Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

SO, regarding my previously mentioned plans to publish this... SeaLion Press has basically ghosted me, lol, so it seems they are uninterested. I looked into Amazon Self-Publishing but it seems I committed one of the classic blunders and was born in a poor country, so publishing is much more complicated. Mainly because my country has no treaty with the US regarding taxes so the good ol' IRS would take a good cut of the profit, and I think I'd even need a US Bank account, which I imagine would be hard to get. I have been considering other options, such as simply selling the polished and updated PDF here directly? Like, ask people to send like 5 dollars to a PayPal account (much easier to set up and which I can actually convert into money I can use) and I'd send them the PDF? Maybe it's silly to sell something that's free, and without DRM or anything they could share it freely... but again this whole story is free already. The main issue, even if there were people willing to do that, would be that the audience would be completely limited to the AH.com forums - or rather, this thread.

Well, I don't know what to do so I thought of asking for your advice and opinions here.
SO, regarding my previously mentioned plans to publish this... SeaLion Press has basically ghosted me, lol, so it seems they are uninterested. I looked into Amazon Self-Publishing but it seems I committed one of the classic blunders and was born in a poor country, so publishing is much more complicated. Mainly because my country has no treaty with the US regarding taxes so the good ol' IRS would take a good cut of the profit, and I think I'd even need a US Bank account, which I imagine would be hard to get. I have been considering other options, such as simply selling the polished and updated PDF here directly? Like, ask people to send like 5 dollars to a PayPal account (much easier to set up and which I can actually convert into money I can use) and I'd send them the PDF? Maybe it's silly to sell something that's free, and without DRM or anything they could share it freely... but again this whole story is free already. The main issue, even if there were people willing to do that, would be that the audience would be completely limited to the AH.com forums - or rather, this thread.

Well, I don't know what to do so I thought of asking for your advice and opinions here.
Have you considered publishing in a format similar to a blog? You could have it where you can set up a Patreon and have subscribers pay to access the blog, where the work is compilated together (and if you wanna bring in the side stories, you could potentially give those authors a slice of the profits, depending on the success of the Patreon). But that's just my idea.
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Gone Fishin'
SO, regarding my previously mentioned plans to publish this... SeaLion Press has basically ghosted me, lol, so it seems they are uninterested. I looked into Amazon Self-Publishing but it seems I committed one of the classic blunders and was born in a poor country, so publishing is much more complicated. Mainly because my country has no treaty with the US regarding taxes so the good ol' IRS would take a good cut of the profit, and I think I'd even need a US Bank account, which I imagine would be hard to get. I have been considering other options, such as simply selling the polished and updated PDF here directly? Like, ask people to send like 5 dollars to a PayPal account (much easier to set up and which I can actually convert into money I can use) and I'd send them the PDF? Maybe it's silly to sell something that's free, and without DRM or anything they could share it freely... but again this whole story is free already. The main issue, even if there were people willing to do that, would be that the audience would be completely limited to the AH.com forums - or rather, this thread.

Well, I don't know what to do so I thought of asking for your advice and opinions here.
There are some people who are published through SLP who might be able to advocate for you/mention you to the principals? @Doctor What is published through them, I believe, as is @CalBear , they might be able to lend a hand?
SO, regarding my previously mentioned plans to publish this... SeaLion Press has basically ghosted me, lol, so it seems they are uninterested. I looked into Amazon Self-Publishing but it seems I committed one of the classic blunders and was born in a poor country, so publishing is much more complicated. Mainly because my country has no treaty with the US regarding taxes so the good ol' IRS would take a good cut of the profit, and I think I'd even need a US Bank account, which I imagine would be hard to get. I have been considering other options, such as simply selling the polished and updated PDF here directly? Like, ask people to send like 5 dollars to a PayPal account (much easier to set up and which I can actually convert into money I can use) and I'd send them the PDF? Maybe it's silly to sell something that's free, and without DRM or anything they could share it freely... but again this whole story is free already. The main issue, even if there were people willing to do that, would be that the audience would be completely limited to the AH.com forums - or rather, this thread.

Well, I don't know what to do so I thought of asking for your advice and opinions here.
Well, Sorairo (may he have the best of luck in his other endeavors) did just fine with self-publishing his three TLs, though he's from Northern Ireland, but ultimately it is up to you.
Well, Sorairo (may he have the best of luck in his other endeavors) did just fine with self-publishing his three TLs, though he's from Northern Ireland, but ultimately it is up to you.
He might be difficult for people to get a hold of since he finished his last story on here, he said he would check his account occasionally but undefined what that meant in particular o:
He might be difficult for people to get a hold of since he finished his last story on here, he said he would check his account occasionally but undefined what that meant in particular o:
That's true, but I brought him up more as a precedent for the author to go ahead and self-publish his work like Sorairo before him.
SO, regarding my previously mentioned plans to publish this... SeaLion Press has basically ghosted me, lol, so it seems they are uninterested. I looked into Amazon Self-Publishing but it seems I committed one of the classic blunders and was born in a poor country, so publishing is much more complicated. Mainly because my country has no treaty with the US regarding taxes so the good ol' IRS would take a good cut of the profit, and I think I'd even need a US Bank account, which I imagine would be hard to get. I have been considering other options, such as simply selling the polished and updated PDF here directly? Like, ask people to send like 5 dollars to a PayPal account (much easier to set up and which I can actually convert into money I can use) and I'd send them the PDF? Maybe it's silly to sell something that's free, and without DRM or anything they could share it freely... but again this whole story is free already. The main issue, even if there were people willing to do that, would be that the audience would be completely limited to the AH.com forums - or rather, this thread.

Well, I don't know what to do so I thought of asking for your advice and opinions here.
I'd pay $5 for it
Patreon may be your most practical option, or perhaps Ko-Fi, or something similar. Ko-Fi, allowing a one-time payment for a thing, may be the most useful option, as Patreon is a monthly subscription, relying on regular content for the patrons.
Patreon may be your most practical option, or perhaps Ko-Fi, or something similar. Ko-Fi, allowing a one-time payment for a thing, may be the most useful option, as Patreon is a monthly subscription, relying on regular content for the patrons.
Seconded, Ko-fi and Gumroad are pretty solid platforms for one-off sales if you don't think a regular Patreon would be feasible. Patreon can also be configured as pay-by-release instead of pay-by-month, however, so subscribers would pay their set rate whenever you updated and there wouldn't be the pressure to keep up a regular schedule of updates.