What if Don Shula left the Dolphins to coach for the NJ Generals?

In 1984 New Jersey Generals owner Donald Trump tried to lure Don Shula into coaching for his football team. However Shula wanted a condominium inside Trump Tower however Trump balked at that request. And alas he wasn't hired. However what if Trump granted Shula's request and coached for the New Jersey Generals? I know this would normally be in After 1900 or Non Political Chat but considering it's Trump I'm taking the safe route. If the mods see otherwise they can move it.
I think it’s a VERY interesting premise emk!
I would have to say the USFL would still have gone under regardless. This is not a knock in any way on Mr Shula- it’s just that
the USFL, regardless of a top coach joining
it’s ranks, would still- as IOTL- have too much going against it(or not enough going
for it).
Trump is still Trump. And by that, I mean he still tries to take on the NFL and sinks the USFL. Shula lands on his feet somewhere and tools around for some team as a coach/consultant while the Dolphins try to figure it out.
I wonder- if somehow the USFL had made it,
would Mr T have run for President in 2016?
Again, if it had, it’s possible-

1- That Trump would be too absorbed by
running the NJ Generals to get interes-
ted in politics; OR

2- He finds something else sports related
to plunge into, again thus steering him
away from politics.

Which makes me wonder- & I’m being quite
serious- is that the USFL failing could be a
“What if?” akin to Major League Baseball
considering, but ultimately deciding not to,
make one Richard Milhouse Nixon it’s comm-
issioner in the mid- 1960’s.
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