall to his death.​
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DC Superheroes in Film: 1987-1996


Superman IV(1987)​

Superman IV, was clear to all to be the last film in the series. By this point the Alan Moore story Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" had been released and it was discovered that since that story was an end to the Pre Crisis Superman, it would serve as an end to a version of Superman based on him. DC seemed to be intending to reboot every franchise after Crisis on Infinite Earths and it seemed fitting for Superman to have the same be done as well. Each member of the main cast would return for a final time, however Mxyzptlk was dead and so could not be the film's climactic villain. Instead Darkseid was brought in. To tie him into the plot, it was revealed that Brainiac had been collecting worlds in the last two films in a misguided attempt to protect them from destruction at Darkseid's hands. The original book's two villain plots against Superman were reworked into plots by Lex Luthor, including getting a sample of Superman's DNA to clone him, resulting in the creation of Bizarro, and the orchestrating an attack on the Daily Planet with action figures that leads to Superman's identity being revealed to the public. Luthor then goes to search for Brainiac's remains, finding his head, which suddenly comes to life and possesses him. Brainiac has now gone mad and allied with Darkseid due to his hatred of Superman and Supergirl. Brainiac-Luthor attacks the Fortress of Solitude, destroying it. Brainiac-Luthor is then easily defeated due to Luthor being mercy killed and rigor mortis preventing Brainiac from controlling his body any further. Darkseid then invades Earth, leading into a final battle in which he is defeated. Given Crisis on Infinite Earths, it was expected Supergirl would die, and she did, in the final battle against Darkseid. The film had a Soundtrack album released as well.
Watchmen by rcdo230.jpg


David Bowie on the Set of Watchmen, 1988


Producer Lawrence Gordon bought the rights to Watchmen in 1986, before the fourth issue of the Comic was even out. He teamed up with another producer George Silver to have the film made at 20th Century Fox. Alan Moore was asked if he could write the screenplay, he tried but then politely declined. Instead Sam Hamm, writer on Batman 89' was brought on board. He completed the script in 1988 with shooting occurring the same year. Arnold Shwarzenegger was cast as Doctor Manhattan, though he was dubbed over and only plays the physical form of the character. Jon Osterman is seen in flashbacks post accident and is played by Shwarzenegger but never heard as the flashback is talked over by Doctor Manhattan. Richard Geer signed on to play Nite-Owl, Robin Williams was originally in talks to play Rorshach but dropped out as he didn't think he was right for the part. Terry Gilliam received Phone calls from David Bowie, who wanted to play Rorshach and would do so. He would provide the voice over narration in the form of Rorshach's Journal. To be on the safe side, the film rights to The Outer Limits episode "The Architect of Fear" was bought the rights to since the company didn't want to get sued as Moore alluded to the episode in Watchmen. Filming took place at Pinewood Studios. The film went over budget as Gilliam's projects were one to do but was still a hit upon being released, revitalizing the Comic Book movie Genre and heralding a new age as its comic counterpart had done.

Swamp Thing(1989)​

Swamp Thing was pushed back so as to not compete with Joker. This turned out to be a blessing as the film as with Watchmen becoming a huge success, the film was able to base its story on Alan Moore's iconic Swamp Thing run. The film billed itself as "From the creator of Watchmen". The Film was more of horror film than possibly any other Comic book film before it.

Batman Returns(1989)​

The Sequel Batman Returns was released in 1989. It was Burton's insistence to cast Danny Devito as the Penguin. Sean Young wanted to return to play Vicki Vale but Burton wanted to use Catwoman. Young showed up in a homemade Catwoman costume, giving Burton the inspiration to rewrite Vick Vale and give her Catwoman's origin. Burgess Meredith cameo'd as the Penguin's father. Billy Dee Williams reprised his role from the first film as Harvey Dent, who became the target for the Penguin while pursuing political ambitions. The film ended with half his face being burned(OTL Harvey Dent was replaced by Max Shreck). Penguin was accompanied by the Red Triangle Gang, the former gang of the Joker now working for him. The Gang has more members than shown, such as a ringmaster with poison-tipped gauntlets, a duo with razor sharp metal blades encrusted into their heads like mohawks, a teenage clown with a neon medallion that read "CIRKUS" replacing the stun gun clown, and a group of clowns dressed like firefighters who operate a fire-engine that shot napalm (in a possible dark twist on the clown scene from Dumbo).The film contains more allusions to the first film, including Bruce proposing to Vick Vale and pieces of the Bat Plane being sold at a souvenir store, along with mention of the Joker's death. It is revealed in the film that Penguin and Dent are brothers. Dent left his family after they abandoned his baby brother(OTL original idea, which explains the Penguin's plan a little more and why he wants to kill Gotham's first born. Which he does not wish to do here, his goal being competing with Dent). Penguin's thugs invade the tree lighting ceremony and took Dent, the Mayor and Vicki Vale hostage. Batman made his way up to the penthouse to save them, leaving the Batmobile in an alley and forgetting to put up the shields on the car. This allows Penguin's thugs to take photographs of the Batmobile, allowing them to control it(explaining how he got them in the original film). The film killed off the Penguin(though portrayed him as a direct villain rather than attempting to make him sympathetic at all). Dent was scarred at the film's conclusion(though not by Catwoman but by Penguin's scheme).


more of less the plot of this film.

Batman Continues(1992)​

The Second film was much darker and was a success following the release of Watchmen. An adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns was planned but would take time to materialize. Burton's second outing was not as well received. Burton was at least allowed to choose his successor. He chose Sam Raimi to bring to life his film ideas for Batman Continues. Michael Keaton would remain as Batman. Robin Williams was cast as the Riddler with Billy Dee Williams returning as Two Face. The choice was made to include Robin with Marlon Wayans being cast, a hold over from Tim Burton's plans for the character. Sean Young returned as Catwoman, albeit briefly due to her appearance in her own film.​

Plastic Man(1992)​

Produced by Amblin Entertainment, Warner Bros., and DreamWorks SKG, written by The Wachowskis, and directed by Brian Spicer. The film stars Jim Carrey in the titular role of Patrick "Eel" O'Brian. A small time criminal who falls into a vat of a chemical known as Gringold that gives him elasticity. Carrey excels in the role as he would as The Mask. The film was greenlit because DC wanted a more lighthearted film after the dark and serious Batman Returns. When it was clear they wouldn't get it from Burton and didn't want to replace him, they instead adapted a character who had more comedic potential and hired Jim Carrey for the role.


A Badge of Schwarzenegger's Sergeant Rock

Sergeant Rock(1993)​

In 1993, fresh off the success of Watchmen. Arnold Shwarzenegger would appear as Sergeant Rock, despite the odd nature of a Germany playing an american soldier during World War II. An explanation was provided that Rock was half German and was a personal film for Arnold as his father had deeply regretted his role as a member of the Nazi party and the film quickly became about the German people proving that they were not all Nazis by depicting a largely german cast as the protagonists. The film was a breather of sorts and Arnold would return in 1995 for the sequel to Watchmen.

Who Watches the Watchmen?(1995)​

Alan Moore was asked to make a sequel to DC and create the just as long Minutemen prequel. Impatiently, a sequel was rushed into production. James Cameron was brought in to direct Who Watches the Watchmen? In James Cameron's tradition, the film is much better than the original, not held down by being an adaptation but being a sequel. In the world's setting Nixon has died and while Gerald Ford was briefly President, Robert Redford has replaced him. The remaining heroes of the Watchmen world are flung into World War III after the contents of Rorshach's journal are revealed. Silk Spectre and Nite-Owl try and fail to prevent an attack on New York that results in the Statue of Liberty toppling to the sea. The two are approached by Adrian Veidt and a new figure in the Rorshach identity(who's actor was hidden but is later unmasked and revealed to be Mark Hamill). Veidt convinces the two they must venture into time itself to convince Doctor Manhattan to return. They do so and attempt to prevent the experiment that led to the birth of Doctor Manhattan in the first place. The Doctor Manhattan of the present time senses this thanks to his non linear view of time and prevents their efforts, but becomes convinced that Veidt's course of action is the right one. He then goes back in time to prevent his own creation. Nite-Owl and Silk Spectre meanwhile encounter the Comedian of 1959 and in a battle, he ends up getting killed. with Manhattan's origin prevented and the Comedian dead much earlier, the new timeline is essentially the world we know with Nite-Owl, Silk Spectre and the New Rorshach finding themselves in Times Square, to their confusion.​


Tim Burton's Catwoman was released along with Batman and Robin. The film even included a Catwoman animated short before it by Bruce Timm. This was a test run to see if audiences would sit still for an animated short before the films. This would carry over into Batman: Triumphant and Superman: Lives. It was a way of calling back to the old serials. Said short soften depicted the titular characters of the main film to avoid confusion and posters often mentioned the short in their wording.

Batman vs Superman(1995)​

While originally pitched as Superman: Reborn. Patrick Wayne announced his desire to leave the Superman role. Realizing they may not get another chance. A crossover film between Superman and Batman was announced.The film focuses largely on Superman and Batman meeting each other while both are trying to takedown the Ultra Humanite, both being tricked into fighting each other in a sequence lifted directly from The Dark Knight Returns. Ultra-Humanite releases his creation: Doomsday, into Metropolis, leading to a fight in which Superman sacrifices himself to kill the monster.


Batman and Robin(1996)​

Michael Keaton, Marlon Wayans, and Sam Raimi returned for Batman & Robin.The film's new villain was Mister Freeze, played by Patrick Stewart. Poison Ivy was also introduced. In a twist on the normal formula, the two villains hated each other and their war was the main conflict as Gotham was caught between being frozen(in a horrific manner which kills the frozen individual, leaving them a shattered husk) or being overwhelmed by Killer Plants. The film also introduced Barbara Gordon, played by Olivia d'Abo. Raimi shot down the idea to use Bane, believing to save him for the main antagonist of his own film. Catwoman did not appear in this film as she was featured in a spin off directed by Tim Burton.​
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DC Superheroes in Film: 1997-2005


Harley Quinn is reborn in Batman Unchained

Batman Unchained(1997)​

For the intended last film in the franchise, Tim Burton returned to direct. The Scarecrow appeared, played by Jerry Hall, who reprised her role as Alicia Hunt, who's death was retconned away, having only been mentioned in the original Batman. She was now reworked into Harley Quinn, with flashbacks put in showing her work as a mob psychiatrist talking to Jack Napier, played once again by Jack Nicholson, who appears via Scarecrow fear gas. Martin Short was introduced as Man-Bat, who was transformed by the Scarecrow's experiments. Man Bat being used to frame Batman in the film's plot.


Superman Lives(1998)​

It was decided to reboot the character for a 1998 Film release, the 60th anniversary of Superman. This would be done with the film Superman Lives which dealt with Superman's resurrection, and his battle with a returned Brainiac as well. Patrick Wayne did not want to return and so Nicholas Cage was cast as Superman. Sandra Bullock played Lois Lane. Christopher Walken returned as Brainiac. Tim Burton would direct and Jon Peter Produced. Lex Luthor also returned, albeit as a possessed undead figure played by Kevin Spacey due to Telly Savalas having passed away and Doomsday also returned. The film also introduced L-Ron, Brainiac's robotic assistant, voiced by Dwight Ewell. Kevin Smith turned down some of Burton's other elements. Michel Keaton cameo'd as Batman at Superman's funeral. The film concerned Superman's resurrection in a black costume before changing into his classic costume.​


Aronofsky's designs for the Batman costume.

Batman: Earth Two(2001)​

A New century heralded a reboot for the Franchises of the DC Universe. Darren Aronofsky's had been working on a film adaptation of Batman: Year One to be released in 2001. This film was meant to be a standalone. Taking a much more realistic take on Batman, played by Joaquin Phoenix. Aronofsky's Batman was very different from any other version of the character. Set in the 1970s, Bruce Wayne became homeless after the death of his parents, leading him to befriend a Black Garage owner called Uncle Al, who provides him with this film's Batmobile. The Film was released but remade as Warner Bros realized the connection to the title was only superfluous and Christopher Nolan wanted to make his own far more faithful adaptation of Batman: Year One, with Christian Bale, the actor who the Studio had wanted for Aronofsky's Batman film. The Film was renamed Batman: Earth Two before release, with Christian Bale's Batman's adventures intended to be set on the Cinematic "Earth One". Batman: Earth Two was retconned into being the story of Clint Eastwood's Batman from the 79' film.

Test footage of Henry Cavill in the Superman role, uncovered in 2004.


J.J. Abrams had pitched a script for a film titled Superman: Flyby. The Script contained many odd elements and it was decided they would be changed. For instance Krypton was in Civil War, with Jor-El fighting his corrupt brother Kata-Zor. This was changed to General Zod in the final film. The original script depicted Kata-Zor's son, Ty-Zor as the film's antagonists along with three other Kryptonian criminals. this was changed to Zod himself, with the three Kryptonian criminals being Jax-Ur, Faora and Non. Kal-El is launched to Earth and adopted by Jonathan and Martha, following the story beats of the character. Elements removed include Kal-El being part of a Prophecy and Lex Luthor being secretly a government agent. Instead he has been contracted with them to build weapons. Superman appears to die in the film but then meets his Father via a Hologram(In the original script he did die but was resurrected). Superman then left to search for Krypton, setting up the sequel. The film was directed by Brett Ratner. Christopher Walken played Perry White, Anthony Hopkins played Jor-El and Mark Strong played Lex Luthor(who seized his company after killing his father Lionel Luthor). Patrick Wayne consulted on the project and pitched the idea of Tom Welling, who played Clark Kent on Smallville, as an ideal candidate to try and tie in the show and film, though Wayne commented that the character was more important than the actor who played him and that it should be an unknown. Many actors such as Paul Walker, Ashton Kutcher, Brendan Frasier, Matthew Bomer, Jerry "Connell, David Boreanaz, Victor Webster, James Marsden, Joel Edgerton auditioned or had scheduling conflicts and potential conflicts with the planned sequels to the film. Selma Blair was cast as Lois Lane. ESC did visual effects work with Kim Libreri as visual effects supervisor and Stan Winston designing a certain "prototype suit". Shia LaBeouf was cast as Jimmy Olsen. While still looking for a potential actor, one actor brought in solely for screen tests amazed the director, This actor was named Henry Cavill(Yes, Henry Cavill did take part in screen tests for this film before its cancelation OTL).

David Hayter's original test footage


David Hayter, a huge fan of the Graphic Novel, would adapt a remake of the film in the 2000's into what Moore read and considered the most faithful adaptation. Hayter thought that the graphic novel was still relevant so many years later, especially in the new climate. While the original film's effects held up it was part of the effort to remake films and cash in on the Superhero craze resurfacing. Denzel Washington was cast as Doctor Manhattan. John Cusack portrayed Nite-Owl. Ron Perlman played the Comedian. Filming took place at London's Pinewood studios.Test footage was shot by Hayter with Daniel Craig as Rorshach and Iain Glenn as Nite-Owl. Darren Aronofsky was picked as Director. A date was set for 2002 to start filming but the script was just finished by then. Production art was made. The film was released under Universal Studios in 2003.

Leonardo Dicaprio swimming during the filming of Aquaman.


An Aquaman film starring Leonardo DiCaprio directed by James Cameron. The Film couldn't resist making a joke as a result of the casting and having a scene in which Aquaman explores the ruins of the Titanic. The film concerns Arthur Curry returning to Atlantis to fight his half brother Ocean Master and the mercenary Black Manta to claim his rightful place as King. Notably, Aquaman loses a hand in the process, but his newfound abilities after obtaining the trident, lead him to create a water made hand.​

Man of Steel (2004)​

The mid section of the Abrams Superman Trilogy. Brett Ratner returned to direct. The film brought in Brainiac as an antagonist.

Screen Shot 2021-10-06 at 11.29.18 PM.jpg

Wonder Woman(2005)​

Directed byJoss Whedon's. Starring Kate Beckinsale in the lead role. The film reveals that Wonder Woman was active at several points in history. While the film depicts her exploits in World War I, she was last seen during the Crimean War in 1954 in universe. The film has her leave Paradise Island to find and kill the greek god Ares.



Another film, Constantine was released with Sting in the lead role. This was intentional as Alan Moore had stated Sting was the inspiration for the character. The film also featured Lucifer Morningstar, played by David Bowie. DC didn't put their eggs into this one basket, expecting it to be an underground hit, namely in the UK. The film did very well over there, though given the talent involved, it was mandatory to include a "Devil Went Down to Georgia" type scene of a rock off between Constantine and Morningstar. The Film was a hard R rating on account of Constantine dropping the C Word several times. Alan Moore, who claims to have met Constantine several times, claims Constantine appeared before him to say they did a good job on it.

Bryan Cranston as Gordon.

Batman: Year One(2005)​

Batman: Year One by Christopher Nolan, was a Faithful adaptation of the Comic. The biggest change being Batman saving the life of the newborn Barbara Gordon. Jim Gordon was played by Bryan Cranston and the film seemed to star him more than Batman, who was more of a mystery.
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DC Superheroes in Film: 2006-2011


Superman: Last Son(2006)​

The final film in the Abrams Superman Trilogy. The Film's original title was Superman Returns but when it was discovered Nolan's next film was planned to be called The Dark Knight. The Film introduced Supergirl and Darkseid, which Director Bryan Singer had wished to use.

The Flash(2007)​

script by David S.Goyer. The Flash was Barry Allen, played by Ryan Reynolds, though Wally West(played by Anton Yelchin) appeared as a supporting character(OTL the script for the film was compared to the first two Saim Raimi Spider-Man films in terms of tone). The Film took inspiration from the Comic runs of Mike Baron, Mark Waid, and Geoff Johns. The film's antagonist is the Reverse Flash, who has a hand in the creation of the Flash to ensure he still exists. Reverse Flash creates a massive particle explosion that grants several people superspeed. Many people found Reverse Flash to be a surprisingly terrifying antagonist as he boasts about killing Barry's mother and framing his father, along with the deaths of his dog, several childhood friends and childhood injuries. "It was me, Barry" became a meme much earlier than OTL because of this, which is supported by Ryan Reynolds himself.

Green Lantern(2007)​

Starring Nathan Fillion as Hal Jordan. The film uses a reworked version of the OTL plot of the animated film Green Lantern: First Flight which would not have been released yet. It is not a carbon copy, for example certain characters with radical redesigns in OTL's Green Lantern: First Flight such as Abin Sur and Kanjar Ro now have more comic accurate appearances. The film begins by showing the history of the Green Lantern Corps and the sealing away of Parallax in the Green Lantern Power Battery. It then cuts to Abin Sur being attacked and crashing on Earth, where he is found by Hal Jordan. Sur dies after passing on his ring and is found on Earth by other guardians, including Sur's friend Sinestro, Kilowog(played by Michael Clarke Duncan) and John Stewart(Idris Elba), who take Jordan to Oa for training. Jordan makes a quip referring to the Talk Show host John Stewart. Jordan becomes friends with the Lanterns as they investigate Sur's death, tracking it to space pirate Kanjar Ro. Jordan learns Sinestro has evil intentions, but Sinestro kills Kanjar Ro and frames Jordan for it, leading to his ring being taken away from him(Jordan even lampshades Sinestro's name sounding like Sinister, but it is pointed out that due to the various alien languages, this really only applies on Earth). Sinestro launches his attack by releasing the power of "The Yellow Entity" and devastating Oa, leading Jordan and his friends to fight back and defeat Sinestro, leading him to be banished to another universe. An Epilogue reveals that Stewart intends to head back towards Earth as he's been away for some time while Jordan trains in space.

Samurai Jack(2007)​

A film by Darren Aronofsky, originally based on a Frank Miller story, Ronin, about a Samurai who battles a Demon only to awaken in a Bizarre Cyberpunk Future to once more defeat the Demon and the resulting cartoon . The Story. inspired the Animated Series Samurai Jack, which had recently concluded. Japanese Actors were hired to play Jack(or Jakku as it is pronounced by the Japanese Cast) his family and residents. The Actor Mako returned to reprise his role as the Demon Aku. The Film cut down much of the series, following the opening arc until Jack's arrival in the Future, then including his meeting with the Scotsman, a fight with the Daughters of Aku, leading to the introduction of Ashi and finally Jack being sent back to his own time. In Japan a short film live action adaptation of The Birth of Evil, depicting Jack's father battling Aku was released.

The Dark Knight(2008)​

Largely the same as OTL. Though Heath Ledger survives a drug overdose after the film's release, resulting in the character of Gambol surviving with a glasgow smile like that of the Joker. The film also received a Video Game for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.


Charlie Hunniman as Green Arrow in Green Arrow: Escape from Super Max.

Green Arrow: Escape from Supermax(2008)​

A prison escape film starring Green Arrow, played by Charlie Hunniman, who is trapped in a Metahuman prison, and forced to fight his way out with the aid of or despite the Supervillains imprisoned.

Justice League Mortal Leaked Cast Costume Test Photo.jpg

Costume Test with with mix of Stand ins and the Actual Actors

Justice League: Mortal(2009)​

This film brought together the Justice League with the actors of the previous films, including Superman(Henry Cavill), Batman(Christian Bale), Wonder Woman(Kate Beckinsale),The Flash(Ryan Reynolds), Green Lantern(Idris Elba), Aquaman(Leonardo DiCaprio), and introducing Martian Manhunter(played by Denzel Washington). The Film was Justice League: Mortals, and was directed by George Miller, who originally pitched the idea.

The Film begins with Superman wearing a black version of his costume descending down in Metropolis at a funeral session. He enters the Church and floats towards a seemingly endless row of mourners towards a closed casket where the Justice League stand in funeral garb. Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash and Martian Manhunter. All minus Batman.

Two Days Ago. The World is at peace.

The Flash and Iris West(Zoe Kazan) are eating at Planet Krypton, a restaurant themed around Superheroes with the staff dressed as superheroes and memorabilla on the walls. The Two are secretly watched by Brother Eye. Batman is shown in his Batcave, observing the Flash and running a file mentioning his Location, Associates, Powers, Identity and Weaknesses. Batman checks on the other heroes and their locations when Alfred reminds him of his birthday party and he leaves. At the party, Bruce meets and talks with Maxwell Lord(Jay Baruchel), who catered the party with food from his own restaurant, Planet Krypton, which he boasts has served millions.

Martian Manhunter, disguised as a cop, investigates a crime scene and finds a strange jar of liquid. Taking it to his police car, an alien creatures pops out and spits at him, causing his skin to smoke and him to burst into flame. Barry and Iris are still at the restaurant when they hear about a fire, which evidently began when a police car crashed into a fuel depot. Barry looks at Iris silently and she agrees to let him go, telling him "You can't save the whole world you, know?". As Flash puts out the fire, Wonder Woman arrives to help. Flash is starstruck. The source of the fire is discovered to be Martian Manhunter, who is still on fire. Everytime they put the fire out it resumed. At the party, Bruce and Max are both transfixed by Talia Al Ghul(Teresa Palmer). Bruce recalls that the two have a history. Max's nose begins to bleed. Alfred pulls tells Bruce about Brother Eye detecting an attack on the Martian Manhunter. Wonder Woman had submerged Martian Manhunter in her swimming pool in her condo before Superman arrives. Superman, believing the creature that attacked Manhunter was aquatic, goes to see Aquaman. Barry returns home to meet his nephew Wally West. Seeing that Wally is very smart in addition to having super speed, Barry asks Wally to look into any work on technology that could've harmed the Martian Manhunter.

Batman ponders in the Batcave who could have discovered Martian Manhunter's weaknesses. It is revealed to the audience that Maxwell Lord has hacked Brother Eye and is observing Batman. He's also allied with Talia Al Ghul. Superman goes to see Aquaman, who at first believes Superman is accusing him. Aquaman is reluctant to help due to having lost his left hand last time he tried to help the surface, which is now made of water, but is convinced. Batman chases a biker gang. The chase is interrupted by a robotic being named OMAC Alpha, who easily begins to beat Batman, but Talia, who is watching with Maxwell, asks him not to kill Batman and Max complies since this was intended only as a test of its abilities. The OMAC reverts to an unconscious human person. Batman goes back to the Batcave to try and gain more information on the OMAC but is locked out of Brother Eye and greeted with five words "YOU DON'T CONTROL IT ANYMORE."

At Wonder Woman's penthouse. A metallic mosquito bites Aquaman, causing him to start to panic, suddenly afraid of Water. In panicked breathes he tells Wonder Woman that his Water made hand could help Martian Manhunter. The hand morphs around Martian Manhunter, encasing him in water. Meanwhile, John Stewart, in the his office in the Empire state Building, works while chewing on his pencil before he begins to act strange, his tongue turning black and his eyes rolling in their sockets, before he realizes he's blind. His ring sends out a distress signal and he is found by the other heroes. With no place seeming safe, the heroes retreat at Superman's suggestion, to the Fortress of Solitude. Iris and Barry meet again and she repeats the "You can't save the Whole World you know? and he responds with "Not. the whole world, just the little part with you in it." before they kiss.

One Day ago.

The Heroes have are at the Fortress of Solitude, deep within there is a replica of the Kent Farm. In the Batcave, Batman and Alfred continue their work. They uncover information on a government program called O.M.A.C. which transitioned into first supersoldiers, then mind control and then nanotech before being discontinued in 1999. Batman discovers Brother Eye has found the Fortress of Solitude and the heroes inside and rushes to the Batplane to warn them. in the Fortress, Flash asks the heroes about their powers. Flash sees his powers as a gift, thinking about how he enjoys the moments such as the peaceful silence between a person's heartbeats. Martian Manhunter asks Flash if he's ever gone faster than the speed of light. He comments that's he's gotten close but believed its impossible and that doing so is a "One way trip". Batman arrives to warn them about Brother Eye, the satellite he built and how it went rogue. The Heroes are furious but Batman insists he never intended to use it, only to keep it as a countermeasure if any of the heroes ever went rogue. Batman tells the heroes about the O.MA.C. program. The Flash's phone rings as it is IRIS. This causes a nano machine to jump into the Flash and cause him to phase through the Earth and nearly die by heading into the Earth's core but the League save him with Wonder Woman pulling Flash back with her lasso and Martian Manhunter guiding the blind Green Lantern to remove the nanite via surgery. Superman uses his X-ray vision to find that Martian Manhunter's condition is within his own skin. The group splits up. Flash takes the nanite to S.T.A.R. labs with Wonder Woman going with him. Superman goes to take down the Brother Eye satellite in space and the two Johns, Lantern and Manhunter, operate on removing the nanite in Aquaman's body.

The Batplane returns home. Alfred had Lucius Fox hack into Brother Eye, finding a file on Batman has been added. Batman asks what his weakness is. It's one massive word on the screen: LOVE. Batman recalls previous relationships( some of their faces are not seen at all in the quick glimpses but their identities are implied). They include Rachel Dawes, Julie Madison, Silver St.Cloud(identifiable by her white hair), Vicky Vale(a brief reeanactment of a scene from Burton's Batman but with Vicky's face concealed and with Bale in the Batman role, Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Talia Al Ghul. Batman flashes back to his last meeting with Talia Al Ghul where she implied future actions. Flash brings Wonder Woman to Planet Krypton where he eats large amounts of food due to his metabolism. Wally West arrives and reveals files he dug up revealing that Maxwell Lord, under a different name and as a child, was the sole survivor of project O.M.A.C. when it was in its mind control experimentation phase.

Batman confronts Maxwell and Talia. Maxwell activates O.M.AC. causing the wealthy people at Bruce's party and around the world to turn into O.M.A.C. drones. Batman is captured to lure the League there. Martian Manhunter communicates with everyone telepathically to save Batman. Superman and Wonder Woman arrive first with Wonder Woman trying to force Max to turn off the O.M.A.C.s. Max begins to bleed from every orifice of his body when Superman attacks Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman realizes Max is using his abilities to mind control Superman. Max smirks and tells Wonder Woman that Superman believes Wonder Woman murdered Lois Lane. This leads to an intense fight where Wonder Woman has her wrist broken. The fight is interrupted by Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, who had helped cure each other. Wonder Woman wraps her lasso around Max and asks how to stop everything. Max reveals only killing him would do that. As Wonder Woman ponders this, Batman suddenly snaps Lord's neck. This experience makes Superman realize that there should be contingencies against them.

Talia merges her body with Brother Eye and more and more people are turned into OMACs. Lord's voice comes over Brother Eye and a comment from him makes the League realize Lord slipped nanites into Planet Krypton's food. The League begin fighting OMACs, with the Flash racing across the world while Batman rips apart the wires connecting Talia Al Ghul. As Talia dies, she reveals that Lord is looking for a host body now that his old body has been killed, likely to posess a stronger than normal Omac. Wally West arrives to help and the Justice League stands fully assembled. Batman tells the League to watch out for a stronger OMACs. Flash transforms into an Omac due to having eaten the food. Superman fights the mind controlled flash, known as OMAC ULTRA. He damages it enough until Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth get through to Flash inside, who vibrates his body so fast he breaks free of the Omac, only to enter a new world where time is meaningless. It's peaceful. Flash runs back to see Iris one last time, who is frozen in the moment. He tells her "turns out I can save the whole world...So that's what I'm gonna do." with tears in his eyes. Flash admires the sunlight before he moved at impossible speeds around the world, freeing people from every OMAC and burning the nanites away. He begins to disappear. Wally tries to catch up with him and tells him he's going too fast. Barry says goodbye, before telling Wally "Tag. You're it" and then going even faster, breaking the speed barried and taking the OMAC ULTRA with him. There is a rip in space time as Barry's costume falls to the ground from the sky. Wally tells the League what happened.


At the Funeral, Batman goes to Barry Allen's grave, blaming himself for creating Brother Eye and drops a rose inside, telling him "Godspeed Flash, Godspeed." The League meet at the Fortress of Solitude with Wally West. Superman talks about how losing control scared him and he doesn't want that to happen again. Batman refuses by saying he is not a god like them, but the team says that is not only his greatest strength. That is all their greatest strength. Batman accepts, he and Superman shake hands. The moment is interrupted by a message coming on the screen in the Fortress of Solitude, showing Starro the Conqueror attacking Earth. Without another word, the newly assembled Justice League jumps into action.

The film was a hugue success. So much so that at the time, there were plans to greenlight a Teen Titans film. The Cartoon series had recently concluded. Though the idea of a live action TV Show was also pitched. It was decided to wait until Robin was introduced to move forward with a Teen Titans film.

Due to the production of a Jonah Hex TV Special in 2000 starring Thomas Jane(who campaigned to play the character and even took a picture of himself in full costume and makeup to try and get the part), the Jonah Hex film is butterflied away.​

Swamp Thing(2010)​

A reboot of the Wes Craven film written by Akiva Goldman with Vincenzo Natali directing.​

Green Lantern Corps(2011)​

A sequel to Green Lantern. The film introduces the Sinestro Corps as its main antagonists as well as Guy Gardner, who is brought in to help in the conflict.​

Constantine: City of Demons(2011)​

OTL this became a 2 part animated film. Here the film was turned into Live Action. Constantine discovers his friend Chas's daughter has entered a demonically induced coma and Constantine travels to Los Angeles to free her from the Demon's control.​
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Will JJ be helming the Star Wars sequels ITTL? And if so, will he actually have a plan?
The Star Wars Sequels have been butterflied away. There WERE Star Wars sequels but in the 90's, and they were adaptations of the Thrawn trilogy. Instead Star Wars went a route similar to OTL's Disney + Marvel shows. This includes a show called Resistance about a fleet of stormtroopers being pulled through time at the conclusion of Rebels. Ironically they are now the titular "Resistance" as the New Republic is doing quite well. Alternate versions of the Disney sequel trilogy cast are present such as Finn, Rose, Kylo Ren, and Rey(Luke's daughter ITTL).
The Star Wars Sequels have been butterflied away. There WERE Star Wars sequels but in the 90's, and they were adaptations of the Thrawn trilogy. Instead Star Wars went a route similar to OTL's Disney + Marvel shows. This includes a show called Resistance about a fleet of stormtroopers being pulled through time at the conclusion of Rebels. Ironically they are now the titular "Resistance" as the New Republic is doing quite well. Alternate versions of the Disney sequel trilogy cast are present such as Finn, Rose, Kylo Ren, and Rey(Luke's daughter ITTL).
Speaking of Disney+, will there be a What If...? show ITTL?
Speaking of Disney+, will there be a What If...? show ITTL?
Yes but a very different one as the structure of the MCU ITTL means they can do things like tell the “What if Spider-Man joined the Fantastic Four?”story but set it in the early 2000s.

also DC has its own version called “Elseworlds”.