franco-prussian war

  1. EasternRomanEmpire

    WI: The Second French Republic survives

    What if Napoleon III didn't do a self-coup and elections are held in 1952? Would this republic be more stable than the Third French Republic? Could Nap III be influential in the politics of this France? Would the Crimean War still happen? How do Franco-British relations continue? Will Bismarck...
  2. jhuro

    Could Germany and France reconcile if Alsace-Lorraine remains French?

    Let’s suppose that the Franco-Prussian war ends as IIRC Bismarck wanted it to - Germany is unified, but Alsace-Lorraine isn’t seized, and no French colonies are taken as spoils of war either. Would France still be a permanent enemy of Germany into the 20th century, or could a more amicable peace...
  3. WI: Napoleon III -> Plon-Plon -> ?

    I came across this reply in a Belgian Luxembourg thread; I don't know whether it is realistic or not but lets assume it occurs. Lets say that the Prince Imperial is never born so Plon-Plon succeeds him as his next closest male relative and enacts more liberal reforms--without the Paris Commune...
  4. Culture of the Kingdom of France

    After the Franco-Prussian War, both within and without France many expected the country to stay a monarchy, albeit under the Bourbon or Orleans. However, that idea never came to pass due to the refusal of the Comte de Chambord, the Legitimist claimant, to accept the throne. Then France went from...
  5. Divided States and Franco Prussian Shenanigans

    Was working on a simple alt hist idea with a friend and am new to this sort of thing and wanted to see if there was any interesting ideas here. Main points of divergence are: 1. The Articles of Confederation fail. There are two many differences between the states and they simply can't...
  6. SunZi

    WI: No Franco-Prussian War ?

    The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 had many consequences in the history of Europe and the world at the end of the 19th century. This war poorly prepared by the French Empire cost him many men, the loss of Alsace and Lorraine, a military occupation and the collapse of the imperial regime then in...
  7. Challenge: French Victory in Franco Prussian War, POD after Sedan

    First thread! I've searched a bit on here for alternate Franco Prussian timelines, but none of them involve a POD after the Battle of Sedan on September 2, 1870. Can you make the French Republic win this one? Victory is defined as any peace that does not involve loss of land, payment of...
  8. No Franco-Prussian War - Does a Great War/WW1 still happen?

    Assume Napoleon III dies in 1870 before declaration of war throwing French war plans against Prussia in disarray. Republican revolt breaks out in Paris and the political instability causes any idea of war and revenge against Prussia's "insult" to temporarily dissipate. By the time the Commune is...
  9. PC: Bonapartist Franco-Spanish Dual Monarchy

    Napoleon III does not invade Mexico. The funds that were used for the war are put towards investing in military technology, improving military training, and reforming the conscription system. The Luxembourg Crisis escalates and causes the Franco-Prussian war to occur in 1867. The war is short...
  10. Friedrich der Große

    More Uit De Blauwe South Africa

    So I found this timeline: And a continuation of it: So maybe I want to continue...
  11. What if France won the Franco-Prussian war?

    I’ve been reading around the Franco-Prussian war, and was wondering what the effects of a French victory would mean. By French victory, I mean a situation where The North German Confederation is unable to break through Alcase, the South German States don’t join the North German Confederation...
  12. What if Louis Napoleon's plan to immigrate to the Kingdom of Siam success.How that could change French-Thai relation after Franco-Prussian War

    What if Louis Napoleon's plan to immigrate to the Kingdom of Siam success.How that could change French-Thai relation after Franco-Prussian War because he is send telegraph to migrate to Siam during Franco-Prussian War.If he & some Bonaparte family is creating France Empire in Exile in Siam.
  13. Aluma

    WI: Napoleon III dies between 1860-1861

    It still astonishes me that there was a second French Empire with yet another Napoleon after yet another overthrown Republic Curiously enough he was very sick, from urogenital to fiber dysplasia, dying in 1873 So it makes me wonder... Napoleon III's foreign policy would only become known as a...
  14. WI: The Franco-Prussian War Ended with a French Collaboration Government?

    So I'm imagining a situation where armistice negotiations break down entirely near the end of the war and the fighting drags on for six more months or so. Paris is likely heavily cratered from shelling by this time and the Prussians have taken the city by force. The population has very mixed...
  15. AltoRegnant

    WI Germany Took Indochina Instead Of Alsace-Lorraine In Treaty of Frankfurt?

    The Prussian leadership that dominated the North German Confederation never wanted to take Alsace-Lorraine in the treaty of Frankfurt, not wanting a permanent enemy in France. But the south german states demanded it, seeing it as a buffer against Paris's aggression. France, for their part was...
  16. Disraeli2004

    The Decade of Disaster: What if the Franco-Prussian War Escalated? (relaunched)
    Threadmarks: Part 1- The Treaty of Prague and Resumption of War

    Part 1: The Treaty of Prague and Resumption of War The Balkans aren't worth the life of a single Pomeranian grenadier!’- Otto Von Bismarck, 1866. Chapter One: The Treaty of Prague and Resumption of War The War with Austria was deceptively decisive. Engineered by Otto Von Bismarck, this war...
  17. WI: The Luxembourg Crisis escalates

    After the Dutch King called off the sale of Luxembourg to France. Napoleon III threatened war if Prussia didnt withdraw its troops from the fortress there. IOTL this was followed by Zar Alexander II calling for an international conference where the issue was resolved. What if there is no...
  18. WI: France forms an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1870 against Prussia

    Following the defeat of Austria in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, France was considering an alliance with Austria-Hungary, but Austria-Hungary would only do it if Italy joined in and Italy would only join if Napoleon III recognized Rome as Italy's capital. Napolean was considering this as late...
  19. TheDoofusUser

    Sources and Help needed for a TL idea

    So, I've been thinking and I realized that this site hasn't had a good TL on what if Leopold became King of Spain in 1871 since The Legacy of the Glorious by the lovely Marquil, so I was planning on writing a TL about that myself. Here are some ideas I have and I am willing to hear if they're...
  20. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: France Loses The Franco-Prussian War?

    OTL, despite some early successes, the Prussian military was ultimately repulsed by the Second French Empire and Bismarck's web of central european friends and clients dissolved as France marched for Berlin once more in the 19th century, as the French had modernized much more successfully than...