WI Mark Antony Died in Parthia in 36 BC

So here's a question that's been on my head for a while, but what if Mark Antony died/was killed during his failed invasion of Parthia in 36 BC? Obviously Octavian is now the last of the Second Triumvirate's remaining with Lepidus having been forced into an early retirement by this point, but would he be able to keep his grip on power in this situation? How would he move forward?

Also, what would be the fate of Cleopatra in this situation and how would she proceed? All of her OTL children by Antony would have still be born in this ITTL, so what would be their fates, as well as the fate of Caesarion? After all, there is no Donations of Alexandria speech from OTL happening here. Is Cleopatra able to remain as ruler of Egypt or would Octavian still view Caesarion as too much of a threat, even without the Donations of Alexandria speech?
Cleopatra's modus operandi was to ally herself to a strong man to secure her position.

Does she have any chance with Octavian? If not who does she set her gaze upon?

Does Octavian have Caesarion killed/poisoned before Cleopatra can have him killed/poisoned?