
  1. Nightingale

    1980s Democratic Revolution

    There are numerous ways in which this could happen. For example, have Carter or the 1976 Democratic nominee lose to Ford or Reagan. Then by 1980, when things go awry for the incumbent Republican. the people will now be sick of 12 years of GOP rule and the turmoil of the years 1978-80, and crush...
  2. Gukpard

    What was Paul Samuelson logic on the soviet economy?

    Paul Samuelson was a american economist that won the nobel prize, the swedish royal academy even said that "he has done more than any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory" He was know for extrapolating and using fake data of the soviet...
  3. Ides of March: A Changed Britain

    A second shot at an old story I did, with a different format. ... 1. November 7, 1980 “BBC News, at six o’clock. Good evening. It’s been a day of counting losses and gains following yesterday’s dramatic election result. Though the calculations of final results are still underway in some...
  4. Jaguars4life

    Healing the Nation. A Gerald Ford 1976 collab timeline

    POD:Gerald Ford never mentions anything about Soviet domination in the debates. November 2th 1976: Gerald Ford wins reelection after narrowing winning Florida and Ohio. Feel free to add anything. Just don't get too ASBish.
  5. What if Muldoon toppled in 'Colonel's Coup'?

    In 1980, there was an attempt to unseat Robert Muldoon, National Party Prime Minister of New Zealand at the time. It was called the Colonel's Coup, but contrary to what you might think, it was not a military coup but an attempt to remove him as leader of the National Party and replace him with...
  6. Pokemon Master

    Within A Claw's Reach: A Collaborative "Eagle Claw Succeeds" TL

    April 24-25, 1980: The U.S. Army and the CIA successfully complete Operation Eagle Claw and rescue the remaining American hostages in Iran. April 25, 1980: The rescued hostages land in a secret location in Florida. April 26, 1980: President Carter publicly announces the success of Operation...
  7. A Nation Healed Again and Broken Again (Gerald Ford elected in 1980.)

    The POD for this is in 1976. Reagan's primary challenge against President Ford is successful with the possible Pod being that Reagan does not name Schweiker as his running mate until after he secures the nomination. Carter, despite running a flawed campaign in the general election, defeats...
  8. To Toss A Monkey Wrench: A World Without The Gipper

    To Toss A Monkey Wrench: A World Without The Gipper 17-year old Ronald Reagan (pictured above in his lifeguard uniform) in 1927, a year before his death. As we typically like to do here at the Dixon Daily Paper [1], we'll take a flashback to the past and rehash or review a story that our...
  9. Earlier George H.W. Bush Presidency (1981-1989)

    The easiest ways for this to happen are obviously Bush winning the nomination in 1980 over Ronald Reagan or John Hinckley Jr. successfully assassinating Reagan. Either way, how do you think a Bush 1981-1989 Presidency would unfold? Bush was considered more of a centrist, so I'd expect less...
  10. AHC WI : Labour Wins 1987 UK Election

    Your challenge, should you accept it, is with a PoD after the 1983 UK election, have Labour win the 1987 UK election. If that's too hard, it can be the 1979 election, but try 1983 first. The election date can be moved back, I'm just saying goes 1987 to make it clear which election it is. This is...
  11. Katarn

    A Rainbow Fades: How Jesse Jackson Brought Down the Democratic Party - A Wikibox TL

    So... you're trying another TL? Yep. Didn't you end the first one after one post? Yes, but I have a thicker skin now. I replaced it with Adamantium. That is so tacky... Says you. So this one will actually happen then? Definitely. You say that now... It will happen, so sayeth Clint...
  12. Iranian-American War in the 1980s

    Based on @Gonzo's Timeline Follow the Money: Fear and Loathing in Mecham's America, what if the United States would have declared war on the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 1980s? The president does not have to be necessarily Evan Mecham/Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush to achieve this. Would...
  13. Reagan gets his 600 ship navy

    So let's say that the Cold War is more intense in the '80s and Congress is more willing to find the money for the Reagan administration's naval build-up. What effect does a larger navy have on the US ship-building industry, on the course of the cold war if the USSR survives into the 1990s and...
  14. Once in a country: Spain 1983-1990

    Once in a country: Spain 1983-1990 *** I have a déjà vu... Hiya... You again? YES! I see... well... what's this about? Well...like the other TL, you know... Yes...like a TLIAW but longer.... Yes! After making Carrero to survive the assasination attempt, turning...
  15. President Moonbeam: The Story of an Altered America

    President Moonbeam: The Story of an Altered America (Title card made by sargenthawk) ---- Chapter 1: Democracy At Its Finest ---- "Well, let it be known to the citizens of Eastern Europe that under a Ford administration, they will not be doomed to living out the rest of their...
  16. True Grit

    The Populist Problem of Preston Manning: An Infobox Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Elections of 1988 and 1993

    I originally posted this first entry in the Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II thread, but on second thought I've decided to make a thread specifically devoted to it, to avoid cluttering up the other thread. Hope you enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------...
  17. Petike

    Motorsport WI: Group S isn't stillborn

    When Group B was cancelled in the mid 1980s due to FIA's growing concerns over the safety record of these rally cars, the eventual replacement/stopgap solution proposed was the introduction of Group S. However, in OTL, while there was some development going into Group S (e.g. 4 car prototypes...
  18. Petike

    SAAB Automobile AB not sold to General Motors in the 1980s - Outcomes ?

    Those of you who know a thing or two about European and Swedish car brands will know that SAAB's history changed quite a bit after it was acquired by General Motors in the late 1980s. General Motors has been blamed, especially since the late 1990s or so, of not managing this overseas brand all...
  19. There Is No Depression: Protect and Survive New Zealand
    Threadmarks: I: Everybody's Talking About World War Three

    Right, procrastinating from uni to get ahead with this: expect a lot of stops and starts as I try to juggle writer's block and essays, but I will try my best to keep updates coming - probably tri-weekly to monthly at first, though if I really get into this TL (and if there's enough...