Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

On the social justice front I think that for Jon Burge there needs to be a MAJOR scandal that not only sees someone exonerated, but also lays bare the full scale of both the corruption and depravity.

There’s a real case (Kevin Cooper in CA), where there’s a pretty strong likelihood he’s innocent but a lot of vested interest in upholding the system means he’s still on death row (a law firm hired to do an independent investigation limited their review to documents presented at trial despite a.) acknowledging that it was important to examine all documents in the state’s possession and b.) actually having subpoena power to twist the state’s arm if they had truly wanted. The guy they had to evaluate claims of evidence tampering was also close friends with the guy Cooper accused of doing most of the tampering. Unsurprisingly the investigation said that there was no tampering or misconduct). The Wikipedia article sums up the whole sordid story:

Going back to Burge I think that there could be a case similarly fucked up (ie an innocent man was framed for a monstrous crime. There’s a lot of racial tensions and the guy gets death row.) Burge is majorly involved, using torture to get a confession.

Ultimately the early 90s see DNA testing done and the testing not only fully proves the guy’s innocence, it also reveals the actual perpetrator (a white man, while the guy tortured into confessing is a black man). This triggers more of an investigation into Burge’s crimes that results in dozens of other cases being overturned and triggering a nationwide debate on policing (the unions violently resist the conclusions of the report).

Burge ultimately looses his pension for it and while not jailed for torture is jailed for perjury (happened to Burge OTL).
I really think this would be the way to do it. It would not only expose Burge but it would go to show what some people would be willing to cover up to avoid admitting that the system is screwed up and needs to be fixed.


That said, there’s a lot of pushback. Law and Order conservatives see stripping an officer of his pension as setting bad precedent, or get upset if people say other departments are similarly dirty. It also results in other wrongful convictions being overturned during the later part of the 90s in Illinois (which only adds fuel to the fire, as the corrupt establishment tries to avoid being called to account.

In addition, really read into the Kevin Cooper case. If the guy is innocent (and there is reason to believe such) it’s probably one of the biggest instances of corruption ever
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That said, there’s a lot of pushback. Law and Order conservatives see stripping an officer of his pension as setting bad precedent, or get upset if people say other departments are similarly dirty. It also results in other wrongful convictions being overturned during the later part of the 90s in Illinois (which only adds fuel to the fire, as the corrupt establishment tries to avoid being called to account.

In addition, really read into the Kevin Cooper case. If the guy is innocent (and there is reason to believe such) it’s probably one of the biggest instances of corruption ever
They can complain all they want, I'd rather see a precedent be set than see an innocent man and countless others like him he put to death for a crime he didn't commit.

You know another thing that should probably happen is a group of journalist publish an expose on Jon Burge's interrogation tactics. I'm sure there has to be at least one or two guilty-conscious police officers who would willingly be sources for them.


The chicago reader did an expose in 1990.

And there were a few. In OTL what happened was that the people's law office was representing Andrew Wilson (a real dirtbag). An officer who was called "Deep Badge" got in contact and told them to speak to a man named Melvin Jones. Melvin was another of Burge's victims, and from there they found I believe a few others. The fact that many convicts who never met were telling the same story was first really made public during the trial.

Deep Badge actually remained anonymous because "I don't want what happened to officer Laverty to happen to me."

Note: Cooper is california. Burge was Chicago Illinois.
Speaking of system reform. @President_Lincoln I don't know what your plans are for Jeffrey Dahmer, but it is notorious that one of Dahmer's victims was interviewed by two police officers and then was given back to Dahmer after he told them it was a "Boyfriend thing" and the officers and wrote it off as a right between two boyfriends. The officers also made homophobic remarks and this particular victim was 14 years old, and IOTL they were never punished for their cluster screw up. They were suspended but their union got them back on the job and I was wondering do you think there's a chance either A) Dahmer could be caught early or B) The officers could actually face punishment ITTL for giving the 14 year old back to Dahmer?
The chicago reader did an expose in 1990.

And there were a few. In OTL what happened was that the people's law office was representing Andrew Wilson (a real dirtbag). An officer who was called "Deep Badge" got in contact and told them to speak to a man named Melvin Jones. Melvin was another of Burge's victims, and from there they found I believe a few others. The fact that many convicts who never met were telling the same story was first really made public during the trial.

Deep Badge actually remained anonymous because "I don't want what happened to officer Laverty to happen to me."

Note: Cooper is california. Burge was Chicago Illinois.
Maybe it needs to be a bigger paper, I mean I don't know how many people read the Chicago reader but maybe a paper that has a big readership nationwide needs to do this story like the tribune.
I have a possible spinoff idea that people can contribute to:

Tales of a better world. It shows profiles of original characters from the timeline.

I can give two examples:

Andrea Stone: A writer who is heavily inspired to pursue a writing career in sci fi and spy fiction in part by Marilyn Monroe. A major feminist, she gets tapped to write the Winter Trilogy for Star Wars. Is initially somewhat controversial amongst the fandom, partially because sci fi and fantasy was a boys club for a while but also because she’s bold (Winter, the main character is a spy who is all too willing to use sex to get what she wants, and even when not on duty is pretty casual about it. The story doesn’t judge her for taking multiple men into her bed).

Andrea also has a career in Spy Fiction, though she leans more tinker tailor soldier spy than Connery bond (while some of the later versions of Bond ultimately earn her respect the Connery Bonds ultimately don’t due to the rampant sexism…..though she does give the ending of YOLT credit.)

Jane and Joseph: Zimbabweans trying to build a relationship in post unity Zimbabwe. Jane is a white Zimbabwean and the daughter of a wealthy farmer….and Joseph is the son of one of the workers.
I love the idea of exploring the average ordinary people living in Blue Skies. 😁👍


Can we get an alternate history Ghostbusters story with the original title Ghost Smashers story featuring the original cast and story with Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stanz John Belushi as Peter Venkman Eddie Murphy as Winston Zeddemore Jeff Goldblum as Egon Spengler Paul Reubens as Ivo Shandor/Gozer and John Candy as Louis Tully
I have a possible spinoff idea that people can contribute to:

Tales of a better world. It shows profiles of original characters from the timeline.

I can give two examples:

Andrea Stone: A writer who is heavily inspired to pursue a writing career in sci fi and spy fiction in part by Marilyn Monroe. A major feminist, she gets tapped to write the Winter Trilogy for Star Wars. Is initially somewhat controversial amongst the fandom, partially because sci fi and fantasy was a boys club for a while but also because she’s bold (Winter, the main character is a spy who is all too willing to use sex to get what she wants, and even when not on duty is pretty casual about it. The story doesn’t judge her for taking multiple men into her bed).

Andrea also has a career in Spy Fiction, though she leans more tinker tailor soldier spy than Connery bond (while some of the later versions of Bond ultimately earn her respect the Connery Bonds ultimately don’t due to the rampant sexism…..though she does give the ending of YOLT credit.)

Jane and Joseph: Zimbabweans trying to build a relationship in post unity Zimbabwe. Jane is a white Zimbabwean and the daughter of a wealthy farmer….and Joseph is the son of one of the workers.
I adore this idea for a spin-off thread. Years ago, I attempted something called "Blue Skies in Camelot: Closer to Home" which was essentially supposed to be this... A microhistory thread that told the stories of ordinary people ITTL. I will definitely launch this sometime soon, and put a person or two in there to get the ball rolling. Love the ideas you have here, your Lordship.

Speaking of system reform. @President_Lincoln I don't know what your plans are for Jeffrey Dahmer, but it is notorious that one of Dahmer's victims was interviewed by two police officers and then was given back to Dahmer after he told them it was a "Boyfriend thing" and the officers and wrote it off as a right between two boyfriends. The officers also made homophobic remarks and this particular victim was 14 years old, and IOTL they were never punished for their cluster screw up. They were suspended but their union got them back on the job and I was wondering do you think there's a chance either A) Dahmer could be caught early or B) The officers could actually face punishment ITTL for giving the 14 year old back to Dahmer?
Assuming this situation isn't butterflied, it's certainly possible for Dahmer to be caught earlier. It's a shame how often victims are ignored or not listened to by the authorities.

Tito is supposed to be dead for a few months now.
Who has succeeded him?
I hope we can avoid the mess that happened in our timeline.
Lazar Koliševski has, for the moment, succeeded Tito. Given that Tito had designated him as his heir apparent several years before Tito's death, Koliševski has an added sense of legitimacy here. That said, he's already 67 himself by 1981. The time is fast approaching for Yugoslavia to either A. Need a new generation of leadership and to rethink it's structure or B. Develop a plan for how to dissolve peacefully.

Can we get an alternate history Ghostbusters story with the original title Ghost Smashers story featuring the original cast and story with Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stanz John Belushi as Peter Venkman Eddie Murphy as Winston Zeddemore Jeff Goldblum as Egon Spengler Paul Reubens as Ivo Shandor/Gozer and John Candy as Louis Tully
Do not fear. Ghostbusters (or Ghostsmashers, etc.) Will be covered in 1984.
LordYam's Notes on a 007 Retcon


I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.
I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.
Interesting ideas. Especially your idea's of the Bond character becoming more respectful of woman as feminism grows
Ghostbusters was at least partially inspired by Reagan (Walter Peck was a caricature of big government)
True. I've read that the idea of having the Ghostbusters be a start-up business was inspired by how many start-ups were being built at the time. I could still see the latter of these being a plot point here. Maybe instead of Peck being a bureaucrat, he's a Wall Street shark who wants to hurt the Ghostbusters' business so that he can buy up their tech and launch his own brand? (Like a corporate raider).

I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.
Interesting ideas for sure. Maybe if I have time, I can write these up into a Connery-retrospective.
I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.

Very interesting concept for an alternate start to James Bond films.


I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.
Note: Another possibility is Blofeld creating a plague that he plans to unleash on the world
I also proposed an idea for an alt Bond with minimum modifications. This may result in some retcons but I think it might be worth doing.

1962: Dr. No. Largely untouched due to butterflies.

1963: From Russia with Love. Again largely untouched.

1964: Goldfinger. Untouched.

1965: Thunderball. Largely the same. Notably the scene where Connery’s bond presses a woman for sex is lambasted later. Alternately they could get rid of it (who knows, Marilyn’s denouncing Goldfinger as sexist rubbish might cause a bit more blowback).

1967: OHMSS. Due to butterflies the weather in Switzerland is good enough that they proceed with this one. Bond falls truly in love, and the events of Casino Royale are hinted at (namely that he fell in love and she broke his heart). He also meets Blofeld for the first time. Donald Pleasence is Blofeld here.

1969: YOLT: Blofeld’s plan is to provoke World War III, and his machinations bring both parties very close to the edge; not sure it would involve the space program if it’s a joint operation but I can definitely see Blofeld doing something. Bond and Blofeld have their final fight, ending with Bond strangling Blofeld to death. Notably, in an INCREDIBLY ballsy move Bond and Kissy end up together; Bond falls in love with her over the course of the movie and she helps him come to terms with Tracy’s death. The climax even sees Blofeld trying to cruelly kill her (he taunts Bond about how he’ll have to watch another woman he loves die).

1971: Diamonds Are Forever. Connery extracts conditions in exchange for his return. Because he rather liked the ending of YOLT he insists that Bond not sleep around, and be faithful to Kissy. Plenty O’Toole hits on him, but Bond politely refuses her advances. The plot is some villains trying to revive Spectre, and Bond only agrees to come back to make sure they stay dead.

At this point Connery bows out. There are some fears of the series having run its course but ultimately they bounce back with a clear reboot. To differentiate from Connery the plots are more grounded and based on the books (though due to increasing feminism Bond is more a chivalrous pervert. He’ll sleep around but never bang women without consent, and he treats his lovers with courtesy.

The Spectre controversy becomes less of an issue due to YOLT wrapping it up. Blofeld goes down as a milestone in pop culture villainy but new evil organizations replace Spectre going forward.

I also think that Marilyn might finally deign to appear in a Bond Film if the script impresses her.
A little to add on regarding Bond...
I love the opening sequence of For Your Eyes Only (1981). Since half of it was a giant finger to the guy who had the rights to Blofeld (can't remember the name, feel free to correct me.), I want to preserve Bond visiting Tracy's grave.
Now, in our timeline, this was added with the assumption that Roger Moore would bow out after Moonraker. Bond visiting Tracy's grave was to establish continuity.
So, I propose that a new actor play James Bond from 1981's movie.

My picks will be the same as the possible candidates from our timeline, with a wildcard.
01. Lewis Collins
02. Michael Billington
03. Michael Jayston
04. Timothy Dalton
05. Christopher Reeve (he'll probably take this role to diversify his portfolio, so to speak...)
Feel free to add on any other actors, the only limitation is them being from the British Isles (Lazenby isn't around here.)
A little to add on regarding Bond...
I love the opening sequence of For Your Eyes Only (1981). Since half of it was a giant finger to the guy who had the rights to Blofeld (can't remember the name, feel free to correct me.), I want to preserve Bond visiting Tracy's grave.
Now, in our timeline, this was added with the assumption that Roger Moore would bow out after Moonraker. Bond visiting Tracy's grave was to establish continuity.
So, I propose that a new actor play James Bond from 1981's movie.

My picks will be the same as the possible candidates from our timeline, with a wildcard.
01. Lewis Collins
02. Michael Billington
03. Michael Jayston
04. Timothy Dalton
05. Christopher Reeve (he'll probably take this role to diversify his portfolio, so to speak...)
Feel free to add on any other actors, the only limitation is them being from the British Isles (Lazenby isn't around here.)
There will probably be off-hand mentions of the events of OHMSS throughout Glover's tenure as it was with Moore's tenure in our timeline.
A little to add on regarding Bond...
I love the opening sequence of For Your Eyes Only (1981). Since half of it was a giant finger to the guy who had the rights to Blofeld (can't remember the name, feel free to correct me.), I want to preserve Bond visiting Tracy's grave.
Now, in our timeline, this was added with the assumption that Roger Moore would bow out after Moonraker. Bond visiting Tracy's grave was to establish continuity.
So, I propose that a new actor play James Bond from 1981's movie.

My picks will be the same as the possible candidates from our timeline, with a wildcard.
01. Lewis Collins
02. Michael Billington
03. Michael Jayston
04. Timothy Dalton
05. Christopher Reeve (he'll probably take this role to diversify his portfolio, so to speak...)
Feel free to add on any other actors, the only limitation is them being from the British Isles (Lazenby isn't around here.)

Very nice choices, though aside from Reeve, the others are British. Surprised you mentioned an American as a version of Bond.
Very nice choices, though aside from Reeve, the others are British. Surprised you mentioned an American as a version of Bond.
Honest mistake on my part, though Adam West, James Brolin, and Burt Reynolds were seriously considered for the role. Brolin actually bought a house in London thinking he got it.
You also have the opportunity for someone less conventionally handsome to play the role. Fleming himself described Bond as looking like Hoagy Carmichael, so there's a reference point.