WI Philip II of Spain dies in 1542?

While still only 15 years old Philip II of Spain accompanied the Duke of Alba in the siege of Perpignan, in August 1542. So, suppose the young prince is wounded or get a disease and dies in late August or early September 1542. It wouldn't change the outcome of the 9th Italian War between the Habsburgs and the Valois. But what would happen then?

Charles V never remarried IOTL after the death of his wife Isabella of Portugal. Would he make his daughter Mary his heir? She would probably still be married to a son of Ferdinand I, if not Maximilian as IOTL, and so the Spanish inheritance would be kept with the Habsburgs. Or would Charles search for a bride in order to try to have a male heir? And if he does so, who could be his new wife?
Just some ideas of brides for Charles V if he decides to remarry in order to ensure a male heir:

a) his niece Maria of Portugal, Duchess of Viseu (Habsburg inbreeding, I know...:rolleyes:)

b) Margaret of France, daughter of Francis I (maybe as part of a peace deal?)

c) a daughter of Sigismund I of Poland (Sophia, Anna or Catherine)

d) Mary Tudor (I doubt Henry VIII would allow, though)

Anyone else?
Just some ideas of brides for Charles V if he decides to remarry in order to ensure a male heir:

a) his niece Maria of Portugal, Duchess of Viseu (Habsburg inbreeding, I know...:rolleyes:)

b) Margaret of France, daughter of Francis I (maybe as part of a peace deal?)

c) a daughter of Sigismund I of Poland (Sophia, Anna or Catherine)

d) Mary Tudor (I doubt Henry VIII would allow, though)

Anyone else?

Charles V would marry Mary Tudor if he recognizes the divorce between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon and perhaps a habsburg marriage as well.
Considering that Charles V did not get remarried in OTL, I could still see him remaining a bachelor in TTL. In TTL, a marriage between his daughter Maria and his nephew OTL’s Emperor Maximilian II would still ensure the succession remains in the house of Habsburg. In TTL, Ferdinand I would likely make sure his second son Ferdinand is elected to the thrones of Hungary and Bohemia. In TTL, Ferdinand I would likely still try to get Maximilian elected King of the Romans as sort of insurance for Maximilian if Mary were to predecease Maximilian (and leave Maximilian with no lands under his control). If would be interesting to see how Maximilian would rule the Spanish Empire in TTL.
Considering that Charles V did not get remarried in OTL, I could still see him remaining a bachelor in TTL. In TTL, a marriage between his daughter Maria and his nephew OTL’s Emperor Maximilian II would still ensure the succession remains in the house of Habsburg. In TTL, Ferdinand I would likely make sure his second son Ferdinand is elected to the thrones of Hungary and Bohemia. In TTL, Ferdinand I would likely still try to get Maximilian elected King of the Romans as sort of insurance for Maximilian if Mary were to predecease Maximilian (and leave Maximilian with no lands under his control). If would be interesting to see how Maximilian would rule the Spanish Empire in TTL.

Assuming Charles doesn't remarry, would the entire Spanish inheritance go to Maximilian and Mary or Ferdinand would try to take advantage and make Charles accept to give the Burgundian lands to one of his sons?
I do not see Ferdinand I not being content with Mary inheriting the whole Spanish inheritance. In TTL, Ferdinand the Younger would inherit what Maximilian did in OTL, Hungary, Bohemia, and a portion of the Austrian hereditary lands. That is a formidable inheritance for any prince let alone a second son. Mary would not want to give up her succession rights to any of the Spanish inheritance. Besides, Maximilian and Ferdinand the Younger did not get along so I can not see Maximilian supporting the idea of depriving his own descendents by granting the Burgundian inheritance to Ferdinand. Ferdinand I was a practical ruler and he would be more than pleased to see Maximilian rule over the Spanish Empire.