Writing Question: Fictional Characters with the Same Forename as Historical Characters

I'm working on an AH TL set during the late 19th century, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock:

One of the fictional characters in the TL will be encountering a number of RL historical characters, a number of which have the same name.

Can I get away with fictional characters having the same name as certain historical characters (Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, etc.), or should I opt for something more period-accurate exotic?

(For the record, there are multiple historical people in the TL with the same first name, and one of the fictional characters is already named Enoch.)
What specific historical figures do you have in mind, and what's the name of the fictional character? I'd need more details to make a judgment here.
What specific historical figures do you have in mind, and what's the name of the fictional character? I'd need more details to make a judgment here.
Civil War and Reconstruction-era America.

Two of the main POV characters converse with Union and CSA military officers, politicians, and civilians (whole bunch of people named James, Joseph, Thomas, Samuel, William, etc.). One of the fictional characters is a USCT officer named “____ Coyle” from Maryland.

(I have half a mind to start naming some fictional people “Absalom” or “Erasmus”.)
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Civil War and Reconstruction-era America.

Two of the main POV characters converse with Union and CSA military officers, politicians, and civilians (whole bunch of people named James, Joseph, Thomas, Samuel, William, etc.). One of the fictional characters is a USCT officer named “____ Coyle” from Maryland.

(I have half a mind to start naming some fictional people “Absalom” or “Erasmus”.)
Well, in that era, as you know, there were quite a few very common names; it's unavoidable. Where I could see problems might be if you have a character who appears to be named for a historical figure but who doesn't seem to fit the mold — readers might see that as a failure to form the character according to expectations.

Feel free to give a character any Old Testament name you like. I had ancestors in the 19th century US with first names that covered pretty much the whole list, with Eliezers, Ebenezers and numerous Elijahs. I imagine many people with Biblical names knew the origin and saw connections in their lives; it's something to add to a story.